A thought that popped into my head, based on the AAP thread about the Roman Anthony and Cleopatra status of #1 overall.
Back in 2016, Moncada was #1 overall, and Kopech was 67 overall in the (I guess?) MLB overall prospect ratings. (https://www.milb.com/news/gcs-210426434) - they were traded for Chris Sale, who helped bring another title to Fenway.
Would you trade Prince Spaghetti Night (1) and BMont (61) if you knew that you were guaranteed a WS win within the next 3 years? Instant(ish) gratification or long term enjoyment of development?
Back in 2016, Moncada was #1 overall, and Kopech was 67 overall in the (I guess?) MLB overall prospect ratings. (https://www.milb.com/news/gcs-210426434) - they were traded for Chris Sale, who helped bring another title to Fenway.
Would you trade Prince Spaghetti Night (1) and BMont (61) if you knew that you were guaranteed a WS win within the next 3 years? Instant(ish) gratification or long term enjoyment of development?