2020 Divisional Weekend Game Thread: Nevermore


Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007

Rookie season: 110 rushes, 490 yds, 4.5 ypc, 5 td
Second season: 176 rushes, 744 yds, 4.2 ypc, 2 td

He was perfectly solid those first two years. Just not the total feature back he has since become. Dude has always been good in the NFL.
Yeah, weren’t they platooning him with what’s-his-face from Dallas? He just never got in a groove.

Bob Montgomerys Helmet Hat

has big, douchey shoulders
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member

Rookie season: 110 rushes, 490 yds, 4.5 ypc, 5 td
Second season: 176 rushes, 744 yds, 4.2 ypc, 2 td

He was perfectly solid those first two years. Just not the total feature back he has since become. Dude has always been good in the NFL.
Coming off a Heisman, if your second year in the league is 744 yards and 2 TD's, you're a disappointment.


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
Dude, "good in the NFL" is far different than breaking every record every game.
No kidding. I was responding to this comment: "I don't understand why he pretty much sucked his first two years in the league."

Quite clearly, he didn't "pretty much suck" his first two years. He just wasn't otherworldly yet.


SoSH Member
Dec 1, 2008
I had to suffer living in the shithole that is Baltimore for 7 years. I am greatly enjoying this. Especially because we all know Ravens fans were gleefully cheering for the Patriots to lose last week. Careful what you wish for...