Global Basketball Odds and Ends


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
I was pleasantly surprised to discover @bowiac 's own analysis showing that DARKO has the greatest correlation to next-season player performance of any advanced metric, with EPM and LEBRON following them. He has caveats in the full thread, but this is the money line:


(found it via this site, which is a useful reference for me given the proliferation of adjustments and meta-statistics)

Nick Kaufman

protector of human kind from spoilers
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2003
A Lost Time
I am very biased, but I spent my childhood watching this man.



I know the competition was worse and he's 5 foot 10 height might have prevented him from being as successful in the NBA, but he was out of this world. Every game, he would dribble like a drunk kangaroo or deploy a nasty reverse dribble in order get in the paint and sneak through multiple defenders several sizes longer than him, then go high up in the air while doing multiple pump fakes or fadeaways with a high arc shot.

He would routinely score 30-40 points in 40 minute games. Alas, we don't have FG % percentages from back then, but from the meager numbers I 've managed to come across his FG% must have been very high somewhere in the vicinity of 55-60%. He would also go to the line a lot, so his TS% must have been sky high.

Apparently, one of Red's biggest regrets.
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wade boggs chicken dinner

SoSH Member
Mar 26, 2005
I am very biased, but I spent my childhood watching this man.



I know the competition was worse and he's 5 foot 10 height might have prevented him from being as successful in the NBA, but he was out of this world. Every game, he would dribble like a drunk kangaroo or deploy a nasty reverse dribble in order get in the paint and sneak through multiple defenders several sizes longer than him, then go high up in the air while doing multiple pump fakes or fadeaways with a high arch shot.

He would routinely score 30-40 points in 40 minute games. Alas, we don't have FG % percentages from back then, but from the meager numbers I 've managed to come across his FG% must have been very high somewhere in the vicinity of 55-60%. He would also go to the line a lot, so his TS% must have been sky high.

Apparently, one of Red's biggest regrets.
Gallis and Larry Bird played one game together.



The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Some absolute sicko on Reddit made a comprehensive list of Bald NBA Players. If you're twiddling your thumbs waiting for the Bucks game tonight, it functions nicely as a "let's remember some guys" diversion.

Charlie Villanueva, aka "proto-Jordan Walsh", is on there along with many others, some of whom were bald by choice / temporarily, and some were just made that way.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Just learned about the 2018 Philippines-Australia basketball brawl. Thon Maker was restraining people. Chairs were thrown. Players not even on the roster got involved in the brawl.

Whatever we might say about NBA refs sometimes letting a game get out of control, they got nothin' on these FIBA refs. Yikes. "The three referees who officiated at the match were suspended for a year."

Good stuff.


bet squelcher
SoSH Member
Jan 15, 2004
Just learned about the 2018 Philippines-Australia basketball brawl. Thon Maker was restraining people. Chairs were thrown. Players not even on the roster got involved in the brawl.

Whatever we might say about NBA refs sometimes letting a game get out of control, they got nothin' on these FIBA refs. Yikes. "The three referees who officiated at the match were suspended for a year."

Good stuff.
When Tommy Garrick returned from playing a year in Spain we were preparing to play in an alumni game when he told a story of FIBA officiating.

They were the road team in a small packed and hostile arena. His team was up 1 when the home team scored off a missed shot that was clearly after the buzzer. They were using replay back then and after the team ran into the locker room to celebrate a win they were quickly followed by league officials. They were told to not shower, grab your bags quick and you’ve got like 60 seconds to get on the team bus bc they were about to announce that the call will be reversed to being after the buzzer. As they were running out the door toward the bus he heard the announcement and said that it sounded like there was going to be a riot. As the bus was pulling away he said that tons of fans were running from the arena to no place in particular but he thinks that they were coming after the team bus. Lol