Finn: Red Sox Potentially Changing Radio Broadcast Approach


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 15, 2005
Mobile, AL
As someone who listens to more games than I watch due to being out of the area and at work or on the way home from work during most games - I'll echo the sentiment that Arnold seems better suited for TV than radio. There's just a lot of dead air and lack of descriptive qualities. O'Brien was really good on the radio and his skills carry over ok to the TV side, Arnold could learn a thing or ten from Joe and OB

Ale Xander

SoSH Member
Oct 31, 2013
Arnold has this annoying habit of over-enunciating/emphasizing the # of pitchers the team has used when a new reliever comes in . ------ is the FIFTH pitcher tonight for the Red Sox. I would love it if they could switch Arnold/DOB with each other.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 15, 2005
Mobile, AL
Tuned in in the car last night to hear Berman on the radio. First time I've turned off the game in the car. He's brutal to listen to.This experiment has had it's moments and it's been cool to hear different voices, but some of these guys should have their one shot and then never again.

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
My dad took my daughters to last night's game and I picked them up outside Fenway -- so I heard it on the way there and while I was waiting. That wasn't Berman at his worst, actually. I'd say he was ... mostly fine. Which is high praise for Chris Berman.

joe dokes

SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I listened to a fair amount of the 2 COL games. I found myself enjoying the Flemming /Lewin pairing most of the time. They seemed to have a natural chemistry and Lewin (who has been around in many places for awhile) has Uncle Joe's amazing recall of distant (but situationally relevant) baseball trivia, a bit less because he's 25 years younger than Castig, but more than enough to keep things interesting. Lewin is a bit too caffeinated sometimes, but I think I prefer that to Dale Arnold's torpor. I enjoyed Flemming's dry wit.


SoSH Member
I agree about Lewin. I find myself enjoying more and more the chemistry between him and Fleming. They are constantly entertaining with facts, trivia, humor and recall balanced into the play by play. If we can't land McDonough (who I think still has the presence and gravitas of Martin and Gowdy), I hope the station considers them for the long term after Joe C.