If you look at it from the perspective of revenue being a reflection of the number of fans a team has, larger market teams with a larger fan base make more fans happy when they win, and theoretically should have a greater chance at winning than smaller market teams with fewer fans if you want the most number of fans to be happy. This is what does tend to happen, although maybe not proportionally enough (if for example there are 3X as many Dodger fans than Pirate fans ideally you have Dodgers winning 3X that of Pirates) The trick is to keep the advantage that larger market teams have from being overbearing to the point that certain teams never have a shot at winning , or certain teams become juggernaut dynasties as that is certainly counterproductive to overall league interest. When you look at the penalties that going over the second luxury tax level imposes, they’re not insignificant, but apparently we’re finding out they’re not quite strong enough to stop the Dodgers, and also not incentivizing smaller market teams to spend enough, so they still need tweaking…