Game 6 - It was not Death, for I stood up

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make hers mark
SoSH Member
Oct 6, 2010
Moving the Line
In the rink, a clash of might,
A fierce encounter, pale with fright,
The Boston Bruins, clad in gold,
Faced Panthers’ roar, both brave and bold.

A tale of ice and skates and dreams,
Where victory’s silent anthem screams,
The puck a comet, swift and bright,
Gliding through the endless night.

The Panthers, fierce, their teeth did bare,
But Bruins’ hearts were laid with care,
A symphony of speed and grace,
They danced and dashed, they set the pace.

The score, a testament to skill,
Each goal a master’s stroke of will,
The net embraced each fleeting star,
As Bruins shone, like kings of war.

The final horn, a cry of peace,
For Panthers, dreams were forced to cease,
Yet noble, proud, they fought with heart,
In this grand play, they took their part.

The Bruins, crowned in glory's hue,
With eyes alight, the future knew,
That battles won in honor’s name,
In history’s light, shall burn the same.

Brand Name

make hers mark
SoSH Member
Oct 6, 2010
Moving the Line
That was pretty great, got away from dump and chase to a lot better cycling, incredible looks and opportunities. Make it count, just got to finish!


Cow Humper
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2007
What's the point of doing the drop pass to just dump it in when no one at the blue line has any momentum?

Brand Name

make hers mark
SoSH Member
Oct 6, 2010
Moving the Line
That power play felt like it was 2011 against Montreal again. Good god, they get going early, man advantage is a needle in their balloon.


New Member
Aug 14, 2016
I know Monty's system calls for high quality shots rather than getting them in quantity, but I would like to see that changed. Get. Pucks. On. Net.
That would require him to actually make adjustments. He's seems either unable to do so or just refuses to change his system that Florida has easily adjusted too. It's infuriating