I just wanted to echo this. I'm more familiar with the spending habits of NBA players versus baseball players but professional athletes have so much more money but also so little financial experience compared to an average SOSHer that it's hard for any of us to understand that lifestyle. I mean there was a survey done in 2016 that found that NBA players spent an average of $42,500 a month, and that's just what they are admitting to spending. (Some NBA players spends thousands and thousands in clubs - strip clubs - every time they go out). It's an entirely different world than what most of us know.It's also not just the culture of a different country, it's the culture of someone groomed to be a professional athlete. We've long noted that pro athletes can be left extra...myopic and sheltered by the single minded process and focus built around them, starting these data from a very young age.
I'm pretty sure we have few, if any, posters with that experience.
And professional athletes get scammed all of the time. For hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars. They are hyper-focused on their athletic performance, which makes them even more susceptible to being defrauded.
Sure, it may not be "best practices" to give anyone unfettered access to an account with millions of dollars but I have to a good number of professional athletes end up doing this. For better or for worse.