One of my favorite things when I was back home during this time (part of summer and Christmas) and was driving around and listening to this shit. One winter I was sitting in the parking lot of the Dunkin in Middletown RI heading into Newport and the rule of the show is they’re talking football. Pats playoffs, all that shit. So one guy gets on the air and it’s normal but you can tell the caller is boring himself asking football questions. Then he says something, and as he’s saying it his voice lightens up right away, and he says “oh by the way, remember when you said such and such about Nomar…” The hosts groan, yell at him, say the show is only about football but then they can’t let it go and start defending themselves on a Nomar topic.
Shit like this is why I love the die hard Red Sox fans; Fucking maniacs. Also why I don’t like a lot of Pat’s fans but we do not need to get into that.