#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

  • Total voters


SoSH Member
Jul 13, 2005
ESPN just showed a poll result that said 83% of people believe the Patriots are telling the truth and didn't do anything.  Either Pat's fans voted non-stop or the media is out of touch with what the people want.


mad dog
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Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Mloaf71 said:
ESPN just showed a poll result that said 83% of people believe the Patriots are telling the truth and didn't do anything.  Either Pat's fans voted non-stop or the media is out of touch with what the people want.
Nebraska the lone holdout. They say, GUILTY.


Sunny von Bulow
SoSH Member
Jan 10, 2004
The 718
Harry Hooper said:
The Colts balls were prepared and inflated differently. They also may not have been measured the same way, or as many times.
Yes, burden of proof is nonexistent.


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
Kevin Youkulele said:
I assume any penalty that may be assessed against Brady can be appealed to an independent arbitrator under the CBA terms.  Unless there's a smoking gun (ballboy says Brady told him to deflate), he'd have a good shot at getting it thrown out for lack of evidence.  
Does anyone know what if any appeal rights Belichick or the team would have? 
Brady:  could appeal under CBA terms.  Would likely win based on what we know today. 
Team:  No real recourse, but if the penalty is ridiculous, don't expect any pictures of Kraft smiling next to Goodell anytime soon.  
Belichick:  No real recourse.  However, if the league was to attempt to suspend him for a year, given the total lack of evidence of any tampering, he could bring lawyers into the mess. 


New Member
Jul 14, 2005
Both Brady and BB said they pump the footballs to 12.5. That is the baseline. If we are going to take their word that they didn't do anything to them, we have to believe that they were initially pumped to 12.5.


Less observant than others
SoSH Member
Apr 23, 2010
from the wilds of western ma
4 days in. 4 days of galactic stupidity on the part of mediot trolls, 2 Patriots pressers already. 4 days in and this story hasn't really been advanced at all since it broke. Mind-boggling. The comical incompetence of the ass-clowns who run this league is breathtaking. How the fuck could they have not even talked to Brady yet??   When is that going to be done, the night before the super bowl? They could have, and still can, effectively end this anytime they want. I'm usually the last guy to buy into conspiracy theories. But I'm coming around on the idea expressed here that the league loves this. Loves the noise, attention, clicks, etc. That they are so mired in becoming 24/7 reality TV, they couldn't care less about shitting over their premier event  with this "scandal".  God I miss Tags.           


mad dog
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Dec 30, 2003
New York City
Mark Schofield said:
Never trust people from Nebraska.

/Hopes his wife doesn't see this post.
My wife's friend went to Nebraska U for her Masters. She's over right now. She was humiliated by the widespread Nebraska response to BALLGATE.


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
Kirk Minihane is going to be on O'Reilly tonight.  Kirk Fucking Minihane on Bill Fucking O'Reilly.
This thing had gone beyond insane.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Just imagine if they had won this game 31-30.  Obama might have had to give a special national address tonight.


news aggravator
SoSH Member
Dec 4, 2009
Red(s)HawksFan said:
Kirk Minihane is going to be on O'Reilly tonight.  Kirk Fucking Minihane on Bill Fucking O'Reilly.
This thing had gone beyond insane.
This jumped the shark 2 days ago.


Patriots Fan
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I can't get off SoSH. I want to get work done, but this story makes the black hole in Interstellar look like small fries. I've already resigned myself that I'm going to be unable to leave this story and these news articles.

Tyrone Biggums

nfl meets tri-annually at a secret country mansion
SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2006
Has anyone interviewed the football and get it's take? Sounds like something Borges would excel at.

Edit: Nebraska? Really? I would have thought Maryland or something...Nebraska though?

Doctor G

SoSH Member
Jan 24, 2007
DennyDoyle'sBoil said:
Back when this thread was in its infancy, it seemed to me that the very witnesses that needed to be talked to were the refs.  They are the key to everything.  Now, given that Brady hasn't even been interviewed, I wonder whether they have.
Clearly someone was involved on game night.  Someone was involved in checking the balls at halftime, and switching the balls, we all saw that on national tv.  But who?  
Brady and Belichick both said they had no idea what was going on or that the balls were changed.  I believe them both.  There is simply no way they could be lying about this, because if they were told, it would be by the refs or the league and so they'd be outed as liars right away.  
But there was an entire behind the scenes thing going on that neither knew about.  Nor does it appear that Brady ever even noticed that he was playing with different balls.  I assume if he said to Anderson, "what's up with these balls" or whatever, he'd again be outed as a liar.  
The NFL is fucking incompetent.  They release to Mort the mysterious 2 lbs. thing, and then nothing, when it's clear something was going on.
If you are going to inflate the balls to 11.5 psi would the refs catch this if you knew that they were only going to weigh the balls prior to the game and not pressure check them


Run, Forrest, run!
SoSH Member
Jun 13, 2006
Hartford area
I get a kick out out of  Francesa of saying if Brady were unjustly accused he'd be mad.  How the hell does he know how any particular person would react?  Is he a psychologist as well as a talk show host now?  It's easier to believe he just has a chip on his shoulder about any Belichick team and has for years.


tolerates intolerance
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Dec 1, 2003
Quincy, MA
Re: Not being able to tell the difference between the balls at the halftime switch.

Here is another thing that is bugging me. All the Borges types and even Brunell screaming that Brady knew difference in the balls because they would have (or that because it's his job he should know). A 2 PSI difference in pressure and less than a dollar bill difference in weight is noticeable in a driving rain, at 51 degrees with throwing gloves on, and 4 DL coming as hard as they can??? I would love to see that study done - especially when some QBs (ex or otherwise) are stating they can't tell the difference sitting at a desk under perfect conditions when not under stress.

These moronic claims just boggle the mind.


Malt Liquor Picker
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Asheville, NC
moondog80 said:
The Colts balls make for a decent control group, and they apparently showed no change.
We don't know that, at all. Even if we believe the leaks, all they said was the the Colts' balls were within the spec at halftime, not that they weren't changed from their pre-game numbers. I've not even seen a leak about where the Colts' balls started and ended up, PSI-wise, and given the contradictory leaks on other fronts I'm waiting for an official report.

And hat tip to singaporesoxfan's WCW appropriation.

So much depends

A pressure

measured with

before the game


will you be my friend?
SoSH Member
Nov 1, 2005
ifmanis5 said:
All three network news programs lead with the Pats story. NETWORK NEWS.
Entire generations of graduate Communications students will be mining this story for case studies.  Swift Boats, Birth Certificates, and Deflated Balls.  The media ought to come in conflict with reality less often.


Bob Kraft's Season Ticket Robin Hoodie
SoSH Member
Jun 29, 2006
Winterport, ME
Historians, please mark this week as the moment society hit the tipping point.
I am hopeful our alien overlords will now cancel this failed planet experiment as we have demonstrated stupidity beyond cosmic comprehension as a species.


SoSH Member
Sep 4, 2006
You would think the NFL would issue a statement and/or make some sort of decision on punishment before next week. Not sure how likely that is considering no one from the league has talked to Brady.

Freddy Linn

SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
Where it rains. No, seriously.
An excerpt from the top part of my LinkedIn feed - 
Cheaters Shouldn’t Win In Manufacturing or NFL Football
Thankfully, my boss didn’t drop the matter. He summoned the VP of Quality to his office to learn more. As it turned out, the VP of Quality had been manipulating the data for months. He ordered his quality engineers to change the data each month to reflect the story he wanted to tell, not the real story. Within a week, he was terminated. The quality engineers kept their jobs as they claimed they had been threatened with the loss of their jobs if they didn’t go along. Their reputations never recovered.
The New England Patriots are in the midst of a huge controversy over deflating footballs during the AFC championship game contrary to National Football League rules. It’s not okay to look the other way on this matter. Just as there were consequences for the VP of Quality, there must be severe consequences for the Patriots.
Will the NFL have to courage to “do the right thing” before the Super Bowl? What is the right thing?
The Patriots must forfeit their opportunity to play in the Super Bowl. The Colts should replace them. If it is not feasible to get the Colts to play, the Seahawks should be awarded the Super Bowl win via forfeiture.
In the law, it is said that it is better for a guilty man to go free than to be wrongly convicted due to subverting the law.
The Patriots cannot be given a shot at winning Super Bowl rings, not this year or any year in which the rules are so wantonly violated. The Patriots and devotees of the NFL need to understand the rules can’t be ignored without severe consequences. The punishment shouldn’t wait until next season—it should exacted now. It should be a team penalty as this is a team sport and a team violation.
This will send a clear and unambiguous message about the implications of cheating.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
I think the sum total of Bill and Tom's press conferences is very positive -- denial, no admission whatsoever, matter of fact -- and I like the results of the ESPN poll.
One lingering concern is that I hope Tom doesn't feel like Bill hung him out a little with his comments this morning, but that's a pretty low level worry.  How could they not have conferred in advance?
All that said, Tom did look a little worn out, and there is the little matter of having to play a very good football team on February 1.  Here's to Seattle becoming their number one and two and three and four concern and this madness ENDING.  Or at least getting to the point when they all say "football questions only."


SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2012
Westwood MA
cheekydave said:
Well, I guess as a Patriots fan, I'm just going to have to learn to live with that disappointment, just like you as a Dolphins fan have to learn to live with the disappointment that your team hasn't been relevant in over twenty years.
That was freaking awesome
I was being generous regarding twenty years; it's more like thirty, but why kick a man when he's down.

Harry Hooper

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Jan 4, 2002
genoasalami said:
You would think the NFL would issue a statement and/or make some sort of decision on punishment before next week. Not sure how likely that is considering no one from the league has talked to Brady.
The NFL thinks it already did, as Peter King is so embedded.


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2006
Did we all watch something different?
Missed Brady press conference cuz I had a work thing. Grantland's office thought it was a disaster. My dad is reeling. My god what happened?

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
Silverdude2167 said:

link to tweet
Missed Brady press conference cuz I had a work thing. Grantland's office thought it was a disaster. My dad is reeling. My god what happened?

As I said earlier, short an admission, everyone was going to call it a disaster.

E5 Yaz

polka king
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Apr 25, 2002
Average Reds said:
That is a triumvirate of highly concentrated stupid right there.
Which I find amazing, because those guys are clearly second or third teamers of the ESPN athletes. No Cris Carter, Keyshawn, Jaws, Schlereth, Herm Edwards, Dilfer ... hell not even Tom Jackson.