A long break preceding the playoffs has never happeend in NBA before. It did happen that year. That is a far simpler, and more clear and less theoretical, comparison than aliens landing or anyone growing a third arm. I hope you recognize the difference between those things.
Several of us have noted what's unique about that year---if you don't understand that, or don't think it matters, that's ok. But talking about aliens and third arms is both asinine and misses the point.
I'm aware of your point, but variations in circumstance far
larger than merely being spared some travel, happen in the league every year - namely, injuries to stars. Bill Russell was injured for the 1958 Finals vs St Louis. Nobody's advocating to asterisk that one, I assure you. Is anyone asterisk-ing Houston's titles because Michael Jordan chose to ride a bus in Birmingham during that time? They'd be idiots to. And yet those circumstances surely had a far bigger impact on the outcome than Anthony Davis getting a bit more sleep than he might otherwise have got (and which Butler and Adebayo got too!). So focusing on that as a way to minimize the title is both really small, and also really cherry-picked.
The absurdity of the counterfactuals I threw out there was to illustrate that we NEVER demand that the counterfactuals surrounding any other title be answerable before counting it same as the others - and that you can always come up with increasingly-implausible ones, and all it illustrates is a refusal to acknowledge something because you don't want to, not because there's a valid grounds for objecting. It's not just the no-travel thing, it's "well what if Guy X wasn't hurt, huh?" or the next thing or the next thing. It's not an argument based on reasoning anymore, it more resembles flailing. And, yes, I would put "butbut there was a long break preceding the playoffs!" into that same "flailing" category. Was that break
disadvantageous to any of LA's opponents? No, it was equally unexpected for all, and injury status / health at the end of the season / start of playoffs is somewhat stochastically determined for every team in every year anyway. Was there some reason the games were not resolved on the basis of who was the best basketball team? No, right? So LA was the best team that year. Anyone who thinks differently is using motivated reasoning.
Seriously, complaints about officiating carry more weight than the whining over the bubble. And I assure you, if a team like the Nuggets, Clippers, Bucks or whoever had won in the bubble, nobody would be belittling the title like this. It's purely because it's the Lakers. And like, I hate them too, but c'mon now, let's find ways to shit on them that don't force us into cognitive dissonance. We're not short of options.