It reduces impact, doesn't eliminate it sadly, you get hit hard enough it won't matter.Magic helmet did no good
User name checks out.I’m having a very busy day and have checked in on the games eight or nine times. But it seems to me that every time I turn the game on there is some sort of head to head contact injury, or a commercial break or a blowout. I have only seen about 30 minutes of football today, but I’m thinking it is not a great product so far. And it has left me feeling bad about all of the head injuries.
Low tar.The magic helmets are like when tobacco companies put filters in cigarettes.
Kyle Brandt has his “angry run” for tomorrow’s “Good Morning Football”. Well, Goedert too.Angry ass run
Too bad this didn’t work, brilliant call.Trick play tush push.
Terry Bradshaw is 76, soooooHow many more years of Peyton Manning do we have? 20? 30?
Sometimes they don't. It's easier on them for a guy to walk OB.Brady- sometimes the Defense doesn’t want to tackle. Huh?
I mean, yeah? They'd much rather the receiver get out of bounds than needing to stop him with a tackle, especially late in the 4th quarter.Brady- sometimes the Defense doesn’t want to tackle. Huh?