I first met Bob and Cathy at Orleans in Somerville in 2006. Bob's encyclopedia like knowledge of Boston sports events was impressive, as was his wit. What I liked even more though, was the obvious love and affection that Bob and Cathy had for each other.
Through this place we share personal details of our lives. Sometimes we ask for advice, sometimes we just need encouragement. I joined SoSH when I was 20 years old, but despite the age gap between Bob and I whenever we saw each other out he would always take time to ask about my life and offer me guidance. In 2008 I went through a hard time right around the time of the annual get together, The Bash. When Bob (and Cathy) saw me, instead of the usual busting balls that Bob would tend to lay on people, he put his big arm around me, pulled me close and said, "Its gonna be alright Anthony, you're gonna be fine". That meant more to me than Bob knew.
Over the next few years we kept in touch with Bob and Cathy. One night they had my future wife and I over at their gorgeous mill apartment, and Bob cooked us a 5 star meal. Fate would then strike in 2014 as Bob and Cathy just happened to be in San Francisco on the night that we were there for our honeymoon. We shared a celebratory drink that night and Bob, per usual, held court at the table giving us marriage advice. When my son was born, Cathy came by the house with a blanket made for him.
I've always said that this place was more than a message board. At its best, its a generous community of good meaning folk who are always willing to help those who need it. Bob, and Cathy, are the best examples of that.
I think it says a lot that in this thread there have been postings from members who haven't posted in a very, very long time. Bob left an impression on us all.
Through this place we share personal details of our lives. Sometimes we ask for advice, sometimes we just need encouragement. I joined SoSH when I was 20 years old, but despite the age gap between Bob and I whenever we saw each other out he would always take time to ask about my life and offer me guidance. In 2008 I went through a hard time right around the time of the annual get together, The Bash. When Bob (and Cathy) saw me, instead of the usual busting balls that Bob would tend to lay on people, he put his big arm around me, pulled me close and said, "Its gonna be alright Anthony, you're gonna be fine". That meant more to me than Bob knew.
Over the next few years we kept in touch with Bob and Cathy. One night they had my future wife and I over at their gorgeous mill apartment, and Bob cooked us a 5 star meal. Fate would then strike in 2014 as Bob and Cathy just happened to be in San Francisco on the night that we were there for our honeymoon. We shared a celebratory drink that night and Bob, per usual, held court at the table giving us marriage advice. When my son was born, Cathy came by the house with a blanket made for him.
I've always said that this place was more than a message board. At its best, its a generous community of good meaning folk who are always willing to help those who need it. Bob, and Cathy, are the best examples of that.
I think it says a lot that in this thread there have been postings from members who haven't posted in a very, very long time. Bob left an impression on us all.