How did you discover SoSH?


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2001
Durham, NC
Jul 31, 2001 was when i joined, but I do not really remember. It was a wild board back then and I have made so many friends over the years. The early meetups at games, even the famed Celtic one where Rocco was like "I know Jinhocho and you are not Jinhocho. But have you seen him tonight?", the ArodTek brawlgamebash, running into skrub at pats games and uri at random places, getting up to trouble with my fellow academic TonyC over the years, the gamedayritual fantasy leagues, running into random soshers playing MMOs, and all the fun in strat. The only regret I ever had about this place was that I drifted to more of a reader the longer I was in NC and less of a poster. Long live SoSH and thanks for making my life better.

PS. I literally have friends on here from high school, college, and even students I have taught along the way. What a ride!


Don't know him from Adam
SoSH Member
Mar 14, 2006
Kernersville, NC
Pretty sure I lurked for a while prior, but my join date was March 2006 which was 2 months after we moved to Fort Myers. I assume I signed up to talk about my first spring training game.


New Member
Jul 21, 2020
Joined up when Fred starting going off on this board and blaming it for his problem on air, i said man i got to check this place out when i get home...:p


SoSH Member
Apr 11, 2012
jon abbey mentioned on an esoteric improvised music forum about being a Yankees fan on a Red Sox board, and I knew immediately that was a place I needed to be.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
I'm going to guess it was Simmons. I know I'd been reading for a bit but my first definitive memory was refreshing the hell out of the ARod trade thread. Sorry servers. Towards the end of '05 I saw a bunch of new members posting and got a membership.


SoSH Member
Nov 10, 2015
Bow, NH
Back in 2002-2003, Boston Dirt Dogs was daily reading for me. After 2003 ended, the site mentioned that Schilling was a member here. For 5-6 years I only visited SoSH occasionally. It must have been around 2012 I was here daily, still as an unregistered guest. Reading threads was a pain in the ass, because I had to remember where I left off in a certain thread. I remember reading the DFG thread at work and had to leave the window open so I could "watch" it live. That was around when I finally signed up.

Dewey's 'stache

SoSH Member
Mar 16, 2023
I was born and raised in Boston, but had moved for work in 1992. By 2003 I was in Springfield Missouri of all places and the Grady Little leaving Pedro in disaster had just happened. I was dropping off my son the next day at my in home day-care family’s house (who were huge Cardinal fans, and secondary Red Sox fans). They mentioned SOSH as a place they had just found and that the commentary was so smart, funny, and far beyond other chat rooms that I should check it out. So I did, and I remember going through the game thread for the game and the commentary was a magnificent mix of pre-Boone Homer excitement, tension, anti yankee bravado and post-homer anguish, gallows humor, sarcasm, and maybe next year, along with someone posting at least 3,000 “FUCK”s in a row after the Boone home run. I knew right then I had found a home of like thinking people.
I was a lurker for 20 years after that moment (I didn’t realize we could ask for membership at first, and later I think I felt intimidated by the quality of the commentary and analysis. I was just happy to read the intelligent commentary) then about a year ago, I decided to see if I could become a member, and here I am. I’m so thankful my babysitter mentioned SOSH the day after the Grady Little disaster. SOSH has been there to comfort, amuse, and inform me ever since.


SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2011
I typed in into my browser when I was 13 or so, brought me to a forum on There was quite a few posters there who posted here, and I migrated over.

Rovin Romine

Johnny Rico
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Miami (oh, Miami!)
Art Matone sent me here, some time ago. I lurked on the old board and posted a bit under another name. . .I remember discussing Carl Everett when he was on the team, but that's the only dating I have for it all.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
On the way to take a post coital piss, I walked by a glowing computer screen that had the familiar "Sons Of Sam Horn" banner across the top. Turns out that @Reverend mom forgot to close her tabs when I got to her house. I putted around the site for a few minutes and then went back to the bedroom for round two, completely forgetting about SoSH until I got home - wreaking of sweat and woman juices - the next morning.

Signed up as a lurker and never looked back.


lost his degree
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
My Desk
Definitely Bill Simmons. I lurked on the EZ Board site under some forever lost different name. When Nip was looking to upgrade the servers in early 2005 - I became a lifetime member. Any club that would have me….