Considering what was ACTUALLY said and the sources behind it, I think we should all be pumping the breaks.
Two sources. Woj and Shams.
Woj? Trustworthy. He made the first tweet/article.
The actual language he used?
The Celtics appear no closer to acquiring Durant than others in discussions with the Nets.
There are no deals believed to have traction for Durant, and no team has yet to reach the significant threshold that the Nets have set to trade one of the league's most talented players, sources said.
This piece was submitted at 2:30AM, which feels to me like either (A) a huge breaking story or (B) deadline story. Considering there isn't any actual news in the article about an offer and its its the start of a new week, B is a pretty good bet.
"No deals believed to have traction for Durant" means the Celtics haven't included Brown in any deal. How do we know? Because it would be a deal that creates traction, according to Woj himself.
Boston's ability to include All-Star forward
Jaylen Brown as a centerpiece in offers does help make the team formidable in its pursuit, sources said.
Boston is able to construct a package for Durant that could include Brown and as many as three unprotected first-round picks (2025, 2027 and 2029) -- and two pick swaps (2024 and 2026).
So, the article is, "Celtics reached out to Nets about Durant, no offers made. If they offered Brown, the Nets would be interested." Literally nothing we don't already know.
The second source is Shams. Hes a shitty, untrustworthy, scummy journalist. He's been proven to be a liar. He posted a tweet a few hours after Woj citing an unknown source that the Celtics have made an offer that includes Brown.
Now. Do we think Shams scooped Woj a few hours after Woj's article? That Woj has heard NO offers, but Shams has all the details from inside the meeting room? Or do we think Shams is a piece of shit simply driving clicks and trying to increase his rep/visibility with a made up source and riding Woj's coattails.
I know what I think.