Kirk and Callahan: Done


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Callahan said that he gave Tim Hasselbeck credit for coming on and defending Josh Brown if he has inside info from his brother. Gerry was clear that he didn't agree with Tim and thought there was maybe a 1-2% chance he was right, but just said he gave credit for taking an unpopular stance that could potentially impact his job at ESPN. Kirk started hammering him for siding with Hasselbeck.

Kirk and Gerry then went back and forth, getting pretty personal, talking over each other and Trenni for 10 minutes. Including Kirk saying Gerry has been defending domestic abusers for 4.5 years.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Gerry was basically defending Hasselbeck's position yesterday that Molly Brown was lying about being physically abused. Gerry said Hasselbeck was taking an unpopular position and potentially risking his job and he supported him on that. Gerry didn't really agreed with him. But at one point said it was possible that Molly Brown might be lying about it.

Kirk then said that Gerry has a history of attacking DV victims and it's shameful. Then they just started yelling at each other.

Gerry did say at one point that sometimes victims have to lie in these situations because it's the only way cops will respond. If a woman calls and says she's being yelled at, cops will tell her to call back when she's being hit. Trenni then brought up Nicole Brown Simpson, who a week or so before she was murdered, had called the cops because OJ was yelling at her and she felt threatened. And Kirk brought up that Molly Brown had called the cops over 20 times, so there was a good chance the police would show up regardless. Gerry didn't have much response for that.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
Thanks guys. Sounds like a bleep show. I've actually dipped my toe back in on the show since Dennis left, in the slim hope that the dynamic might change, and that Kirk and Callahan might start playing less reprehensible characters. That clearly doesn't seem to be the case. Doubling and tripling down on the loud and stupid just seems to be a permanent feature of morning drive for EEI.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I am a convert from Toucher and Rich, and generally like the eei morning show on my commute. But unlike Fred's meltdowns, I don't find Kirk's entertaining at all.


New Member
Sep 13, 2015
I am a convert from Toucher and Rich, and generally like the eei morning show on my commute. But unlike Fred's meltdowns, I don't find Kirk's entertaining at all.
Same here with the exception of i only listen when Trenni is on because I like her overall intelligence and enthusiasm for whatever topic she speaks on. She's made it a point to both Kirk and Gerry that no matter how crass they get she's not backing down or going to pull a Tanguay and storm out of the studio. For the most part she stands her ground and goes toe-to-toe with both those knuckleheads.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I think Trenni has been by far the best guest they have had. No idea if she'd be interested in full time or if she could keep it up full time, but she's been very good whenever on.


Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2001
I listened to her and Tomase on Saturday as I was in a UHaul truck and was too lazy to change the presets and they were actually pretty good. I always liked her as a fill in on T&R too although she always brought out the weird in Rich. That's no fault of hers though.


SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
SE Mass
So I tune in long enough to hear the guest host ask Gerry "If Jenny Dell were sitting naked in the guest chair, how long would it take you to get an erection?"

That host was Alex something and the other guest host was Steve Buckley, so I assume it's "Let's make Callahan uncomfortable day" to finish off the week.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
I listened to her and Tomase on Saturday as I was in a UHaul truck and was too lazy to change the presets and they were actually pretty good. I always liked her as a fill in on T&R too although she always brought out the weird in Rich. That's no fault of hers though.
I was actually sorta shocked by how good Trenni and Tomase were together. I listened on the way to the dump and back and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Trenni has to be the lead voice. Working with Kirk and Gerry, you just have three alphas and it's too much. But Tomase is happy to be the sidekick and get picked on and Trenni can lead the show and drive the conversation. She's got a solid voice, good tempo, and EEI can certainly use a dose of someone that's not a huge Boston homer all the time.


SoSH Member
Oct 27, 2010
I listened to her and Tomase on Saturday as I was in a UHaul truck and was too lazy to change the presets and they were actually pretty good. I always liked her as a fill in on T&R too although she always brought out the weird in Rich. That's no fault of hers though.
Yeah Rich was real strange with her but her and Fred were great together. They had some deep and interesting conversations I remember when Rich was out for a while. Glad she found something a bit more permanent


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
I was actually sorta shocked by how good Trenni and Tomase were together. I listened on the way to the dump and back and enjoyed it quite a bit.

Trenni has to be the lead voice. Working with Kirk and Gerry, you just have three alphas and it's too much. But Tomase is happy to be the sidekick and get picked on and Trenni can lead the show and drive the conversation. She's got a solid voice, good tempo, and EEI can certainly use a dose of someone that's not a huge Boston homer all the time.
Was listening just now while doing errands. It's really a breath of fresh air, especially compared to the garbage that's on WEEI on the weekends usually.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
something odd happened last week, apparently kirky and christian fauria got into it pretty good off air wednesday, on thursday they alluded to it but said they were ordered not to bring it up, then on thursday kirk went after lou merloni hard on twitter...then friday kirky was not in

I know they like to build up the media on media crime, but this felt different.

Sometime it also feels like ALL Kirk wants to talk about involves some form of criticism about another media person, particularly if they're on weei


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
and this is from chad finn's friday chat:

Comment From Hanleys hair
Minihane seems to be getting more obnoxious and outrageous with each passing day. Does he wield the influence at WEEI as he claims or is that just more ratings schtick?

Chad Finn
So hard to tell, honestly. A lot of it is real -- such as whatever is going on with him and Fauria right now, and I've heard a lot of versions of stuff I'm not sure enough about to report yet -- and some isn't., or it's exaggerated. It's both frustrating and amusing when stuff shows up in the Herald -- RADIO WAR AT WEEI! DINO AND GERRY ARE FEUDING! -- that really isn't worth reporting on other than the attention it garners. But a lot of it is real. And what's going on right now -- whatever is going on -- is real as hell.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Kirk hasn't tweeted since then either. 3rd strike for Kirk?

I can't see WEEI doing anything with him unless he starts dropping racist comments or threatening to kill someone with their ratings. I guess that's the problem.

He knows the ratings are good and he'll push as far as he can towards that line. Then he'll get fired and go somewhere else as a controversial hire who's edgy.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
It'll never happen but replacing Mazz with Minihane would actually get me to pay attention to that show again.


SoSH Member
Oct 22, 2012
This morning, Kirk and Callahan seemed to get Brady to promise that he'll tell them who he voted for after the election. It surprises me that Brady might be willing to discuss it at all.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I love how Kirk just set Lombardi off. So fraudulent to rip Collins by name 2 weeks ago to anyone who would listen, then refuse to give names/situations after calling out the defense today for playing with no passion.

Steve Dillard

wishes drew noticed him instead of sweet & sour
SoSH Member
Oct 7, 2003
Same here. Between them and Ordway doing his best reasonable/evenheaded impression while giving voice to his Republicanism victimhood "Brady can't adopt Trump because he'd be killed, but if he adopted a Democrat he'd be hailed" I've moved away from EEI. Shut up about politics.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I listened to Lou Merloni talk about reverse racism and Julien Edelman for about two minutes today before changing the channel. "Why is it called reverse racism? Racism is racism no matter what color you are!"

Which, I guess looking at it without the decades and decades of stigma, I suppose he's technically right, but racism really isn't a black or white thing (IRONY!). And furthermore, I don't need nor want to hear Lou Merloni's hot takes on race relations. I barely want to hear his takes on anything other than baseball.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
Anyone who even says the words "reverse racism" is outing themselves as someone who fundamentally doesn't understand what racism is.

I wish there were some kind of law that every American had to take class on the the definitions of "racism," "discrimination," and "prejudice."

It would make our national discourse on race instantly much more worthwhile. Without these common agreements on nomenclature, we're mostly talking past each other a lot of the time.


SoSH Member
Mar 31, 2013
Kirk might be the worst person on EEI and that is saying something. He always strikes me as someone that is on the spectrum; he's loud and neurotic but also incredibly smug. I have really low standards for radio, I listen to OMF every day and enjoy it, but I just can't do the morning show, it's consistently the worse sports show around. I'd rather watch First Take.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Turned it on in the car this morning, more Donald Trump and Tom Brady talk! Click.

Surprised they weren't talking about Alex's sex life.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Turned it on in the car this morning, more Donald Trump and Tom Brady talk! Click.

Surprised they weren't talking about Alex's sex life.
They are pushing hard for this to be a big story next week. Mainly because they think it all leads back to them. They were tooting their horns about how they started the story, and were complaining that more people weren't talking about it. I can guarantee you Brady is not going make one statement about Trump next week. I'm sure there will be some ridiculous questions during media day, but he will easily deflect those.

My biggest issue with Kirk is that he thinks he's the end all, be all of radio. He is so quick to mock others about their poor ratings or lousy segments. He acts like he's Howard Stern. He's obnoxious.


SoSH Member
Apr 5, 2007
I flipped over for a few minutes this morning and it was just them going on about hating every woman in their industry that they could name. And a list of modern things Callahan could not understand. But Jackie MacMullan is ok. I would not call it very entertaining.


SoSH Member
May 16, 2007
Turned it on in the car this morning, more Donald Trump and Tom Brady talk! Click.

Surprised they weren't talking about Alex's sex life.
They really do focus on that way too much every time he's on.

They spent headlines trolling Alex for being critical of Melania and calling her a bimbo. It was laughably hypocritical.
Though Alex is kind of an idiot sometimes.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
When I've had it on (I try to catch the Brady interview and flip over sometimes during a commercial if Arcand or Treni are on) it's been pretty grim radio.

Liberals are pathetic losers, women are useless, Alex Reimer loves gay sex (if he's in), Trump Trump and more Trump!, picking fights with other radio hosts and shitting over their ratings or picking fights with who they're interviewing.

That's pretty much it and it seems to be getting worse. When John Dennis first left I thought the show was a massive improvement over the previous version. Since then, with Kirk's ego growing, it's pretty vile at this point.

But hey, look at the ratings, obviously there's a large segment of people eating it up.
Last edited:

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
But hey, look at the ratings, obviously there's a large segment of people eating it up.
Last I saw, they finished last year in 2nd with a 12 share. I assume that will look like television ratings from the 80s at some point. Both stations are enormously indebted to the Patriots and Goodell/NFL for providing content that listeners can't get enough of.


SoSH Member
Aug 1, 2001
Literally every time I've tuned in over the past week, Callahan has been hitting the Trump/Brady "story" and/or mocking women and liberals. Just what I want to listen to when my team is in the Super Bowl. Kirk sometimes plays the foil, but he's insufferably smug in his own right. Just awful radio unless you enjoy being pissed off in the morning.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
I totally expect Kirk to start something next week on radio row. Whether he goes after some national guys or whatever, I don't expect him to keep in line too much.


SoSH Member
Jun 26, 2006
It's gotten to the point where they mock people for actually wanting to talk about sports.

Instead, they'd rather feed some kind of sports media circle jerk. It's unlistenable.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
I accidentally listened to about 30 seconds the other day and I must say I appreciated "Dan O'Shaunadouche".


SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2002
The show is unlistenable in its current state for me. Minihane's just doing old Stern schtick & Callahan has gone full Breitbart, stroking his hate boner. Treni (?) and Reimer appear to be there as liberal props & add nothing. Sad!


New Member
Jul 15, 2005
3/4 Chicago, 1/4 Boston


New Member
Apr 23, 2010
That interview with David Zirin was horrendous. They just scream over him and ask him who he voted for and blah, blah

Minihane's victory dance at the end (unjustified, because it isn't an intervieww when two people just scream over a guy) was embarrassing. And the headlines on the website "WEEI derobes Zirin," and "beats him around," etc...

It just hate that these racists hosts represent our city. .


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The Land of Fist Pumps
The show ended today with a tease that Kirk will confront someone from ESPN on media row next week. Mutt and Gerry both predicted it would get physical this time (unlike 2 years ago when Toucher refused to take the bait from Minihane) and Bomani Jones' name was mentioned more than once.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Minihane is an adult, right? Jesus Christ, he's a fucking embarrassment.

He's going to mix it up with an ESPN guy. Holy shit.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
couple items

1. michael holley was on this week's 'enough about me' kirk podcast...I thought it was excellent, Holley really got into some personal stuff (his father, behind the scenes about Dale being fired when they were doing the midday, etc)

and 2.

Bart Hubbuch is no longer employed by the NY Post:
Kirk Minihane ‏@kirkmin 21h21 hours ago

Sad news: @BartHubbuch is out of work. Contacted NY Post, editor told me they "no longer have a business relationship" with Hubbach.

Dave Portnoy ‏@stoolpresidente 21h21 hours ago

Hey @BartHubbuch I will offer you 10 bucks an hour to hold my umbrella when it rains. This offer expires in 20 minutes.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Kirk and Callahan trolling Toucher and Rich today (who aren't on the air), stating that they heard from an "inside source" that T&R really "hate" each other off the air.