Game 6 - Bruins @ Blues


SoSH Member
Dec 6, 2009
if that scrimmage actually cost us a healthy Marchand for this series, I'm going to be a bit livid.
Oh I think he’s definitely broken something. Bergeron too. We will hear lots of stuff when this series ends but it doesn’t matter they are winning tonight let’s goooooo


SoSH Member
Jun 11, 2004
I'm always cup half full, overconfident with the Bruins. Like to rally against people crying in game threads. Bruins always got this.

I dont feel it this game. I dont know why.

Someone tell me how much of a coward I'm being, please.
I don’t think you’re being a coward. For me, it has felt like this series has been in the bag for the Blues all along—includes the NBC/NHL Pravda-esque narrative being regurgitated before, during and after each game, as well as the refereeing on the ice. There has been something ‘off’ about this series from jump street. Cast me as a ‘tin hatter’ if you want, but my spidey sense has been on high alert.

That being said, DESTROY these bastards tonight.


SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2003
The Bergeron line is going to light it up tonight. You know why? Because they’ve had no luck and tonight their luck is going to turn.

In the SCF, Marchand-Bergeron-Pastrnak have 3 goals on 47 shots. That’s a 6.4% shot percentage. Their shot percentage for the 2018-2019 season was about 15.5%.

So what’s changed? Have they run into a great goalie? No. Are most of their shot from outside the circles? No. Have they forgot how to be great hockey players? No.

Luck. That’s all it is. They’ve had none. That’ll change tonight because they’ll make it change.

Red Averages

owes you $50
SoSH Member
Apr 20, 2003
Anyone that is nervous just imagine how you'll feel if the Bruins win tonight and have Game 7 at home. Now just picture scoring the first goal tonight and it doesn't seem like such a tough task.


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
I’m way more nervous about this game than the last two Superbowls.

This team needs to play angry and beat the shit out of these scrubs.


Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
I know some folks in St. Louis; they are kinda assholes and I don’t want to see them happy. I don’t want to hear Gloria and I don’t want that interim head coach Chris Nilan wannabe win.

Win tonight, game 7 in Boston where they crush the hearts and souls of the Blues and their fans.


SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2012
Westwood MA
I know some folks in St. Louis; they are kinda assholes and I don’t want to see them happy. I don’t want to hear Gloria and I don’t want that interim head coach Chris Nilan wannabe win.

Win tonight, game 7 in Boston where they crush the hearts and souls of the Blues and their fans.
As I've mentioned, I have a customer from St. Louis, diehard Blues fan, seemed like a decent guy up until the series started, he's been emailing me some pretty ballsy crap about the series, claiming among other things "The Blues four lines are head and shoulders better than the Bruins four lines", "Our coach has pushed all the right buttons and has outcoached yours", "We play an aggressive style of hockey, I don't understand all the crying over how we hit hard and hit after the whistle, that's how the game is played in the western conference" and his latest gem over the non call in game 5 "Well the Bruins got away with a too many men on the ice penalty, so these things tend to even out"...……….

Fuck him.

Fuck St Louis.

And fuck the Blues, crush their hopes and dreams tonight.

PS; regardless of how things play out, I'll still take this ballbags money.

But fuck him.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
deep inside Guido territory
We’ve seen the following deficits either in game or in a series overcame from our teams this century.

Red Sox
Down 0-3 in 04 ALCS
Down 2-1 to Detroit in 13

Down 10 pts in 2nd half in SB49
Down 28-3 at halftime in SB51

Down 3-2 in 11 Cup Finals
Down 4-1 in G7 of 13 Round 1
Down 3-2 this year to Toronto

Down 24 pts in G4 of 08 Finals

Scared of a little adversity? We’ve been there before, dealt with it, and most of the time come out the other side winners. We win. We do it again.


SoSH Member
Aug 22, 2006
Brighton, MA
We’ve seen the following deficits either in game or in a series overcame from our teams this century.

Red Sox
Down 0-3 in 04 ALCS
Down 2-1 to Detroit in 13
Nitpick, but the Sox were never actually down 2-1 to Detroit. It was actually worse: they were down 1-0 and then 5-1 in the 8th of Game 2 before Papi did his thing. You're probably thinking of them being down 2-1 in the World Series that year, vs. a team from some crappy flyover city that no one cares about.

Also, you should add the 3-1 deficit in the '07 ALCS and being down 7-0 in the 7th inning of an elimination game the following year to the list of epic comebacks in modern Boston sports history.

Regardless: beat these fuckers tonight.


SoSH Member
Apr 18, 2007
This one's for spite.

Fuck this garbage heap of a league. Gifted the greatest athletic sport in the world, being played at its highest level, and what does the NHL do? Shart itself. Here's a word for you: integrity. Call the fucking game as, I dunno, your fucking rulebook says it should be called. That this league fucking caved to the whining of a retired goon, let alone one that's coaching one of the teams in competition, is farcical. Get your fucking shit together, NHL.

Then there's the NBC broadcast. Again, greatest sport in the world gets a treatment of Eddie Olczyk's thundering idiocy, Mike Milbury's hockey "acumen" (which is about four decades out of date) and Pierre McGuire's endless inanity. Great fucking job there. Did you know that Patrick Maroon is from St. Louis?

And at last we come to Saint Louis Blues. A squad that has proven throughout this playoffs to be the unique shitbag combination of dirty and diving that we haven't seen since the 2011 Vancouver Canucks. I hope to see these fucks continue their dipshit feigned incredulity when they commit an obvious penalty as they're carted off to the box. And then see them again take the skate of shame after the Bs bury the puck behind their thoroughly mediocre goaltender.

Just win.


educated, civility-loving ass
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 13, 2006
South Boston
This Bruins team plays the game hard, with skill, speed, and grit. Their coach is straightforward, smart, and gets buy-in.

The St. Louis Blues and their coach are hit fucking garbage.

Win. Bring it home. Win it on home ice.


SoSH Member
Oct 20, 2015
considering NBC is showing Deal or no Deal right now, I doubt it. they'll want a national pregame.

Al Zarilla

SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
San Andreas Fault
In 2013, the Red Sox won a game in St Louis, and then went back to Boston to clinch the World Series. That’s what we’re looking for here.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
So far this has been a pretty great weekend. Would be even better if the Bruins could help to end it on a high note.

Steamroll these jokers!