#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
The CBS evening news is covering this as an actual news story. The Patriots may have cheated their way to the Super Bowl. Absurd.

Edit: complete with a reference to taping team's practices.


New Member
Sep 27, 2014
I don't know why people are laughing this off. This heinous scandal is almost as bad as using a deceptive formation against Baltimore.

Dan Murfman

SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2001
Ralphwiggum said:
The CBS evening news is covering this as an actual news story. The Patriots may have cheated their way to the Super Bowl. Absurd.
Edit: complete with a reference to taping team's practices.
But I did like how he ended the report. Without deflate gate maybe it would've been 45-14


SoSH Member
Jul 3, 2000
MalzoneExpress said:
Even though it is stupid to weigh a soaking wet ball, they weigh them because the pressure will go down when the ball is taken from a 70ish degree room to a colder outdoor stadium. It may not have been frigid, but windchill would help lower the internal pressure. So even if the number or air molecules and weight were the same, the pressure could be lower.
in theory the refs could use a pocket calculator to account for Boyles law.


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
Huntington Beach, CA
Maybe the Pats should just forfeit the Super Bowl since they had to "cheat" to get there, then the NFL can refund all of the advertising dollars they were paid since there won't be a game?
That suggestion is almost as ridiculous as this story.


Found no thrill on Blueberry Hill
SoSH Member
Sep 9, 2008
Scriblerus said:
Why has nobody talked to...oh, I don't know...the officials?  They pulled the ball from the game, as I assume they do in many games, so let's hear from them.  They handle the ball in between every play, often times catching it when tossed to them by a player.  If the balls were so deflated, wouldn't they know?  
This is absurd, and the only reason it is bothering me so much is because it's an issue solely because the Patriots are involved.
I doubt they can talk to anyone without league permission.

My working assumption given that the league does indeed seem to be looking into something is that this may have started with the game report from Anderson.


SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2002
Ralphwiggum said:
The CBS evening news is covering this as an actual news story. The Patriots may have cheated their way to the Super Bowl. Absurd.
Edit: complete with a reference to taping team's practices.
Tomase should have never worked in media again. Of course the Herald doubled down and hired Borges.


SoSH Member
Jun 9, 2006
Freddy Linn said:
Rapoport saying they will have findings within the week. 
I'm confident that the finding will be that there's no evidence the Pats intentionally deflated the balls, but if the judgement goes against the Pats, you can be sure that Tom, Vince et al. will play like Armageddon is about to begin.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
Devizier said:
in theory the refs could use a pocket calculator to account for Boyles law.
NFL just needs to find and employ more people like Mike Adams who have that genetic ability to discern under-inflated balls.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@jeffphowe: NFL won't say RT @Jrbourque: @jeffphowe Do we even know where the allegations came from?”


SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2006
So this story is important enough to be the second opener on the NBC Nightly News .... WTF?


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Devizier said:
in theory the refs could use a pocket calculator to account for Boyles law.
I forgot that Boyle's Law was a thing.
70 F = 21 C = 294 K
50 F = 10 C = 283 K
283/294 = .963
.963 * 12.5 = 12.04
So yes, the balls could have dropped from 12.5 psi to about 12.04 between measurement and game time just on account of the temperature.

The Social Chair

SoSH Member
Feb 17, 2010
CNN.com headline: Deflate-gate: Will the air go out of a phony scandal?
I wouldn't have expected CNN to have the most rational take on this. 


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
Omar's Wacky Neighbor said:
Another thing just hit me:  is it possible that the league is holding off on announcing any findings because BB has refused to talk to the NFL until after the SB?
Does he have that kind of stroke......?
this whole thing is making people stupid. Yeah BB has has the pull to tell the NFL to fuck off he won't talk about something until after a game.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
MLB should ignore all the noise about it's slow decline into irrelevance. How it's never going to be on the level of NFL again. Because if this is what being the biggest draw in American sport is about now, no thanks. Soap opera, WWF, Roller-Derby, worst of reality TV, all rolled into one. There is now no enjoying a football-centric build-up to this potentially great match-up, because, with the leagues active promotion, or tacit approval, this other peripheral noise now blocks out the sun.  Following this sport is just not nearly as much fun as it used to be.       


New Member
Dec 27, 2007
Madeira Beach, FL
neil said:
Reports coming out of a burning leather smell coming from NFL offices
Neil deserves some love, even if it'll be awhile before the evidence destruction signaling the end of the investigation.  I'm on the controversy side where any publicity is good publicity for the league.  The public outrage will last a day or two; the voices of the experts dismissing any competitive advantage will calm the masses over the remainder of the week; and the pre-Super Bowl hype will begin in earnest this coming weekend.  Curious how this noise will affect the betting action and the lines on the game . . . and I usually don't care about that angle.


SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2005
Hoo-hoo-hoo hoosier land.
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that there is no way to tell from examining the balls whether anything untoward has happened. So, the NFL is going to interview everyone from the Pats who is conceivably involved. If no one admits anything, the NFL will release some sort of inconclusive "no evidence of" finding.

Ferm Sheller

SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2007
MarcSullivaFan said:
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that there is no way to tell from examining the balls whether anything untoward has happened. So, the NFL is going to interview everyone from the Pats who is conceivably involved. If no one admits anything, the NFL will release some sort of inconclusive "no evidence of" finding.

The best result would be that they say that they tested a game ball and it was 13.04 psi or whatever.


New Member
Dec 27, 2007
Madeira Beach, FL
Mark Schofield said:
Does Obama address this tomorrow night in his State of the Union?
Will a properly inflated football be seated next to the First Lady in the balcony?
This is a national crisis people. 
Mike Adams will likely be invited and singled out for his role in bringing this miscarriage of justice to the nation's attention.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
The irony is that the te most likely explanation is that the fucking officials didn't remember to check the balls before the game.


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Aug 12, 2003
At home
How could inspecting the balls now indicate anything at all about their condition during the game yesterday? If they tested every ball right now and found that every one was properly inflated, some could have been underinflated during the game yesterday and some could have been overinflated during the game yesterday.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
drleather2001 said:
The irony is that the te most likely explanation is that the fucking officials didn't remember to check the balls before the game.
Or just don't do it very diligently


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
“@DougKyedNESN: Warren Sapp just said on NFL Network that Rob Johnson used to use pine tar to get a better grip on footballs.”


paying for his sins
SoSH Member
Apr 9, 2007
How could inspecting the balls now indicate anything at all about their condition during the game yesterday?
If they had the foresight to take all the balls from both teams immediately after the game, they should easily be able to determine any widespread differences in inflation between the teams. Doubt they did that though. The controversy would already be resolved.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
koufax32 said:
You have got to let people know what they are getting into. You know that clown is sitting in a Starbucks at the Circle Square Mall refreshing the page to count the hits.
I thought only (you know who SoSH poster) did that

Doctor G

SoSH Member
Jan 24, 2007
PayrodsFirstClutchHit said:
Schefter on ESPN is reporting that the Colts turned in the ball after the 1st INT yesterday and complained about the under-inflation.  That prompted the refs to pull the ball later in the game. 
Same secondary player on the Colts that had the two INTs in the game earlier this season and reported the same ball issue at the time.
So is Brady instructed to only throw the ball out of bounds on the Pats side of the field?


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Jed Zeppelin said:
C'mon guys, stop being such brutal homers, nobody cares about this but you.
This was the second "top story" teased just now at the lead-in to NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. I agree that it's ridiculous (and I wouldn't normally see the network news, but I'm staying with extended family), but it is undeniably getting a lot of attention.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
If the NFL actually gets this investigation done within a week, it will be a Festivus miracle.


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SoSH Member
Aug 12, 2003
At home
No one, including the officials, except Adams felt there was anything wrong with the balls put in play.
Temperature changes, game use, etc. make testing the balls after the fact utterly useless.

Reggie's Racquet

SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2009
Mark Schofield said:
Does Obama address this tomorrow night in his State of the Union?
Will a properly inflated football be seated next to the First Lady in the balcony?
This is a national crisis people. 
Rampant deflation could adversely effect the economy and undermine monetary policy.
So yes...it is relevant and could be mentioned in the State of the Union speech.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
There is about 15 useful posts in this thread.

The Pats are battling at the top of the mountain, and SoSH has some of the best minds to discuss it. It would be awesome to see this topic wane while the more analytical ones grew.