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  1. M

    I mean he was safe by like a foot...20 years ago today

    I was in a bad place during the games. I had just gotten a new job, but no money, my housemate had just moved out, could barely afford to keep my rental house. Fortunately the place I was working had access to a TV, so I went over there, alone, to watch the games. The exhibit shop I worked in...
  2. M

    O’Neill to the IL (Leg infection) Martin activated, Valdez recalled & Booser optioned

    Duda, get better soonest. All the best wishes to you.
  3. M

    Bello @ Lugo

    Just jumped into watching the game. Who is calling? I don't recognize any voices.
  4. M

    8/2 - The Stars At Night, Are Big And Bright....

    Kinda like the tex alt tops. The pants suck.
  5. M

    Week 14 NFL Game Thread

    This may be the dirtiest I've ever seen Brady's jersey, outside of mud games.
  6. M

    Red Sox player that you cared most about

    Pedroia, really, but he doesn't meet the criteria of the OP. So Benintendi. I really wanted him to max out his skills and become a permanent fixture on Sox teams for a decade or more. Seemed to have such joy playing with the other "Bs" and the dances at the end of wins. Plus that catch.
  7. M

    Thank you 2021 Red Sox

    Yes, a truly unexpected and enjoyable season. Closed out the MFYs and Rays (have they become the MFRs yet?) and made it damn close to the WS. Now, just a few key pick ups and let's go nest season!
  8. M

    The Game Ball Thread: Wk. 2 at the Jets

    Does the Harris run get it's own category? That was a thing of beauty. And the secondary was outstanding.
  9. M

    Thank you, Petey: Dustin Pedroia announces his retirement

    You sell yourself short. That was beautifully written. All I can add is: Thank you, Pedey. You were a joy to watch.
  10. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    Nantz without someone to hate or slurp is dull as shit.
  11. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    Ugh. He's been saving that "Get on the bus, Gus." hasn't he.
  12. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    There was downfield blocking on the play before. Refs are letting them get away with a lot.
  13. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    Gotta be a result of the disconnect between anti Brady pro Bucs.
  14. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    Isn't the pylon, by definition, oob? So unless you come inside of it, you're oob.
  15. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    Why wasn't that automatically reviewed?
  16. M

    Super Wildcard Weekend Gamethread

    He got back up. Fumble.
  17. M

    2020 NFL: Wk.7 Game Thread

    Why wasn't Josh Allen called for grounding for throwing the ball into the stands?