Around 7:30 this morning, K&C (with Tangy sauce) were discussing their evening at the premier of Stronger (the Jeff Bauman/Marathon bombing film) and Gerry opined that "Jake Gyllenhall might be this generation's best actor."
Paraphrasing, he praised Gyllenhall's performance, his bravery for taking on the role, and how much he enjoyed the film. He then asked, "what else has he been in?"
Kirk: "Brokeback Mountain."
Gerry: ... (silence) ... "um, I haven't seen that."
Tangy then says, "isn't this generation's best actor Matt Damon? He's been in blockbusters, been nominated..."
Gerry: "Has Gyllenhall been nominated? He should be for this film."
Kirk: "Yes, he was nominated for Brokeback Mountain."
Gerry: ... (silence) ... "I haven't seen that. Ewww. No, I'm never seeing that."
Kirk: "But it's a great movie and it supports your opinion on Gyllenhall being a great actor."
Gerry: (quickly) "I'm never seeing that."
It was HILARIOUS. Gay panic in audio form. Just before this, Callahan had been talking in glowing terms about having talked to Gyllenhall at the party, about how Gyllenhall was "the best" at engaging people in conversation, how good a time he had talking to him, etc.
And then he nearly swallowed his tongue when he realized he'd been praising a guy who played "the gay cowboy." You could hear him thinking furiously about whether he caught the gay when he shook hands with Gyllenhall the previous evening.