I would hope any veteran that would come in or that is already there would sit down and talk to the players who got offended by some kid being himself, doing what works for him, and just being himself, instead of the kid who really has done absolutely nothing wrong outside being a little different. You wanna get pissed off at a lack of effort or commitment go off, otherwise let him be him.
Yeah, and I think this controversy, if that's what it is, is way overblown. Never seemed to me that there was any real vitriol from teammates toward Casas, and it seemed that the team got along just fine, and I never saw anything approaching hostility toward him. The only time I saw Cora come across as pissed off and bluntly critical was when Casas made the shot/stabbed comments in reference to his injury, which really were pretty stupid. Live and learn.
I'm with those that say fuck off to anyone who would shun the guy based on his personality, but I'd need more evidence to even begin to think his presence was widely resented or disruptive to the task at hand. A lot of ballplayers are meatheads, so I can see some being initially uncomfortable, but it sure seems like his work ethic and commitment has earned him a lot of respect in the dugout.
Regardless, Casas won't be affected by the noise, real or manufactured, because he is the rare breed that can truly tune all that bullshit out. It's a tremendous quality, particularly when it's partnered with the potential to hit 40 bombs.
I hope he sticks around, but if he gets moved, it won't have anything to do with anything but the haul they get back for whatever package he's involved in. Thankfully it appears the return would have to be quite substantial.