not saying it’s a bad idea but there’s reasons you almost never see a blitz can also blitz. Or fight around the screen.
I get Mitchell is hot but he can also score off the bounce vs Al. It’s just a bad match one need to play differently
CJM’s calendar only has Decembers.Why is Tatum still out
Brown was out of bounds, he has to have both feet touch in bounds before he touches the ball, looked like he didn't, his foot was in the air when he touched it was the call.What was the call?
Makeup call for a correct call? Fuck thatMakeup call it seems
Richard “showed me on Jumbotron because i won a ring with Lebron here” Jefferson doesn’t seem objective to you?These announcers suck ass. Horrible.
if we subtract nembhardThe Cavs get more uncontested looks every quarter than the Pacers have had in their series.