I can’t believe I’m going to defend the NFL, but some limited things have changed in positive ways too. I think Pass Interference right now is the best it’s been in 20 years since the Patriots dismantled the Manning Colts. They are calling it more fairly now, on both sides, than anytime I can remember. There was the one shit call this weekend that was a joke, but that seems like it’s the exception. There’s so many more non-calls than in a long time and it’s a better game for it.
Also the flop by Mahomes yesterday would absolutely been called a couple years ago as unnecessary roughness. They generally are better about “hits to the head” when a defender’s hand grazes a QB’s helmet, even though the Roughing yesterday was BS.
The NFL’s also made a ton of shitty decisions and changes as well that vastly overshadow the couple good things they’ve done.
I don’t have faith in the NFL to actually fix the entire issue with QB’s running, but a few tweaks could make it not be ridiculous like it is right now. As a Pats fan, with what is going to be a top 5 running QB in the league, i still hate this shit that’s going on now. You want to run around, you should be any other player.