Teel is the only guy that will really hurt. Montgomery feels like a guy who could be replaced easily in the next draft- college kid who could be up to the ML club in 2 years.... or hopefully Bleis gets it together and unleashes his potential. The Sox have Abreu, Campbell and Rafaella locked in for a long time. Duran for another 3 seasons. That's an incredible predicament.... you've got a GG corner RF'er. A guy that some could argue was better than Soto last season (by some stats that are questionable, but they're there). The top ranked prospect in the game and a backup CF'er that would be an improvement on defense over that Duran guy.
But Teel hurts. But trades like this always do. I can't imagine giving it less than a 7 but even less than 8 seems weird to me.
But Teel hurts. But trades like this always do. I can't imagine giving it less than a 7 but even less than 8 seems weird to me.