I think the problem with if X doesn't happen then Y wouldn't have happened is you don't know that and you can't possibly predict what would have happened.
I think J-man you are right that a lot had to break right for the Pats dynasty and part of that was luck, for sure. To be fair though you can say that about any SB winner and dynasty! But it is dubious to me to say well if it weren't for Rehbein that none of this would happen. Didn't Grier like Brady too? And maybe it happens with Bledsoe anyway. A lot has to go right for teams to win and history is a fragile interwoven set of strings where if you undo one the rest would in theory unravel. Does pulling it apart actually help analyze anything though? I don't think it does and it is so speculative the conversation derails pretty quickly. It's amusing to think sometimes about but you can't take it seriously. For me I think what if they had drafted AJ Brown instead of Harry. And then I pound my head into the nearest concrete wall. I guess maybe not so fun