Report: This is Don Orsillo's last season

RSN Diaspora

molests goats for comedy
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Jul 29, 2005
Washington, DC
RGREELEY33 said:
Mcdonough comes with WAY too much baggage and is Monty still in broadcasting?

Yes. In fact, he went to broadcast school recently...where else do you think he learned to make those dynamite drop-ins?

Doc Zero

SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2007
This stinks. As others have noted, Orsillo is easily in the 90th percentile when it comes to PBP guys. (If you don't believe me, spend a whole season out-of-market with MLB TV and listen to some of the other guys)
O'Brien/Eck 2016.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
MyDaughterLovesTomGordon said:
New info. Chad now saying it's a NESN guy named Joseph Maar who's not Orsillo's biggest fan. He's relatively new, apparently, so he wants to install his own announcer-boy. 
Maar's previous MLB team backgrounds includes being in charge of the broadcasts for the Twins and Brewers (see link). The Brewers have Uecker, of course, while the Twins announcers always seem competent but dull.


will you be my friend?
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Nov 1, 2005
Corsi said:
That is an absolute fucking disgrace on the part of NESN, which proves yet again they're an ongoing joke of an RSN propped up by nothing by money.  Werner has basically become my own personal Lucchino-devil, responsible for every idiot decision within the organization.


SoSH Member
Mar 24, 2006
Jamaica Plain
Of course they'll continue with the constant stream of booth guests, which I'm pretty sure even those peoples grandmothers instinctively mute when they come on.


Mai Tais for everyone!
SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2006
The announcers are the least of the Red Sox problems.  And to do this with a month or so left in the season is absolutely ridiculous timing.  Does these suits have any freaking clue? Could have made the change after the season when "evaluations" are done and it wouldn't raise anywhere near the emotional response it does now.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
As I feared...
Maar comes to NESN with over 25 years of experience in the sports media industry, leading and developing the operational, logistical and creative aspects of studio and remote event productions. In his most recent position at FOX Sports North (FSN) regions based out of Minneapolis, Maar led the redevelopment of their original programming. He oversaw live events, studio shows, interactive projects, second screen media and new channel initiatives for two FOX regional sports networks across a five-state region of the Upper Midwest. The telecasts Maar oversaw included the Minnesota Twins and Milwaukee Brewers (MLB), the Minnesota Wild (NHL), the Minnesota Timberwolves and Milwaukee Bucks (NBA), the University of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Vikings (NFL). "Joseph has a rare combination of experiences in live sports, original programming, production, operations, and social media that he'll bring to the management team at NESN," said Sean McGrail, NESN's President and CEO. "We're thrilled to have someone of Joseph's caliber join the management team at NESN." Prior to working at FSN, Maar worked in ESPN's Original Entertainment division and helped launch 20 new shows including Pardon The Interruption (PTI) and Around The Horn. 
I'd take boring over "hot take" idiocy.  

Merkle's Boner

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Apr 24, 2011
I'm glad people are coming to Don's defense here. I've never understood the enmity this board has for Orsillo. Who cares about the goofy stuff, really? When a play needs to be called, he almost always nails it. And if you listen to other teams, including the Yankees, you realize how good we have had it.

I'm shocked, especially by Chad's tweet.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
If ever there was a time for Don to drop the mic, tonight's the night.  Announce the first pitch, drop the mic, fire off a couple freedom rockets and high tail it to your car.

The Gray Eagle

SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Did Orsillo say something on air recently that pissed off NESN management? I can't figure out why else they would consider pulling him this week.


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Mar 16, 2006
Boston Metro
bluefenderstrat said:
It's probably money. I think even Werner understands that a winning team draws ratings, no matter who is announcing.
I have more faith that my dog won't eat a pizza left on the floor than I have that Tom Werner knows jack about anything. 


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Corsi said:
If ever there was a time for Don to drop the mic, tonight's the night.  Announce the first pitch, drop the mic, fire off a couple freedom rockets and high tail it to your car.
Yeah, that's a great way to get yourself another gig.  If he's the pro everyone says he is, he'll go out like one whether it's tonight or at the end of September.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Rhode Island
nattysez said:
WTF?  Why would they not let him finish out the year?
Hey it could have been worse. They could have handed him a press announcement mid-inning regarding his termination and have him read it before they gave him a box to pack his stuff.  Missed opportunity for a viral video on their part. 


Knows about the CBA.
SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2003
Section 519
What a mess. By all accounts Orsillo is a decent guy. This leaves him (and NESN) with no good option here. Do they leave Orsillo in the booth for the next 5-6 weeks? That's embarassing for everyone. Put a replacement in the booth for the rest of the season? It sounds like that other fill in was awful. 
All of this could have been avoided with a November press release. Especially when you already have your replacement in house.


Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2001
If it's OB then that's the best possible outcome considering how much suck there is out there. That said, NESN is stupid as hell if they think Orsillo has anything to do with declining ratings. Try putting a good product on the field.

Smiling Joe Hesketh

Throw Momma From the Train
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May 20, 2003
Deep inside Muppet Labs
SeanBerry said:
What a mess. By all accounts Orsillo is a decent guy. This leaves him (and NESN) with no good option here. Do they leave Orsillo in the booth for the next 5-6 weeks? That's embarassing for everyone. Put a replacement in the booth for the rest of the season? It sounds like that other fill in was awful. 
All of this could have been avoided with a November press release. Especially when you already have your replacement in house.
You said it. This was handled in the most clumsy, public, step-on-their-dicks way possible by the team.
Don's a solid pro and will land on his feet. His work on TBS broadcasting their playoff games showed that he's not just Remy's straight man; in that situation he was more assertive and in charge of the broadcast than he is on NESN because he has to defer to Remy all the time. Hopefully he'll come out of this nonsense alright.
He deserves better than this.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
The Gray Eagle said:
Did Orsillo say something on air recently that pissed off NESN management? I can't figure out why else they would consider pulling him this week.
This is where I am. There's got to be so much more to this story, if they were/are considering immediate termination.
Makes me wonder now whether we've missed some veiled hints in recent broadcasts of the coming storm. 


SoSH Member
Apr 5, 2014
Finn talked last year at this time of will-they won't-they about picking up Orsillo's 2015 option since they couldn't get a deal done. This has definitely been a few years in the making, going back to when they first started those "mandatory" vacations for him and Remy (this wasn't new in 2015).

The Talented Allen Ripley

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Oct 2, 2003
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RIFan said:
Hey it could have been worse. They could have handed him a press announcement mid-inning regarding his termination and have him read it before they gave him a box to pack his stuff.  Missed opportunity for a viral video on their part. 
"My firing has been brought to you by Giant Glass!"


sings praises of pinstripes
SoSH Member
May 20, 2008
Jackson Heights, NYC
By way of the K, (player) goes down on strikes. I always loved DO's ability to repeat what happened within the same sentence. Like many others, I think DO is a familiar voice that will be missed. Pawtucket boy sucks.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Corsi said:
If ever there was a time for Don to drop the mic, tonight's the night.  Announce the first pitch, drop the mic, fire off a couple freedom rockets and high tail it to your car.
And then NOT work in the business again?

Nuf Ced

stupidity monitor
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Jul 27, 2001
Cape Ann


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Aug 2, 2010
Don Orsillo "hitting the road" brought to you by Sullivan Tire Company.
Steve Physioc and Rex Hudler as replacements.  There won't be a floor strong enough to support the ratings.


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I would only and humbly add to HomeBrew's list the Tigers' alleged announcing teams, but his list pretty much nails it.
Pray that NESN does not do a YES Network set-up, with a Michael Kay-like homer and a cast of thousands.

Laser Show

SoSH Member
Nov 7, 2008
Perfectly ok with Dave O'Brien. Glad to be wrong about next year's broadcasts.

That said this sucks so much. Don should still be here.


isn't shy about blowing his wad early
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Dec 3, 2010
Boston, MA
This is Joseph Maar:

No wonder he doesn't like Orsillo.  He'd prefer to hire two knuckleheads to fake debate for 3 hours.


will you be my friend?
SoSH Member
Nov 1, 2005
Corsi said:
This is Joseph Maar:

No wonder he doesn't like Orsillo.  He'd prefer to hire two knuckleheads to fake debate for 3 hours.
To be fair to Maar, PTI and ATH were fresh formats in 2000, and led the way for print journalists to survive with TV transitions.  Both calcified long ago, but if you want to talk about the decline and fall of the medium, the dark arts First Take practiced when standing on the shoulders of those two shows, and the symbiotic effect their success had on ESPN's overall programming, is the real culprit.


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Jun 30, 2006
Going to miss Don, he was a doof but cheery, positive and professional. 
I really enjoy listening to O'Brien on EEI so that's a relief to hear. If they started fresh and paired him with Eck, I'd be a happy camper. Though that being said, I've felt Remy's had a bit of a renaissance this year, being consistently insightful and unusually focused. 
The timing just seems wrong though, there has to be more to this.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
Axe him mid season? What a fucking joke. They need to get this clown show under control.


SoSH Member
Aug 8, 2004
I could live with O'Brien and Eckersley, both of whom I like, but hate to see Orsillo and/or Remy go, and pretty disgusted with the way the team does business like this.
I'm also very curious to know what data suggests that changing announcers could help ratings -- I've seen zero positive feedback for this move anywhere online, so if there's a silent majority who hated Orsillo, I have no idea what it looks like.

Merkle's Boner

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Apr 24, 2011
grimshaw said:
Wonder if Merloni takes over color for radio broadcasts now.
I was wondering the same thing. Don't listen to EEI much anymore, but whenever I do, Merloni comes across as completely bored on his show. Maybe he's ready for something else, although with a young kid it's a tough travel schedule.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
:unsure: Gary Thorne is opinionated and has New England roots.  :unsure: 
Is there a contract status site for announcers?


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Mar 16, 2006
Boston Metro
Merkle's Boner said:
I was wondering the same thing. Don't listen to EEI much anymore, but whenever I do, Merloni comes across as completely bored on his show. Maybe he's ready for something else, although with a young kid it's a tough travel schedule.
Merloni must still regret not taking the chance with Felger. Felger may have driven him crazy, but it would've made that show better than Mazz. Love Merloni. Wish he could find his place here.


New Member
May 27, 2007
I have worked closely with people at NESN. Few things:
100% Maar's decision. 
Orsillo is unlikely to appear on NESN again, but not 100% sure yet. Even one of the people on the crew tonight has not been informed (Said 'Don isn't here yet but we haven't been told. No idea what's happening tonight. Typical NESN'.)
Don leaked the info himself today. NESN would have preferred to wait until after the season, but DO wanted it released on his schedule. 
It cannot be stated how bad of a decision maker Maar is. The only good thing he's done is bring Erdahl with him from Minnesota. He's the one responsible for talent decisions like Nikki Reyes, Sarah Nicole Davis, Elle Duncan, ect. Made the call to go with the super generic new morning show and putting Duncan/Davis together for NESN Live, which may be the worst show ever created. His eye for talent is pitiful (minus Erdahl), and his feel for programming is worse.