Shank aka CHB calls out David Price calling out Eck

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SoSH Member
Feb 19, 2015
I'm not sure how Pedroia cheering makes Price any less a villain with any certainty.

Maybe Pedroia is also a little thin skinned when it comes to Eck's commentary?


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
I like how Price and Pedroia ostensibly did the same thing and for one it means he's a thin skinned jerk and for the other it means he's a gritty team-first angel beyond reproach and seemed to literally prove for a few of you that Eckersley was, in fact, at fault for some nebulous reason.

It's almost like those personality traits of people none of us know that are being used to come to this conclusion are largely informed by this key difference. Coming, as they do, vis a vis a bunch of fat, lazy, no-talent hacks that chose to chase down quotes from 25 year old athletes for a living.

I think that new nugget just means that Pedroia is probably a complete asshole too.


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
JtB, I agree with you that none of us can judge these players' personalities based on what we see in the media. And it is pretty hard to say with conviction that we are getting anywhere near an unbiased picture from that media, which is motivated to create stories (and controversy) by the click-based structure of today's sports media economy.

Price may be getting a raw deal in how he is perceived in this incident vs Pedroia. But I think it has a lot more to do with Pedroia's history with the Red Sox (12 year vet, RoY, MVP, and 2 rings) than with anything else.


Son of the Harpy
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I like how Price and Pedroia ostensibly did the same thing and for one it means he's a thin skinned jerk and for the other it means he's a gritty team-first angel beyond reproach and seemed to literally prove for a few of you that Eckersley was, in fact, at fault for some nebulous reason.

It's almost like those personality traits of people none of us know that are being used to come to this conclusion are largely informed by this key difference. Coming, as they do, vis a vis a bunch of fat, lazy, no-talent hacks that chose to chase down quotes from 25 year old athletes for a living.

I think that new nugget just means that Pedroia is probably a complete asshole too.

When you're right, you're right, and this seems exactly right.


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
Yoknapatawpha County
Price may be getting a raw deal in how he is perceived in this incident vs Pedroia. But I think it has a lot more to do with Pedroia's history with the Red Sox (12 year vet, RoY, MVP, and 2 rings) than with anything else.
I love Dustin Pedroia. Sure, on some level, he's earned a benefit of the doubt. I do hear what you're saying.

But I also know how many people here would view his act as mouthy and arrogant, and it would be his reputation from the start were he not the scrappy white guy. They'd be using his "me-first" moment from earlier this season and his talking shit about Jerry Remy as a rookie as examples he's a thin-skinned jerk for his part in Eckgate and not proof that the guy who "said" the exact same thing, first, is right, after all. Not "classy" enough. I'm old enough to remember the Right Arm of God being labeled a diva with regularity by Boston fans so I promise you it'd be true for DP too.

Maybe worth a thought since we can read a perfect example of it unfold in real time in this thread.


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
You know, I almost finished my previous post by saying that maybe Dustin Pedroia is an asshole too -- but that we really have no way of knowing, about either him or about David Price.

In reflective moments (had a lot of those lately - maybe due to getting older - cue rueful smile), I wonder whether we can know anything about these young guys who are paid vast sums of money to play baseball for our favorite teams, and I agree with you that the writers are absolutely as fatally flawed as they are (and indeed as we all are) in being human. And of course every human being in the equation - the player, the writer, the SOSH member and the casual fan - brings his/her own bias (either conscious or not) in how he/she views every situation. And I would be naive not to think that race is one of those elements of bias.

Long winded way of saying you're right, but I guess I was hoping that in some way I am, too. And as always, incredibly disappointed for modern society to the extent that I am not.


SoSH Member
Jul 6, 2006
500 feet above Lake Sammammish
Agree completely.
We all had a pretty good idea that Paul O'Neill and Gary Sheffield (let's be race-neutral) were complete assholes because we hated the uniform they wore.

But Pedey wears our uniform. So he's a hero, not an asshole.

And Price is not a "real Sox" yet. (There's a comment to be made about John Lackey, but I can't figure it out at this late hour.)

From where we sit in the stands, we can love or hate these guys only the way we love or hate characters in a novel.

Sampo Gida

SoSH Member
Aug 7, 2010
You know, I almost finished my previous post by saying that maybe Dustin Pedroia is an asshole too -- but that we really have no way of knowing, about either him or about David Price.
I dont know Pedey at all so not judging him. However your comment brings back memories of many articles way back when reporters used to treat players to meals from their expense accounts in return for an in-depth interview at a time when newspapers were not stingy about space. I felt I knew players from the 60's and 70's a lot better than now. Might have been a false feeling and I was fed a lot of horse manure but thats how I felt.

One incident about Pedey that always gave me pause. In 2009 in one game papi and drew were both irate about a couple of strike calls. Pedey said after the game he might call someone at Tsa and have them hung up at Logan. Bragged he had that kind of clout. Pretty disturbing. If course he was just a kid.

That said I am content to measure players by their on field performance and not what they say.Pedey has always measured up on the field. Price has not, at least not yet in a Red Sox uniform. Yeah David, i could care less about you as a person just like you could care less about me or Eck. You want respect, earn it.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
May 13, 2006
I have been traveling so I've heard only bits and pieces of the games so please accept my apology in advance if I'm mistaken. NESN has put MIke Timlin in an awful position for 2 reasons. First, he does not sound like a good announcer. Alot of his commentary seems forced and unnatural. He sounds like a rookie announcer who was just plucked off his couch and asked to do the games. This leads me into my second point. It is clear that Timlin does not have the locker room access that a regular Sox announcer such as Remy has. I am not sure how much prep time NESN expected Mike Timlin to put into each game but it is not enough. It seems aa though NESN expected him to show up, tell some stories particurly of the championship team and be done with it. It is probably unfair to expect Timlin to really comment on the Price/Eck situation as an outsider who a week ago was watching games on tv. As an annoucer Timlin was a bad fit like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
Does anyone know when Jerry Remy is coming back, if ever? He would bring an interesting viewpoint to the Price/Eck situation obviously as an ex teammate of Eck's. He also is in the clubhouse every day and is well respected by the players. This is one time I really miss not having him around. Ironically, if the cancer had not returned, Eck probably does not go on the road trip and the whole confrontation or situation never happens.
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SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I have been traveling so I've heard only bits and pieces of the games so please accept my apology in advance if I'm mistaken. NESN has put MIke Timlin in an awful position for 2 reasons. First, he does not sound like a good announcer. Alot of his commentary seems forced and unnatural. He sounds like a rookie announcer who was just plucked off his couch and asked to do the games
Gosh, I wonder why that is? Could it be that he is a rookie announcer and he was more or less plucked off the couch to do those games? It's not like Timlin has spent the last 8+ years of retirement honing his color commentary skills (there's probably not much call to talk while sitting in a tree stand). Remy's sick, Lyons is off for personal reasons, and Eck doesn't like to travel. Somebody has to sit in the booth with DOB, and Timlin was a) available and b) has Sox ties. End of story.

Why are we talking about Timlin in this thread?


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
May 13, 2006
Gosh, I wonder why that is? Could it be that he is a rookie announcer and he was more or less plucked off the couch to do those games? It's not like Timlin has spent the last 8+ years of retirement honing his color commentary skills (there's probably not much call to talk while sitting in a tree stand). Remy's sick, Lyons is off for personal reasons, and Eck doesn't like to travel. Somebody has to sit in the booth with DOB, and Timlin was a) available and b) has Sox ties. End of story.

Why are we talking about Timlin in this thread?
Sorry Red Hawk Fan..I was typing and inadventently hit the send button on my note before I was finished. I totally agree with your viewpoint by the way. I was just trying to say that as a rookie announcer, Timlin is in an awkard spot to comment on the Price Eck situation and to expect him to do so is wishful .
I did not know that Lyons was away for personal reasons...As for an announcer with Red Sox ties, why can't Wakefield fill in? He does a good job on the pre game show and seems to be respected by the players...


SoSH Member
Sorry Red Hawk Fan..I was typing and inadventently hit the send button on my note before I was finished. I totally agree with your viewpoint by the way. I was just trying to say that as a rookie announcer, Timlin is in an awkard spot to comment on the Price Eck situation and to expect him to do so is wishful .
I did not know that Lyons was away for personal reasons...As for an announcer with Red Sox ties, why can't Wakefield fill in? He does a good job on the pre game show and seems to be respected by the players...
Does it have to be an ex-jock in that seat? There has got to be some guys in the business that would be grateful for the opportunity. There's got to be some capable fill ins in Bristol with a solid sports background who would be OK to serve on an as needed basis. Hasn't T.C. filled in once or twice?

Bob Montgomerys Helmet Hat

has big, douchey shoulders
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Does it have to be an ex-jock in that seat? There has got to be some guys in the business that would be grateful for the opportunity. There's got to be some capable fill ins in Bristol with a solid sports background who would be OK to serve on an as needed basis. Hasn't T.C. filled in once or twice?
T.C. has done play-by-play but wouldn't add much as an analyst. The real option other than an ex-jock is a journalist.


SoSH Member
Nov 6, 2005
If I may add a perspective from from a far away and long ago place, it is threads like this which are totally irrelevant to my enjoyment of the Boston Red Sox. As one of the many who grew up assuming I would never live long enough to see my team win a World Series, this "controversy" neither adds to nor detracts from my enjoyment of the season. Feuds between media and athletes are not unusual and both sides are traditionally at fault. Ted Williams often behaved like an ass publicly and privately, and sportswriters fed a mutual hatred because he made more money and sold more papers with negative stories. This never interferred with my joy in watching him hit. What happens on the field is all that I care about. Commenting on players' personalities when we have never met them is about as meaningless as the men sitting around on the Bachelorette speculating on who is there "for the right reasons".
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wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
The most vital piece being that MANY TEAMMATES APPLAUDED, which means that Price is supported in confronting Eck, which indicates there's something about how players feel about Eck that isn't being reported.

If it doesn't indicate that, you have a blind spot.
Which also means that this probably isn't an isolated incident and that we don't know 1/10th of the story.

But hey - let's make character assessments from our comfty chairs on the internet.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
I guess I just don't see why it really matters. If the team is together in not liking the media or whatever, I really don't care. Now, I know this is Eck and he's a little bit different, but that's to *us*. To the team he's likely not different. He's media.

Whatever, Devers is up, Sox won yesterday.


SoSH Member
Apr 10, 2009
Concord, NH
That many teammates applauded, or that Pedroia egged on Price, doesn't necessarily mean that the problem is Eck. It does suggest there's an issue, but that issue may well be that they're sitting there in the clubhouse reading/listening to the media and taking crap too personally and feeding off of each other over it. Until there's more out there about Eck saying or doing something behind the scenes that makes him out to be more of an asshole here, that's the simplest explanation I can come up with.

And this is coming from someone who is not a fan of the media at all, and will side with the players 99% of the time. This totally reads to me like a team problem, not an Eck problem.

If Pedey is the de facto leader, then he should be the one telling the time to ignore all that shit and play baseball, not egging them on further.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 3, 2009
how much of this is true Eck love and how much of it is just that we don't want to lose him in the booth because the alternatives are scary?

I care more about team unity than who I'm forced to listen to doing color. Like, I don't envy the Mets because they have such an awesome broadcast team. The team's a wreck and they're the fucking METS.

Are we really reading that people's world is shattered because David Price and Dustin Pedroia just might be douchebags? Even after all the Schilling crap? I don't watch these guys because I like their character...

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
Sorry Red Hawk Fan..I was typing and inadventently hit the send button on my note before I was finished. I totally agree with your viewpoint by the way. I was just trying to say that as a rookie announcer, Timlin is in an awkard spot to comment on the Price Eck situation and to expect him to do so is wishful .
I did not know that Lyons was away for personal reasons...As for an announcer with Red Sox ties, why can't Wakefield fill in? He does a good job on the pre game show and seems to be respected by the players...
Tim Wakefield, bless him, 200 wins and all but not all for us, sounds dumber than Jim Rice on NESN shows. Definitely a nice guy but even NESN probably knows he'd be full of fopars.

When do we expect to see Eck again in the booth? Tomorrow night?


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
Pedroia doesn't come out if this smelling like roses. For as likeable of a player he's been over the years, his leadership and character have certainly been called into question this year. That he seems to be on Price's side about this is telling. (The whole thing w/ Machado earlier this year was weird too. one way or another, he needed to be on the same page as his teammates)

Hopefully people's worlds aren't shattered. I know that for me, it's a bit of a confirmation of why I haven't liked this team as much as I liked other good Red Sox teams in the past.

It matters to me if the players on the team I root for are total assholes or not. It doesn't make me upset, but it does make me care less.

I'm aware that many (most?) professional athletes are not people that I would normally get along with on an interpersonal level. But as long as they can keep their demeanor professional and respectful, I can root for them just fine. Once their behavior starts making me cringe, it's hard to keep supporting them.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
This really does make it both difficult and ridiculous to even talk about it. We're never going to get the truth here.
That's the whole point. Muddy the waters so no one can differentiate fact from fiction.

Someone is lying. The individuals involved know the truth but they're refusing to speak out. (Probably because what actually happened reflects poorly on them)


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
So we are back to this kind of stuff? Terrible. This is so 2011.

This reminds me of CHB's columns during the 2004 season. The worst part about it, to me, is that Price, who is the holder of the "the media in Boston is too ______(insert blank)" is the one who started this and fanned the flames afterwards with his comments. He is doing his part to ensure a self-fulfilling prophecy.


This whole thing is laughable. Now we have a circus, and a possibly divided clubhouse(who is the "source" who came out for Dustin?), all because one thin-skinned multimillionaire had to behave like a high-school kid.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
That's the whole point. Muddy the waters so no one can differentiate fact from fiction.

Someone is lying. The individuals involved know the truth but they're refusing to speak out. (Probably because what actually happened reflects poorly on them)
Who ever said Pedroia was part of this? Chad Finn simply tweeted that he wasn't a fan of Eck, so we shouldn't expect him to come out in his defense.

Edit: Ok, see from the WEEI article that Toucher had tweeted that Pedey "cheered aggressively."
Nov 24, 2015
That said I am content to measure players by their on field performance and not what they say.Pedey has always measured up on the field. Price has not, at least not yet in a Red Sox uniform. Yeah David, i could care less about you as a person just like you could care less about me or Eck. You want respect, earn it.
How so? Price put up almost 5 WAR last year and is on pace to put up about 4 this year. The difference in on-field value between the two of them at this point is measuring error.

Pedroia's job isn't to placate Eck. His job is to play baseball, and relate to his teammates.

wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
Someone is lying. The individuals involved know the truth but they're refusing to speak out. (Probably because what actually happened reflects poorly on them)
Someone is lying? How do you know this? Do you have any idea how unreliable eyewitness testimony is?

People have different versions of events. Yes there is a conflict and I'm pretty sure Eck and Price aren't having dinner together anytime soon.

But why do we care so much? We really have nothing better to do than try to psychoanalyze people or play forensic investigator for a dispute among somewhat grown men?


SoSH Member
Apr 10, 2009
Concord, NH
So we are back to this kind of stuff? Terrible. This is so 2011.

This reminds me of CHB's columns during the 2004 season. The worst part about it, to me, is that Price, who is the holder of the "the media in Boston is too ______(insert blank)" is the one who started this and fanned the flames afterwards with his comments. He is doing his part to ensure a self-fulfilling prophecy.


This whole thing is laughable. Now we have a circus, and a possibly divided clubhouse(who is the "source" who came out for Dustin?), all because one thin-skinned multimillionaire had to behave like a high-school kid.
There's a whole bunch we'll never know, but we'll know this: Price has been the most vocal and whiny about the media. Price was the one who insulted Eck. Price is going to get the blame no matter what. And if a Chicken and Beer-like situation comes of this, it'll be Price that gets run out of town.

He's either set himself up to be the goat, or he's actually the main source of the spreading animosity in the clubhouse. He can stave it off well enough if he pitches well going forward, but as soon as he throws up a stinker, the fanbase might just turn on him for good.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Who ever said Pedroia was part of this? Chad Finn simply tweeted that he wasn't a fan of Eck, so we shouldn't expect him to come out in his defense.

Edit: Ok, see from the WEEI article that Toucher had tweeted that Pedey "cheered aggressively."
I heard Lumer Loni talking about this and without saying as much he made it quite clear(it seemed to me at least) that his source is Eck and that Pedey absolutely was involved. They also played audio of Eck getting on Pedey earlier this year during the "it's not me, it's them" incident which is supposed to be the basis of the issue between the two of them.
Sam Kennedy was also on and he stated very plainly that what happened was wrong and that he personally apologized on behalf of the organization to Eck and that he did so within 12 hours of the incident.

Either way this is all childish and dumb. Move on and play ball.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
Someone is lying? How do you know this? Do you have any idea how unreliable eyewitness testimony is?

People have different versions of events.
Because "Pedroia cheered aggressively" and "Pedroia didn't participate in the cheering, nor was he even in the same area" are two completely contradictory accounts of what happened, not two versions of the same event.

Someone is being dishonest, whether it's Pedroia, Bradford, Toucher's source (or maybe Toucher is just making shit up for clicks, which actually seems pretty plausible).

Someone is lying. It might be someone on the team, it might be a source, it might be a media person.

Why would anyone bother lying about this stupid shit? Because people are petty and lack integrity. This could have and should have been resolved within 24 hours of when it started. If the people involved behaved like responsible, professional, decent, respectful people, (even allowing for the initial lapse of judgment) it would have been resolved immediately.
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wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
Because "Pedroia cheered aggressively" and "Pedroia didn't participate in the cheering, nor was he even in the same area" are two completely contradictory accounts of what happened, not two versions of the same event.
You have no idea. It could be that Pedroia was standing near them and happened to start laughing in another conversation. It could be that someone saw Pedroia standing near the group and didn't have a good angle and concluded Pedroia was cheering aggressively because other people were. I mean I don't even know what "cheering aggressively" means.

There are 100 different explanations why people reported two different things without resorting to the conclusion that they were lying.

Unless, of course, you go in with the presumption that someone was lying.

Finally, I didn't ask why anyone would lie about this. I asked why people not only care so much about this series of incidents to talk about it weeks later but to ascribe character motivations to the individuals involved. I just don't get that.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
Right. Sorry for being so presumptuous as to think two contradictory explanations of the same event involves dishonesty. I'm sure it's all just different people's perceptions.

Go team.


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
We all had a pretty good idea that Paul O'Neill and Gary Sheffield (let's be race-neutral) were complete assholes because we hated the uniform they wore.

But Pedey wears our uniform. So he's a hero, not an asshole.

And Price is not a "real Sox" yet. (There's a comment to be made about John Lackey, but I can't figure it out at this late hour.)

From where we sit in the stands, we can love or hate these guys only the way we love or hate characters in a novel.
Somebody else in a post further down says that Price put up 5 WAR last year and is on pace for 4 WAR this year. Fantastic. But to me, $30M should buy playoff game wins, and last year's Price was absolutely not a playoff game winner, however good he was during the season. I didn't like Lackey either, but at least he helped us win in 2013.


New Member
Oct 25, 2013
how much of this is true Eck love and how much of it is just that we don't want to lose him in the booth because the alternatives are scary?

I care more about team unity than who I'm forced to listen to doing color. Like, I don't envy the Mets because they have such an awesome broadcast team. The team's a wreck and they're the fucking METS.

Are we really reading that people's world is shattered because David Price and Dustin Pedroia just might be douchebags? Even after all the Schilling crap? I don't watch these guys because I like their character...
To be honest, with the length and pace of the games lately, baseball has become stale to me. I'm 52 and have watched most games since I could throw a ball.
Dave O'brien is very boring IMO..and this has impacted my enjoyment of watching the Sox. I find Eck to be refreshing and keeps me more interested in watching. Compared to Timlin, it's night and day. The announcers certainly do impact my level of enjoyment...I hope Eck is not pushed out.

geoduck no quahog

not particularly consistent
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SoSH Member
Nov 8, 2002
Seattle, WA
Somebody else in a post further down says that Price put up 5 WAR last year and is on pace for 4 WAR this year. Fantastic. But to me, $30M should buy playoff game wins, and last year's Price was absolutely not a playoff game winner, however good he was during the season. I didn't like Lackey either, but at least he helped us win in 2013.
I don't understand "playoff winner" in the context of pitching ability. Pitchers sometimes suck and sometimes they don't. Some pitchers transcend suck. But if one's going to isolate playoff results then Kershaw has to also be in that equation. I'm sure there are other examples in both directions (e.g. Pedro).

My point? We're sophisticated enough to reserve judgment on a guy's "makeup" until we're certain he can't handle pressure. Who, in your opinion, fits that description (other than Price)?


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
David Price came to the Red Sox with a history of poor postseason results. He had one start in the ALDS for the Sox last year vs CLE, and gave up 5 runs in 3 1/3 innings. Here are his stats per Bref, and I have highlighted the one year where he was good in the postseason, 2008 and he was a reliever then. Since then, not so much:


Here is another guy who used to pitch for the Red Sox, Jon Lester. Consistent playoff performer:

Or Adam Wainwright, who didn't pitch all that well against the Sox in 2013, but otherwise very good in the playoffs:

Or CC Sabathia, who has had mixed results in ALCS series, but very good in ALDS series with a 6-0 record and 3.24 ERA...

I was conscious of being race neutral in the examples; otherwise I could have listed Bumgarner (11 starts, 102 IP, 8-3, 2.11 ERA, 0.899 WHIP).

I enjoyed watching Price's work last year in the regular season, and - his last start not withstanding - this year as well. But you get paid $30M per year to take teams deep into playoffs.

I know he is only one pitcher, and I know the Sox lost that series as much because they couldn't hit or compete with Playoff Tito as for anything that David Price did or didn't do, but if he had pitched in Game 2 the way he pitched regular season, maybe the results are dfifferent in that one game, and the Sox come back home with a bit more resolve instead of an inevitable feeling that they were done. It is worth noting that his was the only game the Sox were never close after the Chisenhall HR in the 2nd inning.

Edit: about 2008 results.


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Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
Pedroia doesn't come out if this smelling like roses. For as likeable of a player he's been over the years, his leadership and character have certainly been called into question this year. That he seems to be on Price's side about this is telling. (The whole thing w/ Machado earlier this year was weird too. one way or another, he needed to be on the same page as his teammates)

Hopefully people's worlds aren't shattered. I know that for me, it's a bit of a confirmation of why I haven't liked this team as much as I liked other good Red Sox teams in the past.

It matters to me if the players on the team I root for are total assholes or not. It doesn't make me upset, but it does make me care less.

I'm aware that many (most?) professional athletes are not people that I would normally get along with on an interpersonal level. But as long as they can keep their demeanor professional and respectful, I can root for them just fine. Once their behavior starts making me cringe, it's hard to keep supporting them.
Pedroia came off awful in the Machado dustup earlier when he threw teammates under the bus. I love Pedey but I am in the "something is up" camp and have a feeling there is a old/young schism.


SoSH Member
Apr 2, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
If I may add a perspective from from a far away and long ago place, it is threads like this which are totally irrelevant to my enjoyment of the Boston Red Sox. As one of the many who grew up assuming I would never live long enough to see my team win a World Series, this "controversy" neither adds to nor detracts from my enjoyment of the season. Feuds between media and athletes are not unusual and both sides are traditionally at fault. Ted Williams often behaved like an ass publicly and privately, and sportswriters fed a mutual hatred because he made more money and sold more papers with negative stories. This never interferred with my joy in watching him hit. What happens on the field is all that I care about. Commenting on players' personalities when we have never met them is about as meaningless as the men sitting around on the Bachelorette speculating on who is there "for the right reasons".
I thought of this post - which I thought was a very valuable perspective - as I happened to click through to an article on a pioneering female reporter named Claire Smith who had the indignity of being shut out of the Padres locker room by then Padres Manager Dick Williams during the 1984 NLCS, and what one Padres veteran did about it.

I know we will never know the whole story of "Eckgate", and the media publishes what they think will sell, but that level of maturity and humanity is one reason why I think this team desperately misses David Ortiz.

Edit: Oh and by the way, as Monbonthbump asserts, I think that the maturity is probably missing on both sides - media and players. Can you imagine Pedroia, Price or Hanley doing this? And can you imagine other sports writers actually being altruistic enough to support Eck without appearing self-serving a la CHB? And are we even sure Eck is deserving of defense?
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SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
Ooooh boy.
Suddenly CHB is getting all the scoops?

"The plot thickens" is a dead giveaway at his motives. Price is his target. Anything he can do to generate clickbait against him will be printed. Price may be a bad guy but CHB is 10X worse.
The day CHB is canned will be a great day in Boston Sports Media. He was never good but his shtick is so tired and played out that he really shouldn't have been relevant for the last 15yrs.
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