Kirk and Callahan: Done

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
I listened to Minihane's interview with Artie Lange on his podcast. It was pretty good. Covered a lot of thing that Artie has discussed in the past, but Kirk being a Stern fan himself, he got Artie to admit that Howard was interested in changing the show well before Artie's suicide attempt. I ended up listening to his interview of Jackie MacMullen, which again was well done. As it stands, I'm happy to have found a good podcast.


Skrub's sympathy case
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Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
I listened to Minihane's interview with Artie Lange on his podcast. It was pretty good. Covered a lot of thing that Artie has discussed in the past, but Kirk being a Stern fan himself, he got Artie to admit that Howard was interested in changing the show well before Artie's suicide attempt. I ended up listening to his interview of Jackie MacMullen, which again was well done. As it stands, I'm happy to have found a good podcast.
I enjoyed the Lange interview much more than I thought I would given that I never really listened to Stern.

In general, I think Minhane does a great job on the podcasts. He elicits candor and ends up having interesting conversations with his guests.

But I have three beefs. One, he asks terrific questions but more often than not will cut off the guest's response with a follow up before the guest even gets rolling on the answer. Two, he seems so hellbent on dropping the F bomb early and often that it feels contrived. Three, there's a little too much inside baseball on the media for my liking. The latter is the least of it as I get that inside media stuff is Minihane's thing.

The other somewhat unfortunate aspect is that it becomes harder for me to dislike my villains in the media -- like John Tomase in particular -- after hearing them for an hour with Kirk. This is tongue in cheek...but even the CHB became less hateful after hearing that podcast. GRRRR.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
If I liked golf, the interviews and segments on golf would be MUST LISTEN. The passion and excitement D&C have for GOLF is both obvious and undeniable. They fucking love golf talk. They could do four hours of golf talk a day, five days a week. Is there a SIRIUS/XM golf channel? They'd be perfect for that channel.

However, the contrast between the interest and vigor with which they talk golf compared to how they talk...every other sport, is jarring.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
The majors get John Dennis to take a break from nap time. I'd accuse him of having short timer syndrome, but he's been this way for over 15 years.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Yeah, VT...I agree completely.

If I were an Entercom executive, I'd be pissed at these guys. When they are engaged and interested in the sport, they are better than good at their job. But the sport they care about is GOLF, and they only really give a shit for about 4 hours, 4 times a year.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Merloni with Felger would have been a good combo, he would have stood his ground with Felger. Mazz is terrible.
No he wouldn't have.

Mazz stood his ground for about a year then packed it in. Bertrand last a bit longer and held his own for about two years or so, then became a yes man.

Felger is like the tide, he wears everyone down because he's relentless in his opinion and just keeps coming at you until you acquiesce. After awhile, I'd assume that you just don't feel like dealing with his bullshit day after day after day and just yes him to death. Felger needs to have a rotating cast. Or they need to find someone who is just as stubborn as he is and that's not easy.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
The co-host isn't supposed to argue with Felger's hot takes - the callers are supposed to take the bait and/or fight the troll.

The co-host, ideally, would add a different, less hot take to the scorcher that Felger is offering up.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
The co-host isn't supposed to argue with Felger's hot takes - the callers are supposed to take the bait and/or fight the troll.

The co-host, ideally, would add a different, less hot take to the scorcher that Felger is offering up.
I disagree completely. The two hosts should have contrasting viewpoints and should carry the bulk of the show. Ideally callers should be used to augment the show and be used sparingly.

Callers make up such a small percentage of the audience that focusing on them (by baiting or trolling them) is useless.

To me, the perfect radio show would be something like PTI where the two hosts banter about the day's events. Throw in a call or two per hour and you're good. There aren't a lot of calls on Toucher and Rich, they're also one of the more listenable shows in Boston.

Put it this way (and I've heard/read this before) if you're counting on callers to get you through a show, you're screwed. It means you're not good at your job.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
I disagree completely. The two hosts should have contrasting viewpoints and should carry the bulk of the show. Ideally callers should be used to augment the show and be used sparingly.

Callers make up such a small percentage of the audience that focusing on them (by baiting or trolling them) is useless.

To me, the perfect radio show would be something like PTI where the two hosts banter about the day's events. Throw in a call or two per hour and you're good. There aren't a lot of calls on Toucher and Rich, they're also one of the more listenable shows in Boston.

Put it this way (and I've heard/read this before) if you're counting on callers to get you through a show, you're screwed. It means you're not good at your job.
If you get no callers, you're cancelled.

I don't disagree with the JMOH Ideal of a radio show. I disagree that your preferred formula is how the F&M show is designed. They aren't going to do a PTI-style show. Felger has a formula, and it works. It is the #1 show in the market and has been for most of a decade.

TSH's longest running promo for the F&M show goes (something) like this: "Your afternoon wouldn't be complete if you didn't disagree with one of them."

There's no doubt that Mazz fails to hold up his side of the bargain - at least until The Baseball Show starts. And then he runs the same playbook that Felger runs from 2-6.

That Mazz sucks in the role designed for him on the F&M show is different than the fact that the F&M formula is "Felger's hot takes, take some calls".

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
If you get no callers, you're cancelled.

I don't disagree with the JMOH Ideal of a radio show. I disagree that your preferred formula is how the F&M show is designed. They aren't going to do a PTI-style show. Felger has a formula, and it works. It is the #1 show in the market and has been for most of a decade.

TSH's longest running promo for the F&M show goes (something) like this: "Your afternoon wouldn't be complete if you didn't disagree with one of them."

There's no doubt that Mazz fails to hold up his side of the bargain - at least until The Baseball Show starts. And then he runs the same playbook that Felger runs from 2-6.

That Mazz sucks in the role designed for him on the F&M show is different than the fact that the F&M formula is "Felger's hot takes, take some calls".
Your first point is incorrect. Other people can back me up on this but radio management doesn't care at all if they get callers. Like I said T&R can go an hour without a call and they're the number one show in the morning. I doubt that TSH GMs are mandating that they take more calls.

And you're correct about that promo, but you're incorrect about the message. It's not to get people to CALL, it's to get people to LISTEN in. What did Pig Vomit say about Stern, "People hate him listen more than the people who like him"? That's what's going on here with Felger.

I'm not sure what your last point means.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
Your first point is incorrect. Other people can back me up on this but radio management doesn't care at all if they get callers. Like I said T&R can go an hour without a call and they're the number one show in the morning. I doubt that TSH GMs are mandating that they take more calls.

And you're correct about that promo, but you're incorrect about the message. It's not to get people to CALL, it's to get people to LISTEN in. What did Pig Vomit say about Stern, "People hate him listen more than the people who like him"? That's what's going on here with Felger.

I'm not sure what your last point means.
Eh, tell it to Ted Sarandis. That T&R don't take many calls isn't a strong data point, IMO. The morning drive time "rules" are different than the afternoon drive time.

Either way, it is apparent that Felger's formula works in this market. With or without a co-host who can do no more than say "you're right Mike!"


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
The only thing I disagree with you on is they need to have contrasting viewpoints. Obviously they can't agree on everything but if they can have a real conversation it's better than the fake ok you take this side and I'll take this one that's so transparent.l that so many do, like Adam Hot Take Jones.

Does ESPN radio take any callers? The reliance not only on callers but celebrity callers is infuriating. 90% of callers add no value and 50% actively lower the conversation. I wish Felger and Mazz would go back to no celebrity callers.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Does ESPN radio take any callers? The reliance not only on callers but celebrity callers is infuriating. 90% of callers add no value and 50% actively lower the conversation. I wish Felger and Mazz would go back to no celebrity callers.
National ESPN does not take callers. I think their local shows do. National radio is not as reliant on phone calls. They tend to book more guests and cannot build narratives that local shows can to drive calls and the show.

D&C need callers. They openly admit they run of things to say to each other. After their run of roping in rube reporters who were anti-Patriot so they could scream at them , I can't see them getting enough on to fill the void of no callers.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
The only thing I disagree with you on is they need to have contrasting viewpoints. Obviously they can't agree on everything but if they can have a real conversation it's better than the fake ok you take this side and I'll take this one that's so transparent.l that so many do, like Adam Hot Take Jones.
You know what, you're 1000% correct. Taking a side and arguing it, even though you don't believe in that side, is pretty awful radio.


SoSH Member
Sep 30, 2010
Was this in regard to the Mike Adams article this morning?
I don't think so. The exchange was:

Dennis tweeted this: "If Minnesota flips Dunn to Chicago for Butler, Danny should be ashamed of himself."

So then Chad said that he couldn't pick Butler out of a Bulls team photo (see post above).

Then Dennis made fun of Chad's appearance in his avatar.

Then, this morning, Dennis must have gone back into his mentions. In response to Chad's tweet, another guy had implied that Chad is biased against Dennis, which then lead to the other tweets above (read them from bottom to top) by Dennis about "Chad Flynn."


Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em
SoSH Member
Jul 24, 2001
One could hope, but ratings did come out yesterday so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a stunt.


SoSH Member
Aug 3, 2001
I listened for a few minutes well before this happened and was thinking, "I don't love Calahan, but he is so much better than GT that it amazes me." GT is the worst radio guy we've had since Sarandis was axed.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
One could hope, but ratings did come out yesterday so I wouldn't be surprised if it was a stunt.
Well I would bet money that Tanguay walking out and actually not coming back would INCREASE ratings, so good luck if that is an attempted "stunt", Gary!


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
Entercom is famous for fake bits, and considering it's been all they've talked about since yesterday, I think it's safe to assume this is all a work too.

Kind of sad that they think this is what will overtake TSH in ratings.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
Entercom is famous for fake bits, and considering it's been all they've talked about since yesterday, I think it's safe to assume this is all a work too.

Kind of sad that they think this is what will overtake TSH in ratings.
Amen, they had Rob Bradford and Mut(?) discussing it last


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Entercom is famous for fake bits, and considering it's been all they've talked about since yesterday, I think it's safe to assume this is all a work too.

Kind of sad that they think this is what will overtake TSH in ratings.
To be fair, getting rid of Tanguay would be a great first step in improving ratings.

It's a stunt. One of the stars admitted it to one of my moles.
What's the point though? Everyone hates GearBear and is glad he's gone. I'm not sure what this stunt is setting up? The Return of Tanguay! Tanguay will be on on Monday to confront Kirk! ohhhhhhh.