11/29 - Bruins host the Lightning


SoSH Member
Jun 16, 2011
That was fun. Well-played game against a strong squad to complete the baker’s dozen at home. Happy to see Swayman back in form and for Hall to get rewarded For his efforts.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Don’t recall seeing a Bruins team play this well in all 3 phases of the game in a long, long time.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Jack was actually complimentary at the end of the clip and I think intended it to come off as good natured joking and a compliment and not actually insulting. Unfortunately his ability to communicate and actually form verbal sentences continues to decline, which I think everyone is getting increasingly concerned is due to illness or something physical. It's getting worse by the game. He tried to say Frank Simonetti's name it came out completely garbled and jumbled.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Jack was actually complimentary at the end of the clip and I think intended it to come off as good natured joking and a compliment and not actually insulting. Unfortunately his ability to communicate and actually form verbal sentences continues to decline, which I think everyone is getting increasingly concerned is due to illness or something physical. It's getting worse by the game. He tried to say Frank Simonetti's name it came out completely garbled and jumbled.
I feel like half his goal calls this year come well after the play has ended because he can't process it quick enough.

I've never been a huge fan but his decline this year is hard to watch / listen too.


Comes at you like a tornado of hair and the NHL sa
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2004
Cambridge, MA
Agreed with both of you, it's concerning the rare times I've listened to Jack this year - has been a trend in more recent years as well. Seravalli is going to look like an absolute dong if it comes out that Jack's dealing with something neurodegenerative - hoping it's just a case of Jack hitting the spliffs a bit too hard.

I was hollering at Maroon all game for getting his ankles broken trying to keep up with McAvoy on a forecheck. It's legitimately funny to watch him try to keep up at times in today's game, and I think that's fair game given he's an effective player overall and a pain in the ass to clear out of the crease. Ryan's tweet says it all.

Sidenote: I also have somewhat of a soft spot for Maroon, as he noticed / pointed out my sign to ROR on the ill-fated night of Game 7 '19



SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Who knows what's going on but he's definitely declined this year. He routinely mispronounces names, struggles to keep up with the play and often can't complete a thought or a sentence without a lenghty pause.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Let's not diagnose people with brain diseases around here. This happened when I brought up Gorman, too, in a Celtics gamethread. Jack is 65 and the likelihood is that he's just as good at this anymore as he once was. We don't start diagnosing players with ALS from our living rooms when they start sucking in their mid30s.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Let's not diagnose people with brain diseases around here. This happened when I brought up Gorman, too, in a Celtics gamethread. Jack is 65 and the likelihood is that he's just as good at this anymore as he once was. We don't start diagnosing players with ALS from our living rooms when they start sucking in their mid30s.
No one diagnosed anyone with any brain diseases, but sweet straw man. Your ALS analogy is absurd on its face as well, as that couldn't be less relevant.

The entire point was in response to Serevalli calling him drunk. To many people's ears (including my own), he sounds cognitively declined this year for whatever reason (age, disease, losing his fastball, etc) and is struggling to keep up with the play and speak clearly. I think it's fair to speculate and worry, but either way his announcing performance isn't up to par this year.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
No one diagnosed anyone with any brain diseases, but sweet straw man. Your ALS analogy is absurd on its face as well, as that couldn't be less relevant.

The entire point was in response to Serevalli calling him drunk. To many people's ears (including my own), he sounds cognitively declined this year for whatever reason (age, disease, losing his fastball, etc) and is struggling to keep up with the play and speak clearly. I think it's fair to speculate and worry, but either way his announcing performance isn't up to par this year.
Strawman? I didn't use any of these words:
something physical

Maybe the older player having ALS analogy is hyperbolic, but armchair medical diagnoses are a little unseemly. So I guess I don't agree that it's fair to speculate. Anyway, I do agree that his playcalling is slipping. (Maybe his new dentures, are, too).


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
My point was that Seravelli shouldn’t get shit if Jack actually does have some neuro issue since it’s a reasonable assumption to believe an NHL announcer is of sound mind / health. If that person is not, they should not be calling a fast as fast as hockey.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Eh, I bet Maroon got a good laugh out of it. Kudos to him for spinning it into raising money and awareness for a good cause.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
Strawman? I didn't use any of these words:
something physical
None of those words were remotely used anywhere in the realm of a diagnosis. It was all framed "we hope this isn't it but afraid it might be, I hope he's ok, but let's be honest he's probably not drunk."

My point was that Seravelli shouldn’t get shit if Jack actually does have some neuro issue since it’s a reasonable assumption to believe an NHL announcer is of sound mind / health. If that person is not, they should not be calling a fast as fast as hockey.
Yes he should get shit for it. It's a dumb thing to say, just like a lot of the things Jack says are very dumb. Regardless of whether Jack "should" be calling hockey without being of sound health, it's certainly not impossible that he IS doing so. So yeah - it's a dumb and shitty accusation for Seravelli to make.


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I’m not taking the “actually” in the sound drunk to be literal, more for emphasis that he REALLY sounds like a jackass but now I’ve already spent more time parsing a single tweet than I care to.


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I mean, not really? It’s actually pretty easy - don’t punch down. Making fun of someone’s appearance, weight, gender, sexual preference - it’s all punching down. Just, don’t do it.
I believe a hockey player’s weight is fair game. Listed weights are public information and relevant to a player’s performance. It’s why we talk about young players needing to bulk up. Usually you don’t have the fat issue in hockey outside of Byfuglien and Kessel’s hot dog habit. Jack’s cardinal sin was not being funny enough and going on for about 15 seconds too long.

The lady’s tweet isn’t clear enough IMO but I do have issue with others saying you can / cannot say something. That does not mean there should be no consequences for what you say. I find her “you never know…” sentence leaning towards the former.

My other issue comes with the performative aspect this brings out in people on Twitter where people feel the need to fall over each other to say the same thing as everyone else.


SoSH's Doug Neidermeyer
SoSH Member
Oct 25, 2007
Between here and everywhere.
I believe a hockey player’s weight is fair game. Listed weights are public information and relevant to a player’s performance. It’s why we talk about young players needing to bulk up. Usually you don’t have the fat issue in hockey outside of Byfuglien and Kessel’s hot dog habit. Jack’s cardinal sin was not being funny enough and going on for about 15 seconds too long.

The lady’s tweet isn’t clear enough IMO but I do have issue with others saying you can / cannot say something. That does not mean there should be no consequences for what you say. I find her “you never know…” sentence leaning towards the former.

My other issue comes with the performative aspect this brings out in people on Twitter where people feel the need to fall over each other to say the same thing as everyone else.
Sure - but there’s also a difference between questioning if someone’s physical fitness has an impact on their performance, and what was essentially a poor attempt at a standup bit about Maroons lack of self control around pizza.
But also, Edwards isn’t a standup comic, he’s a color guy who represents the organization. Whether or not what he did was funny or not, it’s not really his place to be trying out for the funny bone during a broadcast.


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007