FIFA Corruption? Routine. USA criminal corruption charges on FIFA officials? Mayhem!

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Much like Ferris Bueller's illness, I guess this is pretty serious.  WSJ with the story:
U.S. Prepares Criminal Indictment Alleging Corruption at Soccer Body

FIFA Charges against multiple individuals expected to be unsealed in Brooklyn court as early as Wednesday morning
U.S. authorities are preparing to unveil a criminal indictment against officials of soccer’s international governing body that will detail allegations of widespread corruption, according to people familiar with the matter.
The indictment against officials of the International Federation of Association Football, known as FIFA, was expected to be unsealed in Brooklyn federal court against multiple individuals as early as Wednesday morning, the people said. Authorities were expected to make a series of early morning arrests. It wasn’t immediately clear who would be charged, though the indictment was expected to include at least some current officials, these people said.
A FIFA spokesman couldn’t immediately be reached for comment.
Prosecutors expect to announce the case at a news conference at the Brooklyn U.S. attorney’s office, which is leading the investigation. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch,Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey and Internal Revenue Service criminal chief Richard Weber are expected to appear in Brooklyn to announce the case, the people said.
The indictment is likely to roil the governing body of the world’s most popular sport, which has been dogged by allegations of corruption and bribery for years.
The development comes less than 72 hours before the organization’s annual congress in Zurich where FIFA is expected to elect Joseph “Sepp” Blatter to a fifth consecutive term as president. Mr. Blatter, a 79-year-old former watch company executive, has presided over FIFA, the nonprofit custodian and organizer of the World Cup, since 1998.
The organization has faced controversy in recent years. There have been allegations of bribery surrounding the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, a high-profile lawsuit by MasterCard in New York federal court and the ousting of at least eight members of FIFA’s executive committee, along with public-relations faux pas on topics from fan racism to women’s soccer uniforms.
Brooklyn prosecutors and agents in the FBI’s New York field office have been investigating FIFA for years, according to the people familiar with the matter. Investigators reached a turning point in their probe in 2011 when an American member of the FIFA Executive Committee, Charles “Chuck” Blazer, began cooperating with them, one of the people said. Mr. Blazer, a Queens, N.Y., native, began providing FBI agents with information about alleged fraud and money laundering within FIFA’s ranks, according to the person.
Mr. Blazer, who from 1990 to 2011 was the general secretary of the Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football, or Concacaf, agreed to record conversations with other FIFA executives after authorities threatened to bring tax evasion charges against him, the person said.
Chances of this ending up signifying nothing are non-trivial, but FIFA doesn't have on its board of directors the same laundry-list of princes and princesses and heads of state that the IOC does - so it's probably more of an easy target than the IOC.  Still, the hope that this ends up meaningfully changing stuff even at an above-the-law institution like FIFA is probably worth hoping for.
I have no idea how a Brooklyn court will find jurisdiction over a bunch of Qataris bribing a bunch of Caribbean officials, though it'll be fun to find out.
edit: formatting

Luis Taint

SoSH Member
Apr 7, 2012
"A FIFA spokesman was unavailable" not said "he was helping Blatter find countries that don't extradite"

Omar's Wacky Neighbor

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SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Leaving in a bit to the studio :)
Topic/Subject nails it.  WPIX11 in NYC was covering the corruption as the BREAKING news, rather than the arrests as the real news.
I know next to nothing about soccer, but even I know FIFA makes Tony Soprano look like a choir boy.....


I like my thread title, but I got beat on the therad by 5 minutes, so let's merge into the other one.
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