Yup. Imo, they need to have a handful of recurring bits to rotate in, and they also need to have at least 1 regular sports interview a couple of times a week so they can better leverage Giardi. I think the guys they’ve had on (Howe, Callahan, etc.) have seemed like one-time favors to Hurley and/or Giardi. I think they need a regular beat reporter for each of the teams. Karalis has been on multiple times, so I’m expecting he’ll handle the Celtics. They need BSJ or MassLive folks for the other sports.
I like Ted more than I thought I would; he’s been good at surprising Rich/Michael with personal stories (e.g. dating and being briefly engaged to author Sandra Brown’s daughter) that were pretty interesting and/or funny.
A little more music and music talk, some more bits besides Handle Hurley to rotate through given current events, and at least one regular sports interview a couple of times a week would give them a more solid foundation.
P.S. One (of the many) things I dislike about Fred is that he tells the same stories over and over and over (and changes some of the facts so you know they’re total bullshit). I’d hate to see Rich get into this ditch, but he’s getting close with his drunk double-DoorDash Taco Bell/McDonalds story. It was funny… once. I’ve heard it about six other times over the past week or two and it needs to stop. And Emerson needs to go. He’s an unfunny idiot.