Manning Legacy: Scrotal Recall


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
You can choose another one. I just wanted to let you know where I was donating if I lost the bet

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
You can choose another one. I just wanted to let you know where I was donating if I lost the bet
I'll do the same. Regardless of the outcome somebody there wins, and that's good.

I'll have you know I was never discounting your opinion, just pointing out that as a SEA fan you'd likely have a different perspective on the entire situation and as a NE fan I shouldn't be ridiculed for believing Brady got the short stick from the NFL and media versus Manning.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
I'll do the same. Regardless of the outcome somebody there wins, and that's good.

I'll have you know I was never discounting your opinion, just pointing out that as a SEA fan you'd likely have a different perspective on the entire situation and as a NE fan I shouldn't be ridiculed for believing Brady got the short stick from the NFL and media versus Manning.
No question about it. Hey, I'm a huge Brady fan and think he and the organization got railroaded but Wibi, 121 (with all his charm) et al are correct. No need for every thread to turn into a conversation about how our team was screwed or how the media has not treated every other situation the same way Brady and the Pats were treated.

BTW, AD, settle your losing wager.

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
No question about it. Hey, I'm a huge Brady fan and think he and the organization got railroaded but Wibi, 121 (with all his charm) et al are correct. No need for every thread to turn into a conversation about how out team was screwed or how the media has not treated every other situation the same way Brady and the Pats were treated.

BTW, AD, settle your losing wager.
121 needs to be held accountable for his bullshit posts just like the rest of us, and if every thread migrates towards a single topic, perhaps that topic should be addressed. But hey, to each their own.

I'm good for my wager. We'll figure out exactly who owes who what soon.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2002
New York City
One way to make chicken salad out of the chicken shit that is further Ballghazi complaints is to look in more depth at Peyton's PR strategy. That Manning is getting a more favorable edit by media agencies now than Brady did initially (nevermind after the Wells Report came out) is hard to dispute, but it's not interesting on its own. WHY that is happening, however, is somewhat interesting.

There are the antecedent narratives, to some degree. Brady has always been a golden-boy, somewhat-aloof persona who has been very private. However, as a star in the league, he's gotten a huge ratio of positive to negative coverage, and quite a volume of that. Manning's persona management isn't just with media appearances and team PR, either; while the commercials have probably shaped his public perception a bit, I'm not sure it's given him a huge starting point in favor relative to Brady. I suppose we need to factor in that PEDs are an issue already-understood by the sports-following audience, and people find it distasteful but not weird; what Brady was kinda-sorta accused of [fill in ranting description here] was both novel and weird, so he started with a couple strikes against him.

Where I see a much bigger difference is in the after-the-fact narrative control and proactive actions:
  • Peyton responded by making himself available the same day to ESPN, as well as on Sunday pregames, and a couple other places noted in this thread; Brady meanwhile had a stage-managed podium statement, 4 days later, after it had already done several circuits on the national news and speculation.
  • Brady's initial statement, while matter-of-fact and sincere, went on far beyond what can be contained in a sound-bite, allowing the pre-existing narratives to remain what's stuck in people's heads. Peyton's was brief (and repeated).
  • Likewise, Brady's statement was calm and measured. Peyton's, while being roughly the same in content, was furious and emotional. People like to see that, and are inclined to believe statements presented that way (see e.g. Dr Fox effect). Even if they both had similar coaching in terms of what types of statements to make or words to use or not use, Brady missed an opportunity to come out as the aggressor and be presented as the sympathetic, aggrieved party.
  • Peyton has since threatened legal action in blustery fashion, nevermind his odds of success. Brady let legal action come to him.
  • Not much difference in team/ownership response; both were strongly supportive but bland and lacking detail.
  • We also need to point out that within a few days of the initial report, Brady had a then-highly-credible national NFL reporter relaying fairly damning-sounding information, whereas the backtracking here from Guyer and Sly gives momentum to the "nothing to see here" narrative. That's not the media's fault; sports media are naturally lazy as we all know and will take the path of least resistance 95% of the time. Brady's lack of access to the real facts would have meant that doing a Peyton-like offensive could have potentially left him exposed as stating mistruths later on, even if irrelevant. But Peyton's choice to be dismissive and contemptuous of the reporting has undoubtedly helped him be the shaper of the current reporting tone.
  • Lastly, I'd observe that Peyton has started to develop (and may further emphasize) the Clinton-in-1992 approach of appearing to be primarily defensive of his wife (to Jerry Brown: "you ought to be ashamed of yourself, jumping on my wife!"). Brady probably never had any such opportunity, but the "defending my family" theme is one with powerful biases in Peyton's favor.
All told, I think Brady probably missed some opportunities to shift narrative in his favor in the early days of Ballghazi. Peyton has a few built-in advantages, but not enormous ones.
It is highly likely that Manning had a couple of days' notice before the story became public (he didn't just do an ESPN interview and hire Fleischer within hours of hearing the story). I wouldn't be surprised if Peyton's team was coordinating with Sly and Guyer before the story broke. That time gave him a huge advantage.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
121 needs to be held accountable for his bullshit posts just like the rest of us, and if every thread migrates towards a single topic, perhaps that topic should be addressed. But hey, to each their own.

I'm good for my wager. We'll figure out exactly who owes who what soon.
It has been addressed. Moreover, a thread was created so that all of those ideas, theories, media comps can be discussed there.

I'm telling you that you lost the wager.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I'll do the same. Regardless of the outcome somebody there wins, and that's good.

I'll have you know I was never discounting your opinion, just pointing out that as a SEA fan you'd likely have a different perspective on the entire situation and as a NE fan I shouldn't be ridiculed for believing Brady got the short stick from the NFL and media versus Manning.
I fully believe Brady and NE got railroaded over some bullshit decision making by the NFL. And you have every right to feel the same way but you arent being ridiculed for believing that. You arent being ridiculed period. You (and others here) have been beating a dead horse for a while now when everyone here agrees Brady got screwed. Whats the purpose/point of keeping up the posts that Brady got jobbed? I dont know anyone here who disagrees with that thought process

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
I fully believe Brady and NE got railroaded over some bullshit decision making by the NFL. And you have every right to feel the same way but you arent being ridiculed for believing that. You arent being ridiculed period. You (and others here) have been beating a dead horse for a while now when everyone here agrees Brady got screwed. Whats the purpose/point of keeping up the posts that Brady got jobbed? I dont know anyone here who disagrees with that thought process
Tell 121 that, because he absolutely singled out my post, which wasn't aggressive or offensive in any way, and derailed this entire thread.

As I said earlier, conversely, what's the purpose of acting like it didn't happen and not acknowledging it at all? There's a line to walk here, but when it comes to high-profile QB controversies, asking people to converse about one and not talk about the other at all is unrealistic.

Also, all members should be held to the same accountability standards.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Tell 121 that, because he absolutely singled out my post, which wasn't aggressive or offensive in any way, and derailed this entire thread.

As I said earlier, conversely, what's the purpose of acting like it didn't happen and not acknowledging it at all? There's a line to walk here, but when it comes to high-profile QB controversies, asking people to converse about one and not talk about the other at all is unrealistic.

I heard from a Baltimore area accountant that "Carmelo Anthony has a heart of gold" and his charity is on the up and up if you want to make sure your contribution goes to a good charity. This little fact really ruined hating Melo for me and I tell the bastard everytime I see him that I don't like knowing that Melo is a good guy.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
I heard from a Baltimore area accountant that "Carmelo Anthony has a heart of gold" and his charity is on the up and up if you want to make sure your contribution goes to a good charity. This little fact really ruined hating Melo for me and I tell the bastard everytime I see him that I don't like knowing that Melo is a good guy.
Have heard nothing but good things about Carmelo. Super nice polite fella.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Nah, he just rips off the Knicks.

Yeah, I told my pal Melo figures he gives all his money away so on the court he doesn't have to give the ball to anyone. I'm a Melo the athlete hater but I've met people from Syracuse and a decent amount of people from Baltimore that say he is doing really good work with his foundation.

Edit: I think people are going to think Manning has hired shills to keep changing the subject. Let's get back to AJ going after the American hero that is known nationwide.

Hums: never trust a guy named sly

Which reminds me of a story I heard from a reliable source years ago (like summer 2001) who said ole Arch wasn't too happy about Peyton getting married and said "pussy is undefeated" on wedding day

Arch didn't take Carter's class on "fall wives"
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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Yeah, I told my pal Melo figures he gives all his money away so on the court he doesn't have to give the ball to anyone. I'm a Melo the athlete hater but I've met people from Syracuse and a decent amount of people from Baltimore that say he is doing really good work with his foundation.

Edit: I think people are going to think Manning has hired shills to keep changing the subject. Let's get back to AJ going after the American hero that is known nationwide.
I'll second or third the vote on 'Melo the person. He's the anti-Manning, prickly public persona who is one of the really good guys in sports.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Tell 121 that, because he absolutely singled out my post, which wasn't aggressive or offensive in any way, and derailed this entire thread.

As I said earlier, conversely, what's the purpose of acting like it didn't happen and not acknowledging it at all? There's a line to walk here, but when it comes to high-profile QB controversies, asking people to converse about one and not talk about the other at all is unrealistic.

Also, all members should be held to the same accountability standards.
One post, on your fucking embarrassing behavior didn't derail this thread, sweetness. You pissing all over yourself with 15 follow ups and bets sure did though.

I am entertained.

What do you mean, you people?

Also, this post is ridiculous. I have to give you credit, when you go down a path of rage and righteousness, you go down deep.
Oh, you people know exactly what I mean.

I thought it was one of my weaker efforts, to be honest. I was a bit hurried, so I just went with the basic repetitive profanity and homer analogies. There isn't even anything original there, just a bunch of recycled stuff from my greatest hits collection.

Adrian's Dome

SoSH Member
Aug 6, 2010
One post, on your fucking embarrassing behavior didn't derail this thread, sweetness. You pissing all over yourself with 15 follow ups and bets sure did though.
Thank you. This contribution alone, right here, shows exactly why you are the single worst poster on this entire site, a microcosm for all that is wrong with improving and progressing a forum with productive discussion, and I want nothing more than it to be held up for posterity.


Yukon Cornelius
SoSH Member
Mar 19, 2004
Missoula, MT
Yeah, perhaps I'll open this back up in the morning.

Sleep well and sweet dreams, all.
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