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  1. Monster Mash

    8/26 (Full game) Blue Jays @ Red Sox

    It's the Bad News fu##ing Bears every freaking night
  2. Monster Mash

    8/26 (Full game) Blue Jays @ Red Sox

    This entire post All Star break has been that. Just unreal bad.
  3. Monster Mash

    8/25 vs Arizona...Rattle the Snakes one of those lefty bats that needs traded for pitching offseason.
  4. Monster Mash

    8/25 vs Arizona...Rattle the Snakes

    Season's ovah. Time for football. See you all next year!
  5. Monster Mash

    8/25 vs Arizona...Rattle the Snakes

    We haven't even reached the "4 runs a game bullpen" yet. Gonna need at least 9 runs to win this one
  6. Monster Mash

    8/25 vs Arizona...Rattle the Snakes

    Yep, he can take a hike along with 3/4 of the entire pitching staff.
  7. Monster Mash

    8/24/2024 - AZ@BOS

    This team seems lifeless right now. Like they've resigned themselves to their fate this season.
  8. Monster Mash

    8/23 - Weekend of opposing RHH starters

    Raffy wincing again with that shoulder
  9. Monster Mash

    8/23 - Weekend of opposing RHH starters

    Especially for this team. But Bello really is a headcase and so incredibly frustrating to watch.
  10. Monster Mash

    8/20 - Wong Benched, Season on Precipice Again

    Of course Blanco is dealing now. We blew our window of opportunities.
  11. Monster Mash

    8/20 - Wong Benched, Season on Precipice Again

    What an absolute clusterf### of a game so far
  12. Monster Mash

    8/20 - Wong Benched, Season on Precipice Again

    It's unbelievable at this point. Never seen a worse pitching staff in my life.
  13. Monster Mash

    8/19-@Astros-Houck Tuah

    Masa is to hot as Dave Obrien is to bad.
  14. Monster Mash

    8/16-Casas Is Back

    Ain't no lead safe with this bullpen
  15. Monster Mash

    8/15 @ Baltimore -- 6:35 pm start

    What a pathetic non competitive AB by Hamilton
  16. Monster Mash

    8/15 @ Baltimore -- 6:35 pm start

    Not sure what's less surprising: umps missing calls, or Red Sox pitchers giving up bombs
  17. Monster Mash

    8/14- The Season At The Dawn Of Time

    The wall giveth. And the wall taketh.
  18. Monster Mash

    8/14- The Season At The Dawn Of Time

    He's clearly hurt. Winced several times last at bat. We will be lucky if he doesn't go on IL for an extended time.
  19. Monster Mash

    8/13- The Season At A Crossroads

    Man I love Sogard!
  20. Monster Mash

    8/13- The Season At A Crossroads

    No clue how Horn got past Seager. He freaking ripped that ball.