MFY is a common acronym here. TFB? Not so much.
I don’t want either team to win. I‘d prefer that they both be damned to .500 hell, never good enough to win, or bad enough to tank and get good prospects. For the rest of my existence, plus 10 years, just to be safe.
But for TB, that’s mostly just because they’ve been a thorn in our side. A few douchebags on the field, but mostly it’s been their maddeningly effective front office. The MFY, on the other hand, have 27 titles and nearly a century of big brothering us, while TB is still looking for it’s first title. They’re not in the same hate category.
Now, we’ve corrected course this century. We’ve bested the Yankees. It’s been great. Cathartic. Just. But I still want more, and I want them to have nothing. (And no, the scars of ‘78 will never go away, they’re just a little less noticed.)