Not really. He stated teams never hire people without experience which actually does happen, many names were already thrown out in this thread. “I wouldn’t think it was possible” despite probably 5-10 examples of it.
My exact words were "I wouldn't think it possible - or advisable, at any rate - to hire a coach who has never coached college or the pros." Most people would understand that phrasing to not be an assertion that it has never ever happened, but rather that I'd be surprised. And wouldn't ya know, it appears I'm surprised. Great! That's why I'm here! We can then get on with a conversation about the exceptions and how they did, which is what HRB and CD proceeded to do. A little learning, a little ad-hoc collection of data points, a little context...
or we could... do whatever this is:
Then again speaking in certain terms about things that are not true happens frequently for him.
This is now the third time you've gone out of your way to be a dick, specifically to me, on different threads spanning a week. How many more threads are you going to bring your personal distaste into, instead of just blocking me and getting on with discussions on the site? It may not be tiresome to you - at this point, I have to assume you enjoy it - but it must be getting tiresome for everyone else to read.
This board is notable for how collegial it is, even by SoSH standards. The Port Cellar Dwellers have strong opinions, but a lot of warmth and respect for each other permeates the discussion among the regulars. Coming in here being a dick and making personal remarks as if you were in a V&N pissing contest is really the opposite of the vibe, and you don't have to
just take it from me. So if reading the room that way is impossible for you in my case, may I encourage you to click on my username and just hit "Ignore", a mere two mouse clicks, and then the rest of us can carry on without me further disturbing your sensibilities.