Aaron Hernandez charged with 1st degree murder; released by Patriots

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simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
All of the discussion is fun but that double murder thing sounds more like sure diligence on an unsolved homicide than any real suspicion. Not that I think it's beyond the realm of possibility that he was involved.

I also have a hard time with him being some kind of Tony Montoya or soprano while also having an nfl schedule. Maybe he was also doing pcps and coke and getting 2 hours sleep.


simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
Also, if he were some kind of big wig in one of those gangs, the details become even more stupid.


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
SemperFidelisSox said:
He was a Blood on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. A Crip on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Latin King on the weekends and holidays.
His versatility is what made him so valuable.


Grand Theft Duvet
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2004
Cell Block C
edit: Wikipedia seems to confirm that Kings colors are gold/black, but I never put it past people from my hometown to have screwed up things, even things as simple as gang colors
I don't recall what gang the dude said he was from but when i was around 17 some guy confronted me while i was taking a leak in the Meriden Mall bathroom because i was wearing gang colors. (I had on a NorthFace ski jacket that was yellow and black). I guess you have to be careful with your color coordination and/or accessorizing sometimes.


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
sleepyjose03 said:
FWIW that article you linked also concludes it's likely the first part of "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" and notes that actual Bloods gang members don't tattoo "Blood" but other gang signs on themselves. 
I was linking the photo, but point taken....FWIW.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
sleepyjose03 said:
Anyone know if any of his tattoos were a crowned lion? 
And if that was an LK insignia on his cap I doubt he'd be making the Crips signal, instead of the 5 pointed star. 
Disclaimer:  Most of my gang knowledge comes from Wikipedia and/or Sons of Anarchy.
You think he's a Lannister?


smastroyin said:
I also have a hard time with him being some kind of Tony Montoya or soprano while also having an nfl schedule.

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
crystalline said:
That murder last summer was right in front of Castle Square. Over the past few years there have been a number of shootings in the area related to rivalries between different housing properties like Villa Victoria, Annunciation Road.

Crazy if that shooting turns out to be related to Hernandez's crew instead of local rivalries.
He could always have ties to one of the local gangs though, no?

Joe D Reid

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Jan 15, 2004
I realize this is a comparatively small nugget of dumbshitness in comparison with the enormous, quivering mound of dumbshit that is this case, but: (1) Ortiz was arrested in Bristol; (2) I believe there were allegations in court that AH provided potential accomplices with the means to flee MA; meaning (3) Ortiz apparently chose to "flee" back to his goddamned house. I mean, he couldn't even be arsed to slide over to the next town.  


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Joe D Reid said:
I realize this is a comparatively small nugget of dumbshitness in comparison with the enormous, quivering mound of dumbshit that is this case, but: (1) Ortiz was arrested in Bristol; (2) I believe there were allegations in court that AH provided potential accomplices with the means to flee MA; meaning (3) Ortiz apparently chose to "flee" back to his goddamned house. I mean, he couldn't even be arsed to slide over to the next town.  
Well, who knows.  Maybe he used the money to get a lawyer, who told him to rat out Hernandez and not do anything to make it worse on himself. 


SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2002
boca said:
Globe crime reporter -
Maria Cramer ‏@GlobeMCramer26m
Hernandez's alleged victim, Odin Lloyd, may have had information about that double killings, officials tell us. Potential motive.
Down the rabbit hole...Christ.   So he might have signed that contract & given the "I'm a changed man and will do right by the Patriots and my family" speech just weeks after being involved in a drive-by double murder?   He's a sociopath if that's true.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
bluefenderstrat said:
Down the rabbit hole...Christ.   So he might have signed that contract & given the "I'm a changed man and will do right by the Patriots and my family" speech just weeks after being involved in a drive-by double murder?   He's a sociopath if that's true.
It's just one of the most insane situations I've ever heard of.
This is unprecedented stuff. 


SoSH Member
Jan 13, 2009
Somerville, MA
If Lloyd had already snitched, it may explain why Hernandez was so careless.  He literally didn't care.  He knew he was totally fucked anyway

Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
So the current theory seems to be that Lloyd may have had information on the double homicide that somehow implicated Hernandez or his buddies, Hernandez panics and kills Lloyd?
I would normally say there's a zero percent chance that one of the guns recovered in the house leads back to those murders but given the great job they did covering their tracks on the Lloyd killing nothing would surprise me at this point.

Orange Juice

New Member
Apr 8, 2012
sleepyjose03 said:
FWIW (which isnt much) the chatter I'm hearing from home (next door to Bristol) was that he was associated with the Latin Kings.   I figure it's probably at least as accurate as the TMZ reporting (btw - that looks more like a Crips symbol than a Bloods one).
Edit:  A bunch of stuff about that TMZ thing make no sense.  He's making the Crips sign (see here:  Crips.   Bloods)  but is wearing red.  Probably just a photo of a stupid kid being funny that is now being picked up by revisionist history journalism. 
Also - not aware of any organized "Bristol Bloods" gang.  Any gang activity in Bristol would probably just be an offshoot of Hartford or New Britain gangs.  Doubtful they have an actual moniker. 
Look at the Crip sign you posted and then look at the picture of Hernandez. In the Crip hand sign the thumb and index finger don't touch creating a 'c'. If you look at Hernandez's forefinger and thumb they are touching creating a lower case 'b' which is a the one handed sign representing Bloods. Both gangs have one handed and two handed signs.
While it could still be revisionist history and just Hernandez messing around, what he is doing (clothing, hand sign) would definitely be perceived as him representing Bloods to another gang member. Also as far as I can see from the a quick google search, the majority of gangs in CT are "blood affiliated"
Feb 26, 2002
Citifield - Queens, NY
boca said:
Globe crime reporter -
Maria Cramer ‏@GlobeMCramer26m
Hernandez's alleged victim, Odin Lloyd, may have had information about that double killings, officials tell us. Potential motive.
Lloyd and the other victims were from Dorchester. So his comments / discussions around a group of individuals with knowledge of the event(s) could certainly cause negative escalation for Aaron. 


New Member
Jul 31, 2006
North Shore
bluefenderstrat said:
Down the rabbit hole...Christ.   So he might have signed that contract & given the "I'm a changed man and will do right by the Patriots and my family" speech just weeks after being involved in a drive-by double murder?   He's a sociopath if that's true.
Or maybe a Psychopath


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I live on Shawmut (further down) and my wife had just started very early labor contractions on the night the double-murder happened.  Cops were flying around the neighborhood for hours.  It was already a wild memory; it's positively surreal that it could potentially be linked to Hernandez. 


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2012
BigSoxFan said:
If Lloyd knew that he snitched on Hernandez about the double-murders, then why would he hang out with Hernandez and get in the car with him? I'm wondering if Lloyd knew about it and had drunkenly discussed it at that club, which Hernandez hears or hears about and knows that he has to shut him up any way possible.
He probably didn't know but suspected he was known as a loud mouth after the club incident, and thus a liability.  Running would have confirmed to Hernandez and Co. that he was a weak link, so he probably tried to play it cool not knowing how serious the retribution would be or how much they knew.  It was also 3 v. 1 with one of the three being a guy he'd have a tough time outrunning.  Sounds like he may have tried to run at the very end when he knew it was game over.


beware my sexy helmet/overall ensemble
SoSH Member
Jun 5, 2008
I can't imagine the bail appeal is going to hold up with all this new info.


SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2006
I can't believe he actually may have had practice at this whole getting-away-with-murder thing.


Kane is Able
SoSH Member
Nov 30, 2007
Silver Spring, Maryland
GregHarris said:
I can't imagine the bail appeal is going to hold up with all this new info.
"Your honor, as I pointed out to the Court during yesterday's proceedings all the evidence against my client is circumstantial.  In addition, I can represent to the Court that there is no way my client was involved in the death of Mr. Lloyd as he was laying low after his involvement in two previous homicides."  


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
mascho said:
"Your honor, as I pointed out to the Court during yesterday's proceedings all the evidence against my client is circumstantial.  In addition, I can represent to the Court that there is no way my client was involved in the death of Mr. Lloyd as he was laying low after his involvement in two previous homicides."  
"My client is clearly not a flight risk. In fact, after his last couple murders, he stuck around for months."


SoSH Member
Jun 28, 2007
If this is true, would Hernandez be the first professional athlete/serial killer?
As callous as it is to talk about football now, I am not sure how much of a distraction this will actually be for the team. With Gronkowski it is problematic because they are relying on him. Hernandez obviously isn't a factor anymore, so there won't be any confrontations or arguments about his role and duty to/with the team. I think it will just make Bill even more testy in his meetings with the press.


SoSH Member
May 26, 2006
bosox79 said:
Wouldn't him being blackmailed by Lloyd be a possibility too?
Lloyd backmailing a killer would effectively place him in the lead for Worlds Dumbest Biped. An award that Hernandez is currently holding.


funky and cold
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
Now I'm confused...did Hernadez kill Biggie or did he kill Tupac?


simpering whimperer
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2002
It's probably not a coincidence that this stuff was all leaked after the request for another bail hearing.


SoSH Member
Feb 4, 2006
SumnerH said:
"Dead to rights" is correct.  They're not interring him or ordaining him or something.
Fascinating.  I always interpreted it to refer to last rites, as in, he's dead enough to give them.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
I think the biggest question is how the do the cops know or even think they know that the motive for killing Lloyd was because he had information about the double murder.  One of the only ways they could make that connection, with Lloyd not around to tell them, is if one of the other accomplices (Ortiz?) flipped, or Lloyd had shared that information with someone else and they came forward, like his girlfriend (who would have been Hernandez' future sister-in-law). 
Alternatively, they could have found evidence linking AH to the double murder, maybe the same gun used in both murders or something else, but I'm thinking the above scenario is more likely.
Seemed to me the biggest hole in the case all along was motive, and this sure as hell provides that.  Man, the police did an incredible job, it appears.


hates latinos/bay staters
SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2006
Lowest level of hell.
Deathofthebambino said:
I think the biggest question is how the do the cops know or even think they know that the motive for killing Lloyd was because he had information about the double murder.  One of the only ways they could make that connection, with Lloyd not around to tell them, is if one of the other accomplices (Ortiz?) flipped, or Lloyd had shared that information with someone else and they came forward, like his girlfriend (who would have been Hernandez' future sister-in-law). 
Alternatively, they could have found evidence linking AH to the double murder, maybe the same gun used in both murders or something else, but I'm thinking the above scenario is more likely.
Seemed to me the biggest hole in the case all along was motive, and this sure as hell provides that.  Man, the police did an incredible job, it appears.
 No doubt it seems like some solid police work at this point. That said they aren't exactly chasing Kaiser Soze.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I tell ya, when Webster's Dictionary finally gets around to including "Shitshow" in the dictionary, there should just be a picture of Aaron Hernandez in handcuffs next to it.


Fists of Millennial Fury!
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2009
PeaceSignMoose said:
You're from the Riv too?  At least you got away.
I was also born there and fortunate enough to get away fairly young.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Upper Valley
Every time I think this has taken it's last turn for the worst it continues to sink below expectations, I can't imagine how I would feel if I snagged that Hernandez jersey for my son at the last Pat's game vs the Fish last season... No damn way I'd let him wear that, just a startling reminder of how much our loyalty as fans is tied to the laundry not the people wearing it.  Sad days for sports imo...
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