Kirk and Callahan: Done


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
The Patriots don't want him to stop going on. They get a lot of money from WEEI and the Brady interview is by far the biggest reason, and they just signed a new deal. Brady refusing to do the interview puts them in an extremely difficult position. He'll be back next season.
I would tend to agree, although wouldn't the Sports Hub happily sign up to handle these interviews. It depends if they have a long-term or year-to-year committment with EEI. If not, they could easily go to another outlet. Plus, aren;t the owned by the same parent companies now?


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
EEI and 98.5 aren't owned by the same company, 98.5 was spun off by Entercom along with WBZ and a couple other stations so the merger could be approved.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
I would tend to agree, although wouldn't the Sports Hub happily sign up to handle these interviews. It depends if they have a long-term or year-to-year committment with EEI. If not, they could easily go to another outlet. Plus, aren;t the owned by the same parent companies now?
WEEI just re-upped the deal for at least a couple more years...probably long enough to outlast Brady's career.

And no, they aren't owned by the same company any longer. Entercom spun Sports Hub off in November to satisfy legal obligations to complete their takeover of CBS Radio.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
EEI and 98.5 aren't owned by the same company, 98.5 was spun off by Entercom along with WBZ and a couple other stations so the merger could be approved.
Which has almost brought the death of the horrid CBS Sports Minute which is gone except for 7-9:55am now.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I already miss Douuuuuuuggggggggggggggggg Gotleib. He had a way of making the obvious so mysterious.

"LeBron James is the best NBA player on the planet. No question about that, right? But what if I told you that he was the best NBA player on Earth too? What would you say then? Not such an easy question to answer now, is it? I'm Doug Gotleib!"


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I already miss Douuuuuuuggggggggggggggggg Gotleib. He had a way of making the obvious so mysterious.

"LeBron James is the best NBA player on the planet. No question about that, right? But what if I told you that he was the best NBA player on Earth too? What would you say then? Not such an easy question to answer now, is it? I'm Doug Gotleib!"
"You know what's unreal? That Alabama coach Nick Saban took a dump today that was almost 11" in length. The last person to do that was.... Nick Saban when he was with the Miami Dolphins. Shows you once again that the SEC is the biggest dump in the league. I'm John Feinstein."

Or how can we miss the Boomer 4 part CBS Sports Minutes?


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
"I was sitting around on the Fourth of July and couldn't help but talking about the next big thing, University of Central Florida's QB McKenzie Milton. I think in 4 months when the CFB season starts he'll be not only handsome, but also take some by surprise. He may even complete some passes. This is BT and your CBS Sports Minute"


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
The only surprise is that it took advertisers this long to figure out what a cesspool WEEI is - at least in the morning.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
It’s also fascinating that the tipping point, if this is that and not just a blip, is something that Fauria did and not K or C.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
It is important to note that all of these advertisers have said that they have "suspended" their relationship with EEI. There's a good chance they will be back on the station at some point.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Want to feel great about the world you live in? Read the comments section from that story. Such heartwarming tales of empathy and glad feelings toward their fellow man. Just some really thoughtful, intelligent commentary on the issue at hand and the state of the nation today. Good stuff.


New Member
Jul 15, 2005


SoSH Member
Sep 22, 2007
orange county NY
I can't read the article because it's behind a pay wall, but I don't understand why holding advertisers accountable for whom they financially support is a bad thing. Especially considering they likely simply purchase ad blocks based on ratings and may not be active listeners. Am I missing something?


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
The comments are indefensible and WEEI deserves the heat, but this quote from the Globe piece is just irksome.

"But defections are on the rise, especially after I contacted advertisers to explain themselves. "
It's more Globe self regard, hyperventilating in a liberal bubble.

Here is the sad truth -- we're nowhere near a "nappy-headed-ho" situation, either with 'EEI as a whole or the two main culprits in the early morning. I wish we were with K and C, but we're not.

In fact, it's likely to boost them. It will rile up "the base", and probably add listeners at the margins who want to listen to car crashes.

In this game, their base is the only thing that counts -- that beloved 25 to 54 male demographic. Advertisers are fungible. I wish it were otherwise.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I was always partial to Gottleibs Big 12 basketball takes in June and July. Not only informative but so timely.
Gottlieb holds a special place in my basketball memory for being the first short, Caucasian, point guard I'd ever seen that couldn't make foul shots.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
I give it a 100% chance that when they are back on the air they trash the “so called sensitivity training”

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
So what are they going to air from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm?

And nothing will change. Just like nothing changed when D&C got in trouble for the Metco incident or the countless other times they got slapped on the wrist. They're going to play to their base, get ratings and make money.

This is window dressing. You could explain a million times to someone like Callahan or Merloni or Ordway about empathy and understanding and they'll call you a wimp or worse, fart in your face and walk away. Things won't change at there until they start getting rid of people, which EEI won't.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
What a transparent charade.

Most of these guys are in their 40s or older, you're not changing the worldview of a guy like Callahan or Fauria with an all-day seminar. If WEEI was serious (and they're not), they'd pick different talent. But at the end of the day Entercom doesn't give a shit about anything but keeping the lights on and the cash rolling in for the next 6-12 months, and firing half the talent would jeopardize that short term goal. That's what happens when as a business you allow and enable a cesspool culture to develop.


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
You guys strike me a real vanilla sports radio kind of crowd. Just like Kirk was pretending to be this morning. Weather and traffic on the 8's, breaking down the Sox infield with sabermetrics, head down, nose to the grindstone. There's 8 billion radio stations that follow that fuckign BORING formula. 'EEI went away from that and they stormed back into relevancy. Yeah, they created some controversy on the way but that happens. And the twitter crowd freaks out about it and suddenyl apologies start flying around.

I hope this sensativity training doesn't change anything. Fauria made a stupid attempt at humor and failed. Reimer attacked Brady's kid and paid the price for it. I don't condone either act and both guys got what was coming to them. But now we've jumped the shark. Ceasing operations? Corporate sensativity class? Fuck off. Advertisers won't kill WEEI, this crap will. This is a prime reason why podcasts are killing terrestrial radio. You want human beings or do you want coporate robots doing radio?

I'm sure 98.5 is enjoying this. They may have their whacky morning radio bits, and troll their audience, ridicule their audience and constantly project negativity to the local teams and their fans...but they have Comcast dollars in the coffers! Radio is dead. I hope Kirk goes to Barstool.


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
What a transparent charade.

Most of these guys are in their 40s or older, you're not changing the worldview of a guy like Callahan or Fauria with an all-day seminar. If WEEI was serious (and they're not), they'd pick different talent. But at the end of the day Entercom doesn't give a shit about anything but keeping the lights on and the cash rolling in for the next 6-12 months, and firing half the talent would jeopardize that short term goal. That's what happens when as a business you allow and enable a cesspool culture to develop.
Don't worry. There's still 'RKO and Felger & Mazz for you. Safe radio that puts you to sleep at night.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
You guys strike me a real vanilla sports radio kind of crowd. Just like Kirk was pretending to be this morning. Weather and traffic on the 8's, breaking down the Sox infield with sabermetrics, head down, nose to the grindstone. There's 8 billion radio stations that follow that fuckign BORING formula. 'EEI went away from that and they stormed back into relevancy. Yeah, they created some controversy on the way but that happens. And the twitter crowd freaks out about it and suddenyl apologies start flying around.

I hope this sensativity training doesn't change anything. Fauria made a stupid attempt at humor and failed. Reimer attacked Brady's kid and paid the price for it. I don't condone either act and both guys got what was coming to them. But now we've jumped the shark. Ceasing operations? Corporate sensativity class? Fuck off. Advertisers won't kill WEEI, this crap will. This is a prime reason why podcasts are killing terrestrial radio. You want human beings or do you want coporate robots doing radio?

I'm sure 98.5 is enjoying this. They may have their whacky morning radio bits, and troll their audience, ridicule their audience and constantly project negativity to the local teams and their fans...but they have Comcast dollars in the coffers! Radio is dead. I hope Kirk goes to Barstool.
I'll speak for myself but I find OMF fine (not really a fan since I don't like Merloni and sick of Ordway) but it's fine. I like Holley and Keefe featuring Dale over Felger and Mazz.

I just find the morning show awful. I do not want to listen to 3 people talking over each other, fake controversies, them belittling the token gay guy, fighting with random reporters from other parts of the country and the general negative tone. I don't want to start my day with the bullshit they start with. Plus people talking over each other is awful radio, which they do constantly. I don't understand how anyone can listen to the 3 of them talk over each other for any period of time before getting a headache or turning off the radio. Plus Kirk is a complete phony.

Tanguay is the worst thing on radio and I feel bad for Trenni when she's on since they shit all over her for not having a penis or being a LIBERAL!!!!

Same thing, don't want to end my day with the bullshit of F&M.

I don't think anyone here is sensitive, but the K&C Hate Radio & WWE Radio isn't appealing to the SoSH crowd.

Your point about the ratings is spot on. Shitty reality TV and real housewives and all that dominate in ratings, as does Fox News. It doesn't matter if they're any good or real, but they're popular.

I don't really have any issue with WEEI overall, but the morning show is a cesspool, the middays is bland, and the afternoon is good. I prefer EverKeefe over Adam Jones, who is also awful.
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Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 11, 2002
Morris County NJ
Speaking only for my ageing self--I'm 54--I'd say that 99% of what purports to be 'edgy', be it in sports, politics, or pop culture, is mindless BS easily rejected by anyone with an IQ over 80.

Few things exemplify this pervasive idiocy more than K&C (and Felger & Mazz as well). If my choices are between vanilla and the shit sandwich of misery, racism, and stupidity being proffered by Gerry & Kirk, I guess I'll take vanilla every time.
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Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
I require only 2 things.

1. Stay away from politics. Left,right, center, I don’t care, I will refuse to listen.

2. Don’t race bait, gender bash, pick on gay people — or trannies — or otherwise act like a complete asshole.

Is that too much to demand?

If you clear those hurdles, I still may not listen because, for example, you are stupid trolls. But that’s purely a matter of taste.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2006
I mean, who amongst us hasn't referred to black people as gorillas on their rise to fame, it just happens I guess. The taekz are so spicy hot that a little casual/blatant racism just comes with the territory.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
To me, the biggest problem with K&C is that it is a little TOO entertaining. Kirk is just so funny and Gerry is probably the smartest man associated with Boston sports. I find myself constantly sitting in my car when I'm supposed to be at work. I actually missed the birth of my son because Kirk was crank-calling a Baltimore radio station pretending to be the Red Sox fan that called Adam Jones the 'N' word.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I will say that Kirk "Daddy's Trust Fund Baby' Minihane is the toughest of the tough fake guys. He weighs a full 160lbs and lived for 40 years off of daddy's trust fund so he doesn't need work which makes him the toughest of the tough fake guys in the MEDIA FIGHTZ

Did you guys hear he was going to take a year off or quit cause he doesn't need the money cause daddy gave it to him?

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
Tanguay is the worst thing on radio and I feel bad for Trenni when she's on since they shit all over her for not having a penis or being a LIBERAL!!!!.
I struggle with flipping between feeling bad for her and having no respect for her.

She is clearly not an idiot. There is no way that she didn’t know what this show was before she agreed to do it. Clearly she is there to be a liberal punching bag for the rest of the show but she took the gig despite having what seems to be some genuine and strong convictions that do not align with the other hosts. On one hand it’s hard to not see her as selling out her beliefs to further her career.

But on the other hand it’s a hard industry to break into if you’re not an ex professional athlete and pretty damn harder if you’re a woman. There is a valid argument to be made that she has to do what she has to do if she wants her career to go where she wants. From that lens I do feel bad for her.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The Land of Fist Pumps
Maybe Trenni actually likes working part time with Gerry? She works 5 times a week with Tanguay, so 1 day a week with Callahan can't be that bad. Surprisingly, she has not had complimentary things to say about Rich.


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
Maybe Trenni actually likes working part time with Gerry? She works 5 times a week with Tanguay, so 1 day a week with Callahan can't be that bad. Surprisingly, she has not had complimentary things to say about Rich.
Mind expanding on that last sentence?


Hates Goose Island Beer; Loves Backdoor Play
SoSH Member
Dec 2, 2006
Tuukka's refugee camp
I will say that Kirk "Daddy's Trust Fund Baby' Minihane is the toughest of the tough fake guys. He weighs a full 160lbs and lived for 40 years off of daddy's trust fund so he doesn't need work which makes him the toughest of the tough fake guys in the MEDIA FIGHTZ

Did you guys hear he was going to take a year off or quit cause he doesn't need the money cause daddy gave it to him?
Kirk sucks and I think there are undertones to your post but, as is, holy fuck your grapes are sour.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
I thought Trenni said she'd no longer do the morning show? I haven't heard her on K&C in quite awhile (and yes I know she was covering the super bowl and is now in Korea for the Olympics)

the mike tirico thing is a bad look for her though


SoSH Member
Jan 24, 2006
Mind expanding on that last sentence?
Pretty sure it stems from her appearance a while back as a fill-in for Fred. She mentioned something off-hand about dating troubles and Rich went on this extended, creepy, unfunny riff about trying to get her laid. Not Rich's best work, and you could tell she was uncomfortable, naturally.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Kirk tearing into the Boston Globe right now.
I don't think I've ever heard him repeat things over and over like that and I'm sure it had a purpose. Talked about if you're a subscriber or sponsor of the Globe, please call in or call the Globe and talk to them about how they protect sexual harassers.

Sounds like the Globe was cold calling EEI sponsors and talking about Fauria and other issues happening at EEI, which lead to some of them dropping out. Kirk is pretty furious about it leading to his repeating over and over how the Globe went out of their way to protect Jim O'Sullivan. Kirk also mentioned he knows of another guy over there that is being protected, but he is fighting with legal on whether or not he can out him. Did say that he also taught college classes.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I don't think I've ever heard him repeat things over and over like that and I'm sure it had a purpose. Talked about if you're a subscriber or sponsor of the Globe, please call in or call the Globe and talk to them about how they protect sexual harassers.

Sounds like the Globe was cold calling EEI sponsors and talking about Fauria and other issues happening at EEI, which lead to some of them dropping out. Kirk is pretty furious about it leading to his repeating over and over how the Globe went out of their way to protect Jim O'Sullivan. Kirk also mentioned he knows of another guy over there that is being protected, but he is fighting with legal on whether or not he can out him. Did say that he also taught college classes.
If the Globe did that, they should be ashamed. I'm no Kirk fan obviously, but he's completely right to be pissed if the Globe is going after his career. I need to go shower now.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
As an institution, I doubt "the globe" did anything. Individuals? Maybe. Putting aside the question of why anyone *listens* to these idiot/ assholes (I'm not in the coveted demographic, so whaddoiknow), why would anyone actually believe anything that comes out of Kirk minihanes mouth? By being the talking equivalent of a pro wrestler, hasnt he forfeited any right to be believed or taken seriously about anything he says? The business end of the shithose suddenly is pointed at him and he complains? Sorry pal. Just drink it up. You earned it.


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Minneapolis, MN
As an institution, I doubt "the globe" did anything. Individuals? Maybe. Putting aside the question of why anyone *listens* to these idiot/ assholes (I'm not in the coveted demographic, so whaddoiknow), why would anyone actually believe anything that comes out of Kirk minihanes mouth? By being the talking equivalent of a pro wrestler, hasnt he forfeited any right to be believed or taken seriously about anything he says? The business end of the shithose suddenly is pointed at him and he complains? Sorry pal. Just drink it up. You earned it.
That's an outrageous take, from start to finish. Giving the Boston Globe the benefit of the doubt on anything but saying Kirk has no merit or right to fight back? You don't listen but you jump into the pool with both feet. Makes sense.

Senator Donut

SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2010
As an institution, I doubt "the globe" did anything. Individuals? Maybe. Putting aside the question of why anyone *listens* to these idiot/ assholes (I'm not in the coveted demographic, so whaddoiknow), why would anyone actually believe anything that comes out of Kirk minihanes mouth? By being the talking equivalent of a pro wrestler, hasnt he forfeited any right to be believed or taken seriously about anything he says? The business end of the shithose suddenly is pointed at him and he complains? Sorry pal. Just drink it up. You earned it.
Shirley Leung wrote in the paper that she has been listening to WEEI and contacting every advertiser to “explain themselves.”