Promoting O'Brien was justified on separate grounds (David Ortiz! David Ortiz!! David Ortiz!!!).
That's "justified grounds"? O'Brien was presented with the most dramatic, series-altering individual performance since the same man did likewise 9 years earlier, and in being carried away by his emotions, he creatively musters up... repeating the guy's name a few times? I mean, I'd take "unicorns and show ponies" over something bland like that. A moment like that is one of the few opportunities where an announcer can drop the neutral pretext and get hysterical over the unbelievable events unfolding before them. And presented with one such moment, Dave O'Brien's innermost thoughts were... hey, that man is named David Ortiz! Hell, I'll say it: Joe Buck probably does better there. Orsillo certainly did.
I'll agree with shaggy that DOB is "professional", but I think we've gone from "Quirky, unique, sometimes annoying" to "Professional but dull" with little consideration. If you talk to non-baseball fans, or casual baseball fans, one of the first things they associate with baseball is "Boring". Orsillo and Remy made what can be a ponderous game-watching experience for passive fans into one that was meaningfully more entertaining. I just feel like we went from an A-team to a guy who's a consistent B+, in the name of change-for-change's-sake.
And so now we have O'Brien reminding us on
literally every broadcast for the last week that Hanley seems "like a guy who's just about to turn the corner", which has to either be a directive from on high, or a failure of their producer to say "hey, Dave, mix it up a little bit", and either way is just as annoying as an occasional giggle fest. We've exchanged "Down by way of the K" for toned-down lower-vocal-register calls of some dramatic moments, like Vazquez's mammoth blast to win the game last night. (lowest ratio of "vocal drama" to "game-situation drama" that I can recall, outside of Hawk Harrelson narrating an opponent's game-winner, frankly) Basically, O'Brien has some work to do to present himself as anything other than an Orsillo downgrade (but one who - thank god! - takes himself more seriously).