Round 2 Bruins-Panthers


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
It fell flat with the fans, but to the league Sweeney’s message was clear: You forbid us from talking about the officiating, the officiating is inconsistent and haphazard, so YOU get out here and explain these calls to the fans.
It was basically a "we agree with everything you're saying but we don't have the answer to your question. The league needs to be more transparent."


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
I couldn’t look my teammates or players in the face if I had the B’s lack of reaction at every level. I’d be embarrassed to show my face.

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I'm sorry, I just don't know how you can live through a literal Stanley Cup Finals turning against your team specifically on the whining and complaining of the opponent's coach culminating in one of the worst missed calls (both in the vacuum of the play itself and in the wider context of the game) in any sport at any time only to come out following the latest shaftings and be coy about not complaining thinking that will do, well, anything. After the slew foot in 2019 they rewarded the B's with...the exact same number of power plays as St. Louis in the next game. Nobody's throwing us a fucking bone for being good boys.

Edit: Sorry, not done. The fact that this will be followed by more mealy-mouthed bullshit in the conference call after this series and season ends is even more maddening. You were a player! How are you this out of touch! How are you not foaming at the mouth at the treatment of your organization!

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
I am telling you guys, the league office fucking hates the Bruins. Nothing will ever, ever change that. They beat the beloved Leafs too much and in too great a humiliating way to ever be forgiven for that.

This is a farce.


SoSH Member
Jun 3, 2003
I pay a metric fuckton of money to attend Bruins games. I would like to see team leadership respect me a bit more as a paying fan. I also bring my kids to the games, future purchasers of tickets. Two games in a row for my young son ended with complete officiating bag jobs. He can handle his team losing, but he’s already telling me he’d rather just go watch the Celtics because he, “doesn’t understand hockey rules.” He’s 7 and is already noticing a pattern. Such a shame we have gutless team leadership that appears inept at solving this perennial issue.


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2006
If you aren't going to come out and stick up for the team then just refuse to answer any questions. That would say more than this pleasant turn the other cheek bullshit. Just say I can't talk about it you saw what we did and leave it at that. Don't placate the clueless zebras and equally clueless league office with the mealy mouthed worried about fines BS.

In hindsight this was probably a good thing, very little chance B's were winning this series even if they pulled out last nights game and after last night that was all the impetus I needed to say goodbye to the NHL till next Sept/Oct.


SoSH Member
Jan 4, 2002
Wasn't really expecting Sweeney to say anything and he obliged. Why hold a press conference for that? Don't want to get fined. You know what Donny. I don't want to give this organization another penny.

Diamond Don Aase

SoSH Member
Jan 16, 2001
Merrimack Valley
Where was Maroon?
Four strides late to the press conference. At least Maroon practices like he plays.

Allowing that I would have been disappointed in anything not beginning with “I’m just here to get fined…” and the highest level of professional athletes are almost universally capable of significant self-motivation, I have no idea how those wearing pads on this team can believe they are being coached and managed by anything other than gutless cowards.

Over Guapo Grande

panty merchant
SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2005
At least we'll get an offseason of hearing how they need to get "grittier" and "harder to play against". So we have that going for us, which is nice, I guess.


used to be tbb
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
...why in the world was a press conference scheduled to say these things?

Did he schedule a press conference to scold the media for attempting to do their jobs? Really? Cowardice to an unbelievable degree.

The whole world saw this team get screwed and the coach and front office are literally saying nothing to avoid a fucking $50,000 fine? That is absolutely fucking pathetic.

EDIT: To me, this goes back to Neely. I think Sweeney is basically his human bulletproof vest so Cam doesn't have to do anything he doesn't want to do


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
I had very low expectations and somehow they still managed to disappoint me.

Here are the messages they just sent:
To the players: you're on your own, we won't have your back with the officials
To the fans: shut up and pay us
To the media: how dare you do your job?

This management is a joke and needs to go from Neely on down. Everyone needs to go and they need a completely new philosophy. This one isn't capable of competing anymore.

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here
I pay a metric fuckton of money to attend Bruins games. I would like to see team leadership respect me a bit more as a paying fan.
would be nice wouldn't it?
I wonder if they'll do the STH meeting thing again this year. We should get a bunch of us to go and ask question after question about it

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
SoSH Member
May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
Getting outshot against the Panthers was to be expected - they were 2nd in the NHL in SOG and 3rd in shots against while the Bruins 22nd in both. HOWEVER, being outshot 145-78 is just a whole 'nother level of ineptitude.
Penalties are 22-10 in favor of Florida in this series. You cannot outshoot your opponent when the officials are only sending one team to the penalty box.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
So I didn't watch last night. Combination of Mother's Day and needing a day off from all of these Boston playoff games. Kept up through the game thread. Was actually thinking best of both worlds when it was 2-0 - Bruins would win and I wouldn't be stressed about it. Read about the play. Finally saw it this morning. It's so depressing, especially on the heels of the other interference call this series, and Bennett scoring is the cherry on top. And the reverse angle of the hit on Marchand not surfacing until yesterday. I want to believe that it's on the up and up, but I am having a hard time getting there. The worst part is that it breaks my son's heart. I get that more often than not you're going to have sports break your heart. But it's not supposed to happen like this.

It remains miraculous that they beat Vancouver in 2011 considering how badly we wanted to beat them after the Burrow and Rome incidents. I'm basically at that level right now, except they also have to overcome the league, and that's just too much.

Bennett cheap shots Marchand in game 3, injuring him and knocking him out of at least game 4.

Bennett cross checks Coyle in the crease which smothers Swayman and scores the tying goal.

Bennett is fast becoming hockey enemy #1. How does he do both of these things and not get penalized for either?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2001
Durham, NC
Marchand skated today, traveling with the team.
They will be doing Marchand a terrible disservice to let him play without a serious concussion protocol and fMRI. He was clearly concussed on the first based on his wobbling etc. The second collision while concussed makes everything worse. He gets his bell rung and it could be really bad for him.


SoSH Member
Jul 30, 2009
South of North
Embarrassing. Cannot ask the players to be stout & fight for each other when the team brass provides this milquetoast effort here.

I cannot believe the last 4 days with this team. I simply am dumbfounded.
I agree.

It fell flat with the fans, but to the league Sweeney’s message was clear: You forbid us from talking about the officiating, the officiating is inconsistent and haphazard, so YOU get out here and explain these calls to the fans.
I agree with you. My question is whether you need to do a PC to accomplish this? Like, did the league receive said message? I'd guess no.

Eh, you're right that there's some pathetic inconsistency on messaging, but I chalk this up to giving canned answers. I don't particularly care what players say about intangibles, versus when they talk about a specific play and strategy. But maybe I'm being naive.

It was basically a "we agree with everything you're saying but we don't have the answer to your question. The league needs to be more transparent."
Narrator: The league wasn't.

I had very low expectations and somehow they still managed to disappoint me.

Here are the messages they just sent:
To the players: you're on your own, we won't have your back with the officials
To the fans: shut up and pay us
To the media: how dare you do your job?

This management is a joke and needs to go from Neely on down. Everyone needs to go and they need a completely new philosophy. This one isn't capable of competing anymore.
This 1000%. I agree with the posters that say this message was intended for the league, but the message to the players and fans is abjectly horrible. I hate sports media more than most, but you're right about the organization's disrespect of them too. It's part of the ecosystem owners have created to feed fans content, so to snipe at them in this instance is low.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Rhode Island
I doubt the players take away is that management doesn’t have their backs. The likelihood that Sweeney didn’t discuss this with the player leadership before going out there is remote. Maroon wouldn’t be out there if players weren’t in the loop.

The point was to push the media to look harder where the blame is. The between the lines is “I’m not saying that something is going on, but….” I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some back channel work being done with a few members of the media. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” and you may want to look here.

Coming out with a flamethrower would be fan service. Can’t argue they are not taking the fans for granted and they should consider who is actually paying the bills for once.

Maroon was trying to call them all cowards without saying the word. That’s more perplexing. Just say it. They are a bunch of punks who won’t answer the bell.

We’ll see how it plays out. I’m not a betting man, but I would be surprised if the penalty calls don’t favor Boston in game 5. League invited the microscope and now they will try to show that there is no bias or anything to see. That’s easy to do now that it’s a 3-1 series lead for the growth market. Ever the optimist, I’m also not throwing in the towel on a series comeback. What’s the point of watching if you don’t have some faith.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Jesus Tapdancing Christ. Is Stevie Wonder the league official reviewing the films?
It’s unconscionable. At first, with the original angle, I thought, meh, that kind of play happens all the time in hockey. Then I saw the reverse angle and Bennett clearly punches Marchand. Like, it’s not close to anything but that.


slappy happy
SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
I literally laughed out loud reading that.

They are just trolling at this point.

"two players engaged" is comic gold.

It is shocking they didn't call it "Marchand delivers late hit on dasher boards -- two minutes!"
Its like when Johnny Most famously called the play where Chamberlain “hit Russell’s elbow with his face.”


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
Hell, I couldn’t look my corporate America work colleagues in the eye if I stood up for them like this after they got fucked like the Panthers and league have been doing to the Bs. And we’re pretty damned far from a professional contact sport.

Two Youks

New Member
Jun 18, 2013
I doubt the players take away is that management doesn’t have their backs. The likelihood that Sweeney didn’t discuss this with the player leadership before going out there is remote. Maroon wouldn’t be out there if players weren’t in the loop.
My response to this (not you specifically) is: why is Maroon the player presence here? Where's Pasta? McAvoy? Zacha? Swayman? Frederick? Carlo? You know, anyone who's been on the ice for this team for more than a month? It's weird to me that - even accounting for his rings - that Maroon is the one out there. Where's the long term Bruins leaders at?

I'm getting whiffs of "Charlie Jacobs doesn't want to piss off the other owners" here. Feels very Kraft-ian from the Spy-and-DeflateGate era.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
I doubt the players take away is that management doesn’t have their backs. The likelihood that Sweeney didn’t discuss this with the player leadership before going out there is remote. Maroon wouldn’t be out there if players weren’t in the loop.

The point was to push the media to look harder where the blame is. The between the lines is “I’m not saying that something is going on, but….” I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some back channel work being done with a few members of the media. “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark” and you may want to look here.

Coming out with a flamethrower would be fan service. Can’t argue they are not taking the fans for granted and they should consider who is actually paying the bills for once.

Maroon was trying to call them all cowards without saying the word. That’s more perplexing. Just say it. They are a bunch of punks who won’t answer the bell.

We’ll see how it plays out. I’m not a betting man, but I would be surprised if the penalty calls don’t favor Boston in game 5. League invited the microscope and now they will try to show that there is no bias or anything to see. That’s easy to do now that it’s a 3-1 series lead for the growth market. Ever the optimist, I’m also not throwing in the towel on a series comeback. What’s the point of watching if you don’t have some faith.
This is the same management that signed that wretched piece of crap Mitchell Miller without bothering to ask the team leadership (not to mention their pathetic "we had no idea this would blow up on us and did zero homework whatsoever on him, but when we investigated ourselves after we determined we'd done nothing wrong).

I don't believe they checked with Marchand on this at all. Maybe Maroon saw talking points on the way to the PC? Even that I'd be surprised.


New Member
Jun 11, 2019
When the GM/President gets fined, do they pay or does the organization pay? Maybe Jacobs has said "we will not do anything that will make me have to pay a 100K, 250K, 500K fine... ever"


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
Hell, I couldn’t look my corporate America work colleagues in the eye if I stood up for them like this after they got fucked like the Panthers and league have been doing to the Bs. And we’re pretty damned far from a professional contact sport.
It's absolutely pathetic and cowardly. They have a self-defeating culture problem, and it starts with Sweeney, and, somehow, given the player he was, Cam. I was skeptical in the Toronto series that Monty ripping the officials would make much tangible difference. And I'm not sure it would have here, either. But for larger, longer term reasons, they have to do it. They have to establish that "nobody fucks with us without consequences" culture. They used to be the home office of it. This group has utterly failed at it. The FO and Monty need to be gone. Time for a new/old approach.
Last edited:

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here
When the GM/President gets fined, do they pay or does the organization pay? Maybe Jacobs has said "we will not do anything that will make me have to pay a 100K, 250K, 500K fine... ever"
then he's a fucking idiot because he may lose out on $10 million or so from a game 6 at home.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
When the GM/President gets fined, do they pay or does the organization pay? Maybe Jacobs has said "we will not do anything that will make me have to pay a 100K, 250K, 500K fine... ever"
The fine is $25,000. I don't know who would pay it but it's pocket change regardless. I don't think it has anything to do with the finances, I think it's more of the control what you can control, no excuses type culture they have. FWIW, Cassidy got fined in 2021 for complaining about the refs in the Islanders series.

FWIW, I think in general NHL front offices and coaches are pretty tame and it's not unique to Boston. This "go scorched earth" thing doesn't happen much. By my count, since 2021 there's been 8 seperate fines for coaches criticizng officials. Zero for the front office. The most memorable one I can recall was Mario's "garbage league" but that was more than a decado, IIRC.


Svelte and sexy!
SoSH Member
May 18, 2007
Manchester, N.H.
Isn't this how we got to the incredibly ugly Bertuzzi-Moore assault? Steve Moore cheap shots Markus Naslund, the referees and home office sit on their disciplinary whistles, Moore refuses a fight, and Bertuzzi sends him to the hospital?

No one in their right mind would hope for this but given Bennett's cheap shots on David Kampf last year, and Matthew Knies and Brad Marchand, with the league unwilling to discipline, a player seems likely to their this into their own hands at some point


Thinks he’s clever
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Balboa Towers
The fine is $25,000. I don't know who would pay it but it's pocket change regardless. I don't think it has anything to do with the finances, I think it's more of the control what you can control, no excuses type culture they have. FWIW, Cassidy got fined in 2021 for complaining about the refs in the Islanders series.

FWIW, I think in general NHL front offices and coaches are pretty tame and it's not unique to Boston. This "go scorched earth" thing doesn't happen much. By my count, since 2021 there's been 8 seperate fines for coaches criticizng officials. Zero for the front office. The most memorable one I can recall was Mario's "garbage league" but that was more than a decado, IIRC.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with the finances. So Sweeney shouldn’t haven’t brought it up as the reason. It’s a bad look to the fans.

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Parros played all but ~60 games of his career in the western conference. I'm not sure where the bias against Boston and Toronto would come from based on his playing career.

(I think he's just incompetent)


SoSH Member
May 25, 2008
Boston, MA
The Rangers called out Parros a few years ago. They did what the Bruins should be doing.

He was an enforcer. He clearly has always had the mindset that shit players like Tom Wilson or Bennett do is stuff he would have done.


SoSH Member
Sep 12, 2022
It's disappointing that those heavy Bs teams in the late 90s and early 00s couldn't win because they were slow, somewhat unskilled bruisers. So the league changes the rules post lockout to emphasize skill, the Bs finally adapt and... the league let's them get dry humped up and down the ice with reckless abandon. I semi quit the Bs after 2019 chalking the finals loss up to a hot goalie and timely scoring. And I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But I'm sort of coming around to the idea that there is something really strange going on with how some games are called and the Bs seem to be on the wrong side on an awful lot of tough luck (no) calls.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Biz says the *new* camera angle of the Bennett/Marchand play came from Sportsnet. Apparently the TNT camera at the same location was blocked out by a stanchion. Somehow, Colby Armstrong found it. Doesn't know if the league had access to it prior to last night but assumes they did (FWIW Sweeney said the Bruins didn't have it until last night and doesn't know if the league did).



chris hansen of goats
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
May 19, 2004
Some fancy town in CT
I mentioned this in the Western Conference thread but the league doesn't care about its star players. Not when known and repeat dickheads like Trouba, Zadorov and Bennett are allowed to get away with anything and everything.

I love Chara dearly but part of me is disappointed that he didn't play more like Scott Stevens or Dave Manson.


SoSH Member
Nov 15, 2006
306, row 14
Also, after listening to the whole thing, I thought Sweeney came off a bit better today than the real-time summaries on Twitter. It wasn't great and won't be satisfying but it was a little more pointed and direct.

He shouldn't have led off by telling the media to not ask Monty about officiating. I believe his intention was to lean into the league needing to be more transparent but it came across as whiny and him tsk tsking the media. He went on to say that the Bruins challenged the play so their opinion of the call is obvious and the league needs to make the officials and supervisors available so they can explain "whatever interpretation they applied to rule 69."

As for Marchand/Bennett, he called for DoPS to put out an explanation for their interpretation of the situation. "We've seen every angle you can possibly imagine, no different than when Marchand is called to the carpet and we go through all the comparables, that's their job." Then backs off and says they have to live with DoPS judgement.

I think he likely gets fined, it wasn't as bad as the original reaction made it seem, but he also didn't quite get his monies worth if he indeed does get fined.