Alright, I've heard so many "Tatum is not a top-6 player" declarations in the past week that I'm prepared to go there. (Even if part of me feels like the best tribute to this particular team and to Tatum himself would be to abstain from such STARZ rankings altogether).
Consensus Players Above Tatum (CPAT) whom I agree with (at least in the context of 'right now'):
CPAT whom I don't necessarily agree with, but will cede:
- SGA (I have him as a push with Tatum)
- Doncic (whatever, has been discussed enough)
Guys who should never be listed as CPAT but annoyingly often are:
- Embiid
- Kawhii <-- The best version of either of these guys is better than JT. But until we actually see the best version of either for a full postseason, both should be banned from further discussion. They're never healthy and fully effective when it matters.
Then, there's a bunch of CPET guys (Consensus Players Equal to Tatum) who are considered in the same tier:
- Ant
- Brunson
- Curry
- AD
- Durant
- Lebron
- Booker
- Wemby
- JB (just kidding,.. kinda)
The younger guys on this list
(Wemby, Ant, conceivably Brunson or Booker) could pass JT as soon as next year if they take a big step forward. I could squint and see the AD argument if he continues to wrack up a few more healthy seasons. Steph, Durant and Lebron have all had better seasons than peak JT in the past, but are on the wrong side of the mountain. At the moment, I don't have any of them above Tatum or even quite his equal.
In summary: I have him in a 3-6 group that consists of (in no particular order): SGA, Tatum, Ant, Luka (with Luka my most likely omission from the group).