Major SOSH Upgrade, November 2015

Carmen Fanzone

Monbo's BFF
Dec 20, 2002
I have access only to non-member forums, which I assume is related to Nip's work on Lifetime members' accounts.

If not, I'd appreciate a restoration of access.



SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Changing the "read" thread indicator on the main forum page to a solid blue instead of a blank/white color wasn't a good move. Much harder to distinguish at first glance where I've been and where I haven't.



Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
Changing the "read" thread indicator on the main forum page to a solid blue instead of a blank/white color wasn't a good move. Much harder to distinguish at first glance where I've been and where I haven't.
Unfortunately the same color (by default) controls links and some other stuff, and the light grey made those unreadable for some people.

They can be split up with some work, and we'll try to do that in the future, but for now you'll have to rely on the fact that the icons are different rather than the color.


Huge Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
Changing the "read" thread indicator on the main forum page to a solid blue instead of a blank/white color wasn't a good move. Much harder to distinguish at first glance where I've been and where I haven't.
I've posted about this before. The icons are different, which are main indicators. We are not going to be differentiating the text due to the effort involved and that there is an icon right next to it indicating the same thing


SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2007
I've posted about this before. The icons are different, which are main indicators. We are not going to be differentiating the text due to the effort involved and that there is an icon right next to it indicating the same thing
I think he meant that the colors of the icons are really similar, making it difficult to distinguish between the two, even though the shapes are a little different.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
Is there any difference between RECENT POSTS and New Posts?

Recent posts includes all posts in reverse chronological order. Unread posts are BOLD, posts you've read are non-bold.

New posts includes only unread posts, in reverse chronological order. Posts you've read are not in the list.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I think he meant that the colors of the icons are really similar, making it difficult to distinguish between the two, even though the shapes are a little different.
Indeed what I was referring to, and I see the color has already been changed to more of a grey for read threads. Not quite the same contrast as before, but definitely works well enough. Thanks to whomever made that change.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC

Is there an archive for older P&G threads? In particular I'm trying to find a thread I started in 2009.
Not yet. Stay tuned. I've got the old board's archives and am working on transforming them so Nip can import. We've even got the ezboard archives and are hoping we can get them in as well at some point.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
I did upgrade ui.x but the logo should be on the child, maybe it happened during updates
The Ui.X logo disappeared for a bit (and was replaced by and SOSH logo with a rocket ship (which I loved), but reverted back about 20 min ago)


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
Hey all,

See or just go to if you still want to contribute. If you already did or were previously paid up, please ignore (but if you were previously paid up through, say, July, please consider making a note to sign up again come next July if you're able). Thanks!

I also can't see "Other Crap." If I'm not paid up, I can fix that.
Same here with "Other Crap". Everything looks great, well done.
Unable to see Other Crap, I pledge both cash and fealty for restoring my access. Many thanks!
Hey Guys - Decade+ lurker, I am unfortunately going to be a much more attentive employee and spouse/parent without access to P&G. Let me be first in line to re-subscribe once you figure out what that is.\
I think a lot of us are in the same the boat. I'd love to throw some money at this site now that I finally have a job.
I'm also unable to see Other Crap right now, and happy to pitch in once some system for donations/subscriptions is back. Great work on the redesign.
New layout looks great, very clean. I can see the Other crap forum. Am happy to donate as well once that is available.
Other Crap is not visible. But I haven't checked about the subscription. It automatically debits me, right? If I owe $$ I'll pay up
I need to re-up, but can't see other crap. Will renew the subscription however I can.
I can't see other crap. I'm happy to pay when that's figured out.
@AlNipper49 Thank you for all that you do. When hat passing time comes around, I will be more than happy to contribute. I do miss the BLTS and V&N threads.
I can't see Other Crap. I am happy to cough up when a new system is ready.
I'm without Other Crap access too. Just tell me where to shove my money!

By the way, the site is considerably faster for me now. This is awesome, thanks!
I also can't see Other Crap. I'm not sure if I had an active subscription, but will be happy to fix it if I didn't. Thanks.
I too can't see the "other crap". Had updated/contributed very recently (in response to the Pliny thread making me feel very guilty about letting my subscription lapse) but did so using Paypal, and given Nip's comments, I'm not sure if it made it through. More than happy to contribute again. Thanks to all for your generosity and time in keeping this site running.
I was never paid only because I don't do Paypal (long sad story), and I don't do auto-renew (different but similar story). If you can find a way to avoid those two things, I'm in.
I'm in the same boat. Thank you.
Yup, same here. Thanks!

Edit: read back through the last few pages to make sure I didn't miss any solutions and realized I always had read only access. Happy to subscribe when that functionality returns.
I can't see other crap, and did not have an active subscription (mostly because when I tried to pay it didn't work) but will gladly pay when the new method is up and running.

Thanks, the new site is great. I am one of the unpaid, read-only "Other Crap" members who is going through withdrawal. Once you figure out a way for members to pay again, I'll be on-board.

Until then, I think I'll use my imagination to create mock "Leftovers Season 2" and "The Classiest, Most Luxurious Presidential Campaign" threads.
Already posted that I can't see Other Crap, but didn't mention that I am willing to pay and didn't before as I don't do Paypal. If I could write a check or something would be great! Love this site and am always bragging to my husband about it!
i feel awkward asking for this...but i need a fix. or to be fixed. or whatever i just want to be able to read other crap! new site looks awesome...
I'm also unable to see other crap & I'm more than happy to pitch in once that is figured out. Great work on the redesign!!
Hate to keep repeating the "Other Crap" chorus, but I'm in the same boat... I've never paid, only lurked. I will happily pay any amount of money so I can get caught up on what Terrisus has been up to.
Yeah, add me to the list of reluctantly-posting previously unsubscribed members really missing out on Other Crap. I didn't realize how many there were. Willing to pay etc; I see the "support SOSH" tab but seems to still be a work in progress. Many thanks to all in charge.

ETA: The only confusing thing about the upgrade so far for me is the icon with the little levers that appears on the nav bar once you scroll down a page. Seems like it should lead to some sort of settings page but it appears to be grouped with the home icon and goes to the home page when clicked on.
Yes. I was a deadbeat who looked at other crap and never contributed. I'm happy to pay as I miss P & G and Omar is Dead. Please advise where and how.

Oh, I figured out how to do an avatar for the first time, too. So I have that going for me now.
Another guy here who didn't pay up and now shut off from other crap. Longtime member but just don't post much anymore. Thanks.
I am in the boat of not having access to other crap and having no idea whether I was paid up. Any help would be appreciated.
My last message got quintuple posted and eaten alive. I think the site's rebuking me for being a longtime, freeloading, no-good, bad news such-and-such. Take my money as soon as possible and give it Harrison!

(I'm in it solely for the charity, the avatar and re-access to the soothing hum of V&N)

EDIT--Thanks, Nip. You all are doing yeoman's work. And I've always considered myself a constipated baseball.
I'm not sure if I'll be in the one big swoop for OC access or need to put my name on a list so I'm posting here just in case.

Happy to pay if that's a thing I need to do.
Missing Other Crap too and happy to pay up once everything is sorted out.
Thanks for all of your hard work guys. Love the new site. I'm without access to OC, but please take your time. I'm happy to pay up whenever.
There is no "Other Crap" section for me.
I saw the other posts and couldn't tell if it was something being addressed or if I specifically had to let you know it was an issue for me.
Thanks for the update - no "other crap" for me either but I kind of get the impression this might have to do with fees - I thought I had a DD or equivalent but if I don't is the ability to pay up now active?
Longtime reader, first time poster. This new theme is terrific, great job guys. I too would like in on Other Crap, and promise to pay when that happens.
I think I'm caught up on this entire thread now, and I'm wondering if you can universally clarify the status of people like me who a) had access to Other Crap before the upgrade, b) no longer have that access after the upgrade, and c) weren't/aren't paying members (yet):

1. Is it possible for me to become a paid member immediately and restore that access?
1a. If yes, what's the best way to go about doing that?
1b. If no, is there a timetable for when it might be possible to do so (or would that be that dependent upon other upgrades and factors beyond your current control)?

2. If I don't (or can't) become a paid member, is the plan for me to eventually be able to view Other Crap at some point in the future, or is SoSH fully moving to a paid-only model for Other Crap?

No malice intended in any of these questions - just trying to figure out what the plan is. Thanks!
I would love my access back as well, and like others I'm more then willing to pay again once that is an option. With the crazy stuff going on in Paris normally SOSH would be one of the first places I turn to for analysis.
I was thinking the same but also hadn't paid. I was even planning to donate but talk is meaningless and I had not.

When I began posting I remember reading about donating, is there a suggested amount per year that the site requires.
Please add me to the list those who can't see Other Crap.
I also await the latest and greatest subscription instructions.
To Nip and others: Awesome!
Late to the party, but can't see Other Crap. Unpaid previously but awaiting the subscription instructions. Also happy to be shamed by forced avatar.
Same here. I used have read only access to other crap. I'd pay/donate etc for the same, just send the link.
I'm another one who would love to get access back to P&G. I'm happy to contribute as well. Didn't realize how much I spent lurking there until it was gone!
same boat regarding other crap. will pay, etc. Thanks for your hard work on the upgrade, all.
Also unable to see other crap- happy to pony up whenever/however.
Same boat - unpaid lurker, very willing to pay, etc.
I would also like access to Other Crap again. Long time lurker. Also happy to pony up. Thanks.
New guy here wanting to see the "Other" stuff. Been reading the site for years, decided to finally sign up, what with the new upgrade and all. Happy to pony up some coin if/when necessary
Yet another lurker who would like other crap access back and will gladly pay for it...thanks!!
When you have a chance, I am another who would gladly pay and restore access to OC. Thanks.
'Other Crap' helps me take my mind off all the shit in the world - until I open up certain threads and it all comes flooding out of the internet and into my face.
Even so, can I have it back, please?
I've also received a subscription renewal invoice & would love to send you some of my proper money (GBP) if only you'd let me.
I need other crap more than I need to divorce my wife. In fact, other crap may be the only thing that kept me from divorce.

This is gonna be an expensive SoSH upgrade for me....
Hi, I'd like my other crap access back too and would be happy to contribute. Thanks for the awesome update.
Having lost my ability to access other crap, I am now clueless as to how to vote in 16', for the good of the democracy, can I have my access back? And detailed instructions as to how I can contribute to SOSH? Thanks!
Yet another long timelurker who would like other crap access back and will gladly pay for it...thanks!! Can't live without Omar!
I'd like to pay up for access back in to Other Crap. The Thanksgiving Day Game Thread is a yearly favorite that I cannot live without.
Hey all,

See or just go to if you still want to contribute. If you already did or were previously paid up, please ignore (but if you were previously paid up through, say, July, please consider making a note to sign up again come next July if you're able). Thanks!


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2010
Was one of the above posters and paid for upgrade, and still cannot see other crap.

I got a swell avatar out of it, at least...

One Leg at a Time

SoSH Member
Nov 25, 2008
Hey all,

See or just go to if you still want to contribute. If you already did or were previously paid up, please ignore (but if you were previously paid up through, say, July, please consider making a note to sign up again come next July if you're able). Thanks!
I get a "404" when I go to the subscription announcement. Is that just me, or are others seeing it as well?

I have lurked for about a decade - I figure it is time to ante up.

page 2 protege

SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2005
Also getting a 404 on the announcement, will ante up, just want to know the differences in the subscription levels and assume they are explained in the announcement.


SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
I am a paid up subscriber who did not lose access to other crap - thank you!

I have questions about avatars, however. Is there a way to disable seeing all avatars? And is one of the dopes assigning me an avatar? I see one and get rid of it, then another appears.

Clearly I'm not a fan of avatars but if I must have one I'll choose one.

Thank you!


SoSH Member
Nov 23, 2012
Would it be possible to get Other Crap back? Also, would like to subscribe but I'm getting a 404 error on the subscription announcement page.



Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
I am a paid up subscriber who did not lose access to other crap - thank you!

I have questions about avatars, however. Is there a way to disable seeing all avatars?
Not currently. It's on the list of things to look into.

And is one of the dopes assigning me an avatar? I see one and get rid of it, then another appears.

Clearly I'm not a fan of avatars but if I must have one I'll choose one.
Yeah we're assigning avatars to people who don't have them. If you don't want one, you can assign yourself a blank white square--just getting rid of it entirely is liable to have another one assigned to you when we're doing a sweep for people without them.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
Also getting a 404 on the announcement, will ante up, just want to know the differences in the subscription levels and assume they are explained in the announcement.
Would it be possible to get Other Crap back? Also, would like to subscribe but I'm getting a 404 error on the subscription announcement page.
Only full members (who can see Other Crap) have access to the subscription page. You're both in.

The only difference between levels is the banner under your icon--all contributions are purely to support the site, they don't affect access or anything.


SoSH Member
Dec 30, 2004
Silver Spring, MD
Not currently. It's on the list of things to look into.

Yeah we're assigning avatars to people who don't have them. If you don't want one, you can assign yourself a blank white square--just getting rid of it entirely is liable to have another one assigned to you when we're doing a sweep for people without them.
Thank you!