#DFG: Canceling the Noise

Is there any level of suspension that you would advise Tom to accept?

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SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
redsoxcentury said:
us against everyone.  can't wait for belichick to speak
Forgive my cynicism, but in 6 months (or sooner) you'll see Bob and Roger riding segways somewhere together and singing Carly Rae Jepsen songs.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Rhode Island
I want him to end this by saying, effective immediately I resign as CEO of the NE Patriots.  I have accepted a position as head of the NFLPA.  See you in court commissioner!

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
I wonder if we underestimated Kraft. He may have been playing the long game the whole time. Building a coalition of the willing, meeting with owners one on one, etc... The owners meeting with 31 ill informed owners was probably not the right place to make a fight. Maybe the field has shifted some now.
Or nothing changed and Bob is just doing what is right.


Thinks he’s clever
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Balboa Towers
ivanvamp said:
Just re-read Brady's Facebook post.  Really, other players ought to be championing this guy, since this fight is no longer about deflated footballs, but rather the power of the commissioner vs. the rights of the players.
They should be banding together in solidarity support of Brady.
Exactly. That's all this was ever about brother. Management v labor.


captain obvious
Jul 18, 2005
shoosh77 said:
When Brady becomes the POTUS, can Bill be the Press Secretary?
Hahaha.  I'd pay actual money to watch BB handle a press conference at the White House.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 11, 2002
Morris County NJ
I know the spotlight for the moment belongs to Kraft (as it should), but, my God, I love Bill Belichick--"It's already been addressed. . .You heard what Robert just said. Maybe you should go back and look at your notes. It's already been addressed."

Ed Hillel

Wants to be startin somethin
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2007
I'm almost glad Goodell did what he did yesterday, because being mad and bitter at Kraft always made me feel a bit uncomfortable.


SoSH Member
Nov 16, 2004
Q: Can you elaborate?
A: No
Q: Why not?
A: it's already been addressed
Q: But we want to know
A: Go check your notes. 
Love it.


Fists of Millennial Fury!
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2009
Stu Nahan said:
These reporters never learn.
I think there are some non-regulars there. They'll learn in the next few minutes.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Aug 4, 2005
Kraft playing the long game alright.  It goes from his posterior and tickles his tonsils.  At least he apologized.
This is precisely what I expected from BB.  Marvelous.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
( . ) ( . ) and (_!_) said:
I wonder if we underestimated Kraft. He may have been playing the long game the whole time. Building a coalition of the willing, meeting with owners one on one, etc... The owners meeting with 31 ill informed owners was probably not the right place to make a fight. Maybe the field has shifted some now.
Or nothing changed and Bob is just doing what is right.
Aw gee ya think?
That everyone was up in arms about Kraft a few months ago was ridiculous.
That was a FANTASTIC statement by Kraft.  Loved every word of it.


PN23's replacement
SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Hingham, MA
rodderick said:
What I find amazing about this fact being used against Brady is that if he were in constant contact with Jastremski, but then the level of communication between them went down after the investigation started, that too would have been interpreted by Goodell as a sign of guilt. Which means the only way this wouldn't be used against Brady is if he had mantained the exact same number of interactions with Jastremski before and after the fact, which would be illogical given the circumstances.
Wrong. Because if he was in communication with JJ constantly it would prove that there was a deflation scheme for a longer period of time!


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
Belichick going full-on Belichick on these blood-thirsty journalists. This is fucking amazing.

Bob Kraft just went balls-out, don't you dare fuck with my QB or Coach, I'm putting my franchise into the middle of the pot and going ALL-IN with you lying, cheating, muther-fuckers.

Goodell, you douchebag, it is GO time.


SoSH Member
Jul 28, 2015
Always love Belichick press conferences when you know this is coming. 
Also, NFL did a great job distracting from the Brady, et al trying to dig into the investigation by putting the phone front and center.
"Sorry, that's privleged." - Wells
I'm sure that's something they will try to hit on the impartiality front going forward.


SoSH Member
Oct 9, 2005
Bongorific said:
Exactly. That's all this was ever about brother. Management v labor.
Easy there, Eugene Debs.  :)
I did like Kraft's statement.  But also think he and Goodell are buddy-buddy again by the end of the 2015 season.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
Mooch said:
If the courts decide in favor of the NFL, what precedent does it set going forward for employee rights when an employer asks for private communications in a workplace dispute?
The court won't be ruling on that from what I understand. The NFLPA is arguing the process was unfair. The court ruling won't address whether Brady had to turn over the phone.


Silent scenester
SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2003
Killing me that I'm on the train missing this. And on that going to be killing my first hour back in the office this afternoon watching this. Can't wait.


Certain Class of Poster
SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2005
I love how the 5 people sitting around a desk at ESPN just referred to the "erroneous leaked PSI information" as if they have never really heard of it before.


Dorito Dawg
SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2010
ivanvamp said:
Just re-read Brady's Facebook post.  Really, other players ought to be championing this guy, since this fight is no longer about deflated footballs, but rather the power of the commissioner vs. the rights of the players.
They should be banding together in solidarity support of Brady.
Check out Torrey Smith's twitter. First it was "Who says cheaters never win?" and then "Of course the union should fight for him. Doesn't mean he didn't cheat".


SoSH Member
Feb 21, 2001
Boston, MA
PseuFighter said:
Killing me that I'm on the train missing this. And on that going to be killing my first hour back in the office this afternoon watching this. Can't wait.
I'm stuck too.   Where can I watch the whole thing?

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
HomeBrew1901 said:
Aw gee ya think?
That everyone was up in arms about Kraft a few months ago was ridiculous.
That was a FANTASTIC statement by Kraft.  Loved every word of it.
Your opinion will change at some point between 2 and 6 when Felger rips it apart.  It's what you do.  


SoSH Member
Apr 16, 2006
Chicago, IL
Bleedred said:
Forgive my cynicism, but in 6 months (or sooner) you'll see Bob and Roger riding segways somewhere together and singing Carly Rae Jepsen songs.
Yup. Thinking this rebuttal will change the course of the Goodell era is like looking at the Coyote's latest contraption and concluding that this time the Road Runner is really in trouble.


SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
pappymojo said:
A question for the lawyers...
If what nighthob wrote is true, can this be brought up in the court case. 

For example, get Wells/Goodell up on the stand.  First ask him about his role as an independent investigator or arbiter.  Ask him to read the rule.  Ask him to clarify who the rule applies to (teams and team personnel vs. players).  Point out that the rule in question did not apply to Brady.  Ask him to read the section about how the Colts handled the balls.  Ask if the conduct of the Colts was in violation of the rule.  Ask why there was no penalty or investigation against the Colts (team or personnel) why a very large penalty was applied against Brady (a player)  Use this line of debate to suggest a missing (edit) level of impartiality between Goodell, the NFL, Wells and the Colts.  Ask for all communications between these three parties (the NFL (including Goodell), the Colts and the Wells investigators). 
Is this still just a wet dream for me?
At the beginning of the Wells report there's a footnote documenting the allowable procedures for football preparation and practices that violate the rule. One of the things that's specifically disallowed according to the NFL's Independent LOLvestigator is using the balls in practice to break them in. Much later in the report, in a footnote documenting the Colts' procedures is the information that Luck insists on using the Colts' balls in practice sessions because he prefers the feel of a football after it's been handled by sweaty hands. Really.

And that should sum up everything we need to know about NFL QBs, they're prissy and have irrational preferences that probably have no bearing on actual performance. And the NFL is dealing with the Colts' violation in an appropriate matter because there's no advantage here. Unfortunately we happened to be fans of the team everyone loves to hate, headed by a player that once crossed Goodell. So we get a witch hunt.


SoSH Member
Apr 24, 2009
Belo Horizonte - Brazil
Not only Goodell didn't give a shit about Kraft laying down arms, he also used the fact that the Patriots didn't fight the fines imposed on them as some twisted admission of guilt. The man is a rat.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
tims4wins said:
I'm sure Pats.com will have it up later
I, first and foremost, need to apologize to our fans, because I truly believe what I did in May, given the actual evidence of the situation and the leagues history on such matters, would make it much easier for the league to exonerate Tom Brady. Unfortunately I was wrong.

Kraft said the leagues handling of the entire situation has been disconcerting, and that he still does not understand how an erroneous ESPN report was never corrected by the NFL.

[The Chris Mortensen report] was never corrected by those who had the correct information. For four months, that report cast aspersions and shaped public opinion, Kraft said, noting that Goodells announcement Wednesday had a similar, erroneous headline. This headline was designed to capture headlines across the country and obscure evidence regarding the tampering with air pressure of footballs. It intentionally applied nefarious behavior and ignored Bradys comments.

Tom Brady is a person of great integrity, and is a great ambassador of the game both on and off the field. yet for reasons that I cannot comprehend, there are those in the league office who are more determined to prove that they were right rather than admit any culpability of their own or take any responsibility of their own.

Kraft said the entire issue has never been about whats fair and just.

I tried to do what I though was right. I chose not to take legal action. I wanted to return the focus to football, Kraft said of his dropping of the fight of the team penalties. I have been negotiating agreements on a global basis my entire life. I know there are times when you have to give up important points of principal to achieve a greater good. I acted in good faith and was optimistic that by taking the actions I took, the league would have what they wanted. I was willing to accept the harshest penalty in the history of the NFL for an alleged ball violation because I believed it would help exonerate Tom.

Kraft said a common saying of his is that sometimes you have to get the lawyers out of the room.

Now the league has taken the matter to court, Kraft said, which is a tactic that only a lawyer would recommend.

Once again, I want to apologize to fans of the New England Patriots and Tom Brady. I was wrong to put my faith in the league.

Kraft said the lengths the league is going to disparage Brady and his reputation are reprehensible.

Personally, Kraft said, this is very sad and disappointing to me.


Mr. Brightside
SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Harrisburg, Pa.
Kraft's statement is nice but means nothing really. That ship sailed when the organization didn't push the NFL. It's a union vs league issue now - Kraft I'd think has his hands tied as an owner to do much of anything to repeal the punishments. 

Tyrone Biggums

nfl meets tri-annually at a secret country mansion
SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2006
An owner siding with the NFLPA...Uh oh Roger

ESPN round table has been having a field day with if only Tom admitted this etc...



New Member
Jul 12, 2005
Maybe I'm just a cynic (and due to work have not seen the press conference today), but to me Kraft continues to appear as a mealy-mouthed fence straddler. I realize he's in an awfully difficult predicament here, but the lines are clearly drawn out. You're either with the NFL and are out to fuck over Brady and the Pats, or you support the Pats. The rhetoric blasting Goodell today while tongue bathing him a few months ago is puzzling.
I get that he would have no chance of winning a lawsuit against the NFL on the draft picks and fine. But his boot licking, subservient speech a few months ago placating Goodell and the other owners won't soon be forgotten, no matter what rhetoric he lobs in future press conferences. Did this guy really think Goodell would reduce Brady's suspension?
Kraft is the the Patriots most powerful and only representative to counter the witch hunt. To me, he's been 2-3 steps behind since day 1.


SoSH Member
Dec 11, 2003
GBrushTWood said:
Maybe I'm just a cynic (and due to work have not seen the press conference today), but to me Kraft continues to appear as a mealy-mouthed fence straddler. I realize he's in an awfully difficult predicament here, but the lines are clearly drawn out. You're either with the NFL and are out to fuck over Brady and the Pats, or you support the Pats. The rhetoric blasting Goodell today while tongue bathing him a few months ago is puzzling.
Actually watch the entire press conference and then comment. He explained in detail why he did what he did and that it was obviously a mistake to handle it as he did in May. 

( . ) ( . ) and (_!_)

SoSH Member
Feb 9, 2010
Providence, RI
canderson said:
Kraft's statement is nice but means nothing really. That ship sailed when the organization didn't push the NFL. It's a union vs league issue now - Kraft I'd think has his hands tied as an owner to do much of anything to repeal the punishments. 
Does the NFL's plan to record halftime measurements this year change that calculus now?  Kraft can now get on a soapbox about waiting to see more data.  It is a sensible and reasonable approach that prominent voices in the media (King and Florio) has also pushed for.  Kraft pushing for a review of the end of the season data in relation to what happened in the AFC Champ game is hard to argue against.
Now if the NFL is going to be reasonable and not douchy about how they collect that data is a different argument all together.