There was a tweet in the other thread of some radio producer saying he heard about a transaction people weren’t gonna like. LOL. I guess this is it. I don’t like it.
If I’m off base here, tell me to step off. I am not a dope and I don’t want to pretend to police a thread, but this is a main board thread full of half-remembered statements about pretty serious transgressions (moral or legal) various people may or may not have committed.
I think Aroldis Chapman’s missteps are pretty well documented, but there’s a
post here that can be read to be implying that Edgar Renteria and Coco Crisp were accused of domestic violence. I’m not sure that was the intention, but it’s a plausible construction in context of a chain of replies that I don’t know if the poster followed back. That feels icky.
I think it would be a good idea to have links or some other substantial basis for that sort of claim, and just generally not shoot from the hip or post glibly about these kinds of issues. Not because it’s potentially defamatory (this is an internet message board, who cares); definitely not because I think a legal conviction should be the standard for deeming someone, morally, an abuser (the standard for legal punishments including imprisonment is, appropriately, much higher); but because these are actual human beings and we should take that seriously. We’re obviously not journalists, but those distinctions aren’t as firm as they used to be. We are writing about people on the internet.
I do think the question of what a person can do to live down a pretty grim act like those Chapman accepted responsibility for is a good one. I think a good start is not doing it again.
I’m pretty bummed out about this.