Based on the merits of his baseball accomplishments, he would have surely been elected this year if he had kept his mouth shut for the last couple years.
None of this is good for the game of baseball, by the way. It’s exhausting and boring to be examining players based on stuff beyond the field. Schilling, Bonds, Clemens can’t blame anyone but themselves. But the writers playing their stupid games with the votes share some blame as well. In Schilling’s case he should have been in eight years ago. And the writers turned a blind eye to the Clemens and Bonds mystery fountain of youth for years. And of course MLB itself was entirely complicit in the steroid era, which may or not be over.
If anyone’s HOF plaque should mention steroids it is Bud Selig.
None of this is good for the game of baseball, by the way. It’s exhausting and boring to be examining players based on stuff beyond the field. Schilling, Bonds, Clemens can’t blame anyone but themselves. But the writers playing their stupid games with the votes share some blame as well. In Schilling’s case he should have been in eight years ago. And the writers turned a blind eye to the Clemens and Bonds mystery fountain of youth for years. And of course MLB itself was entirely complicit in the steroid era, which may or not be over.
If anyone’s HOF plaque should mention steroids it is Bud Selig.