Kirk and Callahan: Done


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
I stopped listening awhile ago and honestly, I think it's made me a better person. Not just them, but pretty much sports talk radio as a whole. I might listen to Dan Patrick once in awhile because he focuses mostly on interviews and avoids hot takes.

I would like to hear Kirk and Gerry's thoughts on the recent ratings. They always seem to find a way to make an excuse or spin it that they actually won the books. I'm sure Kirk will blame it on it being a quiet time for sports (which should be right up their alley since they hate talking sports as it is.


The Man in the Box
SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2006
I honestly don't know who was arguing or about what. Like I said, I gave it maybe 90 seconds. I'm just not interested in that kind of radio.


New Member
Oct 13, 2011
Sounds like you were spared the conversation that happened right after that. Kirk said something to the effect that the Gorilla incident was taken out of context and that Jerry doesn't have a racist bone in his body. Followed by Kirk saying that he would love to hear the segment....for the first time. <click>
Kirk's definition of racism is someone being unable to be in the same room as a black person without screaming epithets at them and/or physically assaulting them. Anything less than that is just made-up pandering liberal nonsense.


New Member
Feb 19, 2017
North Shore
I flip them on during T&R’s commercials but I find myself listening even less than that now. I agree with the guy above who said it’s made him a better person to tune K&C out. It is so stressful to listen to. There is also nothing less appealing than hearing a boss (Kirk is everyone’s boss over there) viciously tear down his/her subordinates, and Kirk does it constantly. It makes me feel like he’s never had a boss who treated him that way or else he wouldn’t act that way toward others. What could guys like Mutt and Curtis and hell even Reimer to deserve treatment like they get all morning every weekday? I know that Reimer is a complete famewhore but he and the others take way too much verbal thrashing from Kirk.

Kirk, eat a dick. Srsly.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
On twitter, they were making sound like it was something about them. Was it just that OMF and Dale and Keefe are swapping spots? What does that have to do with K&C?

I'm sure Kirk is being completely cordial about it, offering his best to both shows and hope that they will do well.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
10 seconds or less because radio was on WEEI from driving last night:

"....well, if he is getting a lighter load because of his age then he's a hypocrite because he says that TB12 lets him . . . " click


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Kirk Minihane‏Verified account @kirkmin 7m7 minutes ago
I’ve talked a lot about my issues with depression, and I’ve battled it the last three months or so. Last Thursday night I checked into the ER at Winchester Hospital with suicidal thoughts. I was then moved to McLean, where I was treated and released earlier this week.
Takes a lot of balls to share something like that publicly. I hope he gets the treatment and care he needs.

jose melendez

Earl of Acie
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Oct 23, 2003
Geneva, Switzerland
If I spent 20 hours a week with Kkkallahan, I’d be depressed too.

I have a lot of respect for him for being public on this, and I know that depression is much more chemical than environmental, but being in such a hateful space for a living can’t help.


New Member
Jan 23, 2012
Maybe I’m just cynical, but I’m not sure I buy this notion that “it took a lot of balls to do this.”

As far as I’m concerned, this is another media guy talking about his favorite subject: himself.

Also, I feel as though this could be a tactical move to try and get a free pass next time he says something outrageous.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I'm glad he's getting help and pleased that he's made his illness public.
For the sake of his family, and any listeners who might be helped, I agree. To the extent he is being "courageous," it is because he knows the types of listeners that his show attracts -- generally the kind of people who think mental illness is a weakness, and not a thing that should be covered by health insurance. Maybe its those very people that need to hear his message, but I would be shocked if the 'EEI archives didn't contain examples of him conveying the horiffic weakness message as well.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I don't like Kirk Minihane at all. Like Deadspin wrote last year he's the rat that's being alluded to when you call someone a ratfucker. However, if this:

A. Teaches Kirk a little humility or at least empathy towards other people
B. Teaches his audience the same

Then, while not a "good" thing in the strictest sense, it will be a way for something bad to have some good come out of it.

BUT since I don't live in CandyLand, I don't think that either of those things will happen. I think that Minihane will continue to be a self-absorbed prick who will not have any empathy or understanding for anyone who doesn't answer to the words: "Kirk Minihane". I mean, the guy's parents died within a few weeks of each (maybe less, I can't remember) and he's still a fucking asshole.

Aside from getting a few more listeners, I don't see how this will change anything. I really don't.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
I don't listen anymore, but I feel like this is the type of thing that if it were anyone else, Gerry would see them as being weak. I think Kirk has generally been pretty understanding of people with alcoholism, mental health, and other sorts of those type of issues. I'm not sure Gerry is as sympathetic. I might be totally wrong, but Gerry will sit and smile and pat Kirk on the shoulder because he knows that he (Kirk) is probably the only reason he still has a job.

And I would fully expect, in the coming weeks, for Kirk to publicly call out anyone that didn't reach out to him and wish him well during this time.

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
I stopped listening to them long ago because it’s more politics than sports, I think they’re both antagonistic pricks and they belittle every call they accept on; full well know that’s their schtick and gets them ratings I just have no use for it. That being said, it was sobering to hear him talk about scouting train schedules to jump in front of when OMF was talking about it and replayed it. I was also surprised when they played Callahan ask him if he was tempted to drink or use drugs and he said it never crossed his mind. Given his history, that shocked me if it’s true. I don’t plan to listen because I don’t think this will materially change who he is or who his character on air is, but I sympathize with him having dealt with depression and applaud him for speaking so publicly about it. I wish going forward he would factor that in to how he speaks to people but I’m not holding my breath.
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SoSH Member
May 16, 2007
I don't see anything wrong with that article. Even with the editorializing about his on air persona which pretty much is true.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I don't see anything wrong with that article. Even with the editorializing about his on air persona which pretty much is true.
Agree. It was pretty straightforward. A site like Deadspin could have easily taken a different route and not been out of character. Minihane makes his money by shitting on people. Deadspin did not shit on him.


Ronald Bartel
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
I assume the "trash" portion of the article is the following?

Kirk Minihane’s job involves punching down, picking on marginalized groups, and harassing any critics to come on his radio show so they can be cornered and berated. If a critic chooses not to fill some airtime by getting ambushed, Kirk calls them a coward and gets his followers to harass them.
Seems like an extremely accurate description of KM on that show.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Tough Guy Kirk! I don't mind asking some questions that people want to know, but asking three questions in a row on the same subject he's not going to answer to piss him off doesn't seem productive. I wonder how long he keeps bothering to do it after last year.

Mystic Merlin

SoSH Member
Sep 21, 2007
Hartford, CT
Yeah, he needs to be careful because Brady could refuse to do these interviews with Minihane. He could do them with someone else at the station, or refuse entirely. Does anyone think that Kraft would really call Tom to the carpet if he said ‘I don’t care what my contract says, I’m not talking to these people’?

I wouldn’t count on Entercom concluding, on balance, that the short-term buzz generated by me ‘scaring’ Brady off my show outweighs the loss of having Brady’s voice talking to the fans on my station every Monday during football season.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007
Not sure Tom came across so great here, Minihane ‘s pressing notwithstanding. Even Keefe, who can’t stand Kirk, was sticking up for him here.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Minihane generally sounds like a raging asshole. But, from what I've read, I'm not sure the questions were that tough here. He didn't ask about QuackDoc's methods, just whether anything's changed (or why its changed) w/r/t BB. Brady could've said, "there really wasn't a big issue in the first place" and moved on. Or maybe he thought the *next* question was going to get quacky, and he wanted to bail in advance.


SoSH Member
Nov 3, 2007


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
Here is the audio of the Brady interview. Starts at about 5:40. I think Kirk's questions were fair and non-hostile. He probably asked one too many questions, but Brady kind of opened up to one final question by rhetorically commenting about Guerrero (" well everyone's well documented the work he and I did together") after first saying he didn't "want to get into that".
As much as I dislike Kirk, I don't see how he's the at fault for asking the questions after listening to the audio. If anything, Brady looks bad for not wanting to open that door and ending the interview abruptly because the topic came up.

The Napkin

wise ass al kaprielian
SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2002
right here
Seriously. Brady's spent how many years going on and on about AG and how great he is and TB12 method and pliability and concussion water and and and and ... and now he doesn't want to answer questions about AG? And the guy asking the question is the bad guy?
Yeah, no.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I don't feel that Minihane deserves much benefit of the doubt; he hasn't done anything to cover himself in glory, and is just lucky that the Pats have a contract with EEI. And Brady really isn't under any obligation to answer questions about his relationship with AG.

Still, Brady probably should have added one more "sorry, that's not what I came to talk about today; I'm really just going to answer questions about football" and given the host 1 or 2 more chances to embarrass himself by asking the same question again.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Portland, ME
Yeah, he easily could have gone with the "any football questions left?" ala his coach and been just fine. But now, K&C are getting the attention they want and it'll become a bit of a story for the next couple days.


SoSH Member
Apr 27, 2009
Concord, NH
The audio is different than the transcript. After Brady shoots down the 2nd question, Kirk starts to move the conversation over to Evan Drellich to ask a question, and then Brady started to talk about Alex Guerrero again. So since Brady talked about it, Kirk asked another follow up question. I can't stand Kirk, but he did nothing wrong in this interview. You can't shill the guys concussion water and TB12 fomula, and then refuse to answer simple questions that were in tons of articles over the weekend.


SoSH Member
Apr 21, 2011
Guerrero seems like scum of the earth to me, and for Brady to worship him as much as he seems to do...well sorry TB, if you can't take the questions you should consider who you're keeping good company with.

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
Brady has dealt with AG questions for going on, what? 3 years now? 4? The media has blown it well out of proportion and created a hailstorm of collateral damage by poking at it. I find it hard to believe there isn’t some kind of discussion before an interview as to what’s on the table and what isn’t. And I’d have to imagine that AG falls on the second of those lists.

It amazes me people continue to defend the media in this town, especially these two ass holes. Could TB have dodged it better? Sure. Do we know what they talked about ahead of time, what kind of talks they’ve had about topics in general? No. And this isn’t something edited, it’s live.

They’re puff pieces and K&C try to turn it into Twitter fodder to garner ratings. Granted, TB played right into their hands on this one, but at some point, I think one needs to start pointing the finger at the baiter not the one that takes it. I’d wager twenty years of this media market might tend to start to wear on a person.

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
I think AG is quackish and Tom’s probably a nutty follower, but who gives a shit about this story anymore? Especially the on-or-off the sideline/team plane aspect. I’d rather talk about the Ideal Gas Law again.


SoSH Member
Dec 17, 2002
I moved from Boston to Philly 2 years ago. Locale notwithstanding*, in general the external perspective is really useful. Not the “Pats r cheaterz!!” part - that’ll always be insane and bitter - but the lack of hero worship when it comes to Brady and Belichick. That’s actually helpful, especially in cases like this. It helps me be sure that Brady is the weird one here. Guerrero should be questioned. He’s sketchy as hell. Brady should be more ready to talk about it. The relationship between Brady and the coach and the club should be fodder for normal conversation - it’s not comprehendable.

*To my surprise, they’re much more concerned about Dallas here than anything happening in New England or New York.

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
I moved from Boston to Philly 2 years ago. Locale notwithstanding*, in general the external perspective is really useful. Not the “Pats r cheaterz!!” part - that’ll always be insane and bitter - but the lack of hero worship when it comes to Brady and Belichick. That’s actually helpful, especially in cases like this. It helps me be sure that Brady is the weird one here. Guerrero should be questioned. He’s sketchy as hell. Brady should be more ready to talk about it. The relationship between Brady and the coach and the club should be fodder for normal conversation - it’s not comprehendable.

*To my surprise, they’re much more concerned about Dallas here than anything happening in New England or New York.

I lived out of market for about 15 years (DC). I read the local papers from afar for all that time, on a daily basis or at least until the Globe went to shit anyways, and it’s really got nothing to do with hero worship for me. The media here is toxic. I read the Post for all that time as well to follow the DC teams and never did I read the type of crap I see in the Globe or Herald,”; never did I hear Boswell or Korheiser or Wilbon go after people or stir shit like the guys here. It’s trash. Brady has answered any question that could be posed about AG and, frankly, your opinion of him or anyone others doesn’t mean he should have to keep talking about it. Which is to say nothing of the fact that only a weekly spot, he should put up with it routinely so that K&C can get clicks.

Ask once, if he doesn’t want to answer, let it go. The media this town is so friggin entitled and self serving it’s ridiculous. Same thing with Price last week catching shit. Show some awareness and a genuine interest in delving into something and they’ve shown they will open up. Keep beating a dead horse and they’re going to get pissed, rightfully so, imo.

These aren’t politicians. This isn’t important shit at the end of the day.

Edit: I’ll also add that this outlet referred to his 5 year old as an ‘annoying little pissant’. I’m curious how cooperative everyone would be in that scenario.
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for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
I don't understand the discussion of fault, here.

Isn't this just buying into talk radio's premise that in every interaction of social phenomenon, there has to be a bad guy?

Guy asked Brady something that people might be interested in, as per his job. Brady said he wasn't talking about it. Guy pressed the issue, Brady left.

Like, maybe more of life's interactions should go this way?

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005

I lived out of market for about 15 years (DC). I read the local papers from afar for all that time, on a daily basis or at least until the Globe went to shit anyways, and it’s really got nothing to do with hero worship for me. The media here is toxic. I read the Post for all that time as well to follow the DC teams and never did I read the type of crap I see in the Globe or Herald,”; never did I hear Boswell or Korheiser or Wilbon go after people or stir shit like the guys here. It’s trash. Brady has answered any question that could be posed about AG and, frankly, your opinion of him or anyone others doesn’t mean he should have to keep talking about it. Which is to say nothing of the fact that only a weekly spot, he should put up with it routinely so that K&C can get clicks.

Ask once, if he doesn’t want to answer, let it go. The media this town is so friggin entitled and self serving it’s ridiculous. Same thing with Price last week catching shit. Show some awareness and a genuine interest in delving into something and they’ve shown they will open up. Keep beating a dead horse and they’re going to get pissed, rightfully so, imo.

These aren’t politicians. This isn’t important shit at the end of the day.

Edit: I’ll also add that this outlet referred to his 5 year old as an ‘annoying little pissant’. I’m curious how cooperative everyone would be in that scenario.
Except for the fact that Quackdoc travelling with the team seems to be a change. To me that made the question somewhat less rehash-y.

Ironically, it was BB who gave a good non-answer today about Quackdoc.

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
Except for the fact that Quackdoc travelling with the team seems to be a change. To me that made the question somewhat less rehash-y.

Ironically, it was BB who gave a good non-answer today about Quackdoc.
I guess we differ in that I don’t think it should have ever been hashed in the first place. I’m well aware Brady is business partners with him, that he has some issues with his past and that the whole thing isn’t mainstream. But frankly I could give a shit if he rides on the plane or not. (Further, the only personal trainers I’ve ever heard mentioned with a professional athlete were ARod’s, Bonds’ and Clemens. Which obviously were PED related, which I think is the undertow of hashing or rehashing him). Either way, I’m inclined to believe there are some terms discussed before he agrees to do these interviews and that AG is most likely one of them. Ask once and hope for a bone. Continue down the road and you get him hanging up. It’s not like. Randy couldn’t see where it was headed. Ymmv.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
I guess we differ in that I don’t think it should have ever been hashed in the first place. I’m well aware Brady is business partners with him, that he has some issues with his past and that the whole thing isn’t mainstream. But frankly I could give a shit if he rides on the plane or not. (Further, the only personal trainers I’ve ever heard mentioned with a professional athlete were ARod’s, Bonds’ and Clemens. Which obviously were PED related, which I think is the undertow of hashing or rehashing him). Either way, I’m inclined to believe there are some terms discussed before he agrees to do these interviews and that AG is most likely one of them. Ask once and hope for a bone. Continue down the road and you get him hanging up. It’s not like. Randy couldn’t see where it was headed. Ymmv.
How is it even possible to have a controversy over predictable things?

"Many felt is was inappropriate for Mr. Gorman to consume lunch..."

Papelbon's Poutine

Homeland Security
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2005
Portsmouth, NH
How is it even possible to have a controversy over predictable things?

"Many felt is was inappropriate for Mr. Gorman to consume lunch..."
That’s kind of my point and I’m sure of many things, including whether you and I are agreeing or not and if I’m expressing myself properly. It’s been a long day. I kind of see the whole thing as asking someone if they still beat their wife and then making it a to do when they tell you to fuck off. These guys ask questions they know won’t get answered to serve their own purposes, then anyone defending the subject gets accused of hagiography.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
Why should Brady go one inch out of his way to put up with WEEI’s crap after what they did to his agent?


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
That’s kind of my point and I’m sure of many things, including whether you and I are agreeing or not and if I’m expressing myself properly. It’s been a long day. I kind of see the whole thing as asking someone if they still beat their wife and then making it a to do when they tell you to fuck off. These guys ask questions they know won’t get answered to serve their own purposes, then anyone defending the subject gets accused of hagiography.
We agree--I think: The syntax of the opening sentence may cease to exist in a fit of self-contradiction, but I think that actually makes the point as well as anything. :)

"Dog Bites Man With Hamburger in Trousers"