Red Sox to start certain home night games at 6:45pm in 2025

Max Power

thai good. you like shirt?
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Boston, MA
They always asked me about that on the season ticket holder surveys. I answered that I would have been in favor of it before the pitch clock, but now it's really not a big deal. A regular 7:05 start tends to wrap up around 9:30.


Don't know him from Adam
SoSH Member
Mar 14, 2006
Kernersville, NC
Selfishly I'd prefer 7:30 starts just so I can see more of the game. Our 10 year old goes to bed at 8:30 so it's hard for me to catch any of the game before she heads off to bed. That said, I think it's the right move.


SoSH Member
Apr 14, 2006
Earlier is better, would even prefer 630 or 615. Was there ever a rationale for the 7:05 start time and why the resistance to moving it earlier? I guess viewership?


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Earlier is better, would even prefer 630 or 615. Was there ever a rationale for the 7:05 start time and why the resistance to moving it earlier? I guess viewership?
I remember night games regularly started at 7:35 when I was growing up in the 80s and early 90s. At some point they made the switch to 7:05, as did most of the league. I'm convinced it was a move predicated by TV because when the games were at 7:35, it was a time when not all of them were televised. Once every game was on TV, they set the time to best suit ratings.