Kirk and Callahan: Done


SoSH Member


SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2007
I don't mean to be a dick, man, but throughout these eei threads you always seem to bash D&C but always keep tuning in. You know the crap theyre going to say, why even bother listening?

Dale&Holley are my drive-time show, so I guess I can't say with any authority, but either D&C are worse than silence, or they're better. Either way, you keep tuning into them and getting pissed off. Just skip over it on the dial :)

Here is why we bother listening. My drive time is fixed, and it is during D&C. I want to hear some local sports discussion (sorry, I really could care less about the Favre situation). So I turn to WEEI, thinking, hey, maybe they are talking about something interesting. Maybe they have a good guest call-in. Maybe Joe from Burger King is on the line. So, I put it on, and hear them rant how bad the Celtics are playing in the playoffs (this is when they have a 1-0 series lead over Detroit). Or some rant about Spygate months after the fact. Or some rant about a ground ball Manny failed to run out in 2005. Or some even more idiotic rant about illegal immigration and how it's destroying the country. Posting to complain about it makes me feel so much better.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
I enjoyed Felger's stint on 'D&C' today. He gave some balance to the right-wing, 24/7 Manny bashing that goes on from 6-10 on EEI.

I'm not a huge Felger fan, but I think he should be the primary fill-in choice whenever Dennis or Callahan are out.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
I heard him rip Meter today when they were talking about catchers. Felger's take is that the Sox can't diminish Varitek's playing time now because even though he doesn't hit, he brings a lot more to the table. I'm not sure if I buy all of that, but whatever, Meter wasn't buying any of it and pretty much said that defense means shit. He then went on to say that getting a better catcher like Michael Barrett will surely help the Red Sox down the stretch.

And then Felger looked up some stats (quickly I might add) and said, "Michael Barrett? You mean that guy that's batting .205 with two homers and nine RBI? That Michael Barrett?"

Meter was completely flabbergasted and didn't really know what else to say. It was one of the few times I've heard Meter shut down and by "Mr. Baseball" too. It seems to me that Felger learned some things from the baseball geeks at 890.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
i'd guess the same thing that fox news, hannity, rush, o'reilly, etc will do- have a fun time knocking every single move he makes. like with bill clinton, only with less fat intern oral.
Sorry but Fox News is not nearly as conservative as say MSNBC is liberal!! Barack Obama has recieved more praise and airtime from the MSNBC's and CNN's of the world then his political opponent John Mccain has.

Back on topic!! The general impression I get from this thread is a general dislike not for Gerry Callahans show but just for his politics. I personally do not feel that Callahan is a reliable political source (Jay Severin or Michael Graham are more to my liking) although I do feel he is a capable radio host. I think you all forgot what our mornings were like listening to the Larry Johnsons and Craig Mustards of the world.

You can dislike the man but dont be critical of his program solely his political beliefs.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
You can dislike the man but dont be critical of his program solely his political beliefs.
Why not? The man's political beliefs are based in homophobia, racial undertones and overall xenophobia that wash into his "sports" coverage. And when proven wrong (which happens more often than he'd like you to believe) he ratchets up the yelling, rhetoric and the talking points that he heard on Fox News the night previous.

Furthermore the Dennis and Callahan program is almost like a pulpit for Callahan's political beliefs. It's become more Fox News than Fox Sports, not to criticize Callahan's politics on his show is like saying Larry Johnson is a good artist (if you take out the fact that he sucks).


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
You can dislike the man but dont be critical of his program solely his political beliefs.
Sure you can. His political rantings distract from the show. You forget, WEEI is a SPORTS TALK RADIO STATION. I don't have a huge problem with some "guy talk," especially on the morning drive, but it's frustrating when the Celtics are on their way to the NBA Finals, and 'D&C' are talking about firemen, or librarians.

And when Callahan does "talk sports," he rarely dives into the topic. It's always about whether Manny's hair length is acceptable, or Manny pushing down McCormick, etc. God forbid the morning drive hosts of a sports talk radio station actually talk about a specific game, or a trade rumor. I'm not asking for detailed talk about the Patriots' nickel package, or Youkilis' OPS, but rather something as simple as the Red Sox 7-9 in the batting order are struggling, something.


Mar 19, 2008
You can dislike the man but dont be critical of his program solely his political beliefs.
I've been a registered Republican since Callahan's mother was changing his diapers. He doesn't speak for all of us. He is talking out of his ass when ever he mentions any thing to do with economics.

I can't stand him because he's a cheap shot artist and a cowardly radio bully. He's got a snide remark about anyone who can't defend themself.


New Member
Jul 21, 2005
I was about the only conservative in my freshman dorm. I still consider myself a conservative/libertarian. Callahan is no conservative, he's just a punk. I can't stand the littler fucker. It's not that his politics is filled with's him that's filled with hate, and it bleeds over into everything he says.

I can't stand listening to that show in the morning, it makes my skin crawl. The guy can suck the light right out of a room. And at this point Dennis is just his punching bag.
Feb 16, 2006
This just goes to show you how people view things through different lenses. I actually laughed out loud at "Fox News is not nearly as conservative as MSNBC is liberal". MSNBC has Keith Olberman who is obviously very liberal but the entire network isn't devoted to one side of the aisle like Fox. Fox has their obligatory person handling the other side of issues but that's just for show. Everything from the ticker running underneath the picture to the angle of each story they cover is carefully manipulated.

Probably the biggest laughing stock is their motto "fair and balanced". I swear that makes me laugh out loud. The whole news divisioin seems like one long Saturday Night live skit. it's so transparent you actually have to chuckle.

Sorry but Fox News is not nearly as conservative as say MSNBC is liberal!! Barack Obama has recieved more praise and airtime from the MSNBC's and CNN's of the world then his political opponent John Mccain has.
Back on topic!! The general impression I get from this thread is a general dislike not for Gerry Callahans show but just for his politics. I personally do not feel that Callahan is a reliable political source (Jay Severin or Michael Graham are more to my liking) although I do feel he is a capable radio host. I think you all forgot what our mornings were like listening to the Larry Johnsons and Craig Mustards of the world.

You can dislike the man but dont be critical of his program solely his political beliefs.

Jim Ed Rice in HOF

Red-headed Skrub child
SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2005
Seacoast NH
I haven't had a chance to listen this morning. How bad is it?
Figures that the only way to get these guys to talk sports in the AM is to have a good ol' fashioned Manny roast. It was all Manny, all the time whenever I clicked over. Yes it's a story that's going to get lots of airtime but it's just sad that this is about the only thing that gets them into a sports talk mode.


SoSH Member
Jul 14, 2005
The Land of Fist Pumps
I haven't had a chance to listen this morning. How bad is it?
The Manny bashing centered around Manny snubbing the wounded troops at Walter Reed and the sick kids at the Jimmy Fund.

The frequent caller Everett (sp?) tried to make D&C feel like hypocrites based on their own contract dispute last year that prevented them from doing the telethon, but Gerry would have none of it and shouted him down.

Dan Murfman

SoSH Member
Aug 21, 2001
The Manny bashing centered around Manny snubbing the wounded troops at Walter Reed and the sick kids at the Jimmy Fund.

The frequent caller Everett (sp?) tried to make D&C feel like hypocrites based on their own contract dispute last year that prevented them from doing the telethon, but Gerry would have none of it and shouted him down.

Walter reed? That's a twofer for Callahan. He must have been able to also bash Obama too.


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Lynn, MA
2 callers in a row today told Gerry "talking louder does not make you right" His response was to yell at them and say "I'll talk as loud as I want"

But yeah, my 15 mins with D&C was Manny bashing time, I flipped over to the iPod right before Headlines


Sep 18, 2007
I heard those calls. They were also called for the mentioning of Manny's non visit to Walter Reed in which his reply was we have not mentioned since April. That answer would have been great if last week was April. And not to defend them but that loser Jermaine stating that their contract dispute and lack of appearance at the Jimmy Fund last year was akin to Manny not going to Walter Reed. Just a horrible horible comparsion.


Mr. MENsa
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Nov 29, 2003
McCarver Park
I think I'm gonna have to pump music for the next week on the drive into work. This sounds pretty much unbearable.

I long for the days of JD Drew not caring.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
The Manny bashing centered around Manny snubbing the wounded troops at Walter Reed and the sick kids at the Jimmy Fund.

The frequent caller Everett (sp?) tried to make D&C feel like hypocrites based on their own contract dispute last year that prevented them from doing the telethon, but Gerry would have none of it and shouted him down.
Man, I hate when people force me to defend D&C.... I was only listening from the end of headlines until about 8:40 so something probably happened before or after that would have caused me to turn off my radio.

During that time frame, yes the Manny bashing centered around Manny snubbing the troop and the sick kids at the Jimmy Fund, however both D&C were making decent points and at that time they weren't yelling.

When Everett called in he started off making sense with the D&C Contract dispute and the Jimmy Fund until he did a complete U-Turn and defended Manny by calling his sitting out and the other stuff a "business decision" that could be defended. D&C didn't shout him down, they had very reasoned positions that shot down every single assertion that Everett tried to make.

After that I'm sure things went downhill... my loathing for Callahan is well documented, but to be fair he wasn't all that bad during the time frame I listened.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
No offense, but these clowns make Gerry Callahan look like a Rhodes Scholar.

That is just an opinion. You may call Jay Severin a clown but the man is a political guru, unlike Gerry Callahan who knows very little about the American or global political system.

I disagree with everything that Chris Matthews says but I in no way think that he is a clown, I just disagree with his politics. Overall I feel that Matthews has a lot of political insight, just insight that I happen to diagree with.

Callahan can be disliked for not talking sports on a "sports station" but he should not be disliked just because you guys are not a member of the conservative base.


Has Season 1 of "Manimal" on Blu Ray
SoSH Member
I'm a member of the conservative base. He is a moron when it comes to "discussing" his political beliefs. He relies on shouting everyone down, insulting them, and falling back on the headline he read earlier in the morning.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
The problem with Gerry Callahan is not his political beliefs, but his bitter, meanspirited belligerence coupled with general ignorance. Good commentators from any side are challenging and thought-provoking to listen to, whether you agree with them or not. But dumb, petty bullying is neither fun nor informative to listen to, regardless of whether the bully happens to have some shared opinions. Moreover, to suggest that we should listen to and evaluate his show on a belief-neutral basis is asking the impossible, because even the apolitical aspects of the discussion are infused with Gerry's paranoid worldview.

His views on TV programs, movies, news headlines, and yes, sporting events are all through the lens of his frenzied compulsion to root out those who are not "us," where the "us" is not even really conservatives, but angry white men with short hair who are pissed off and unhappy about everything and who want to keep it that way. Nothing makes him more enraged than people either trying to be happy or helpful, and examples of such unAmerican decadence invariably drive him to use his mock-liberal voice, which is funny because it is an exaggerated sissy version of his *own* voice, complete with trademark Callahan accent and speech patterns, making it sound as though the real weakling who "needs to be loved" (or whatever) is *inside* Gerry, and the deviant Hollywood celebrity du jour is really just a sort of effigy for him to beat up as a lesson to his own inner sissy.

That mocking voice that ridicules his own accent always cracks me up, but not enough to listen to the program if I can avoid it. Try books on CD (even conservative ones) if you don't fancy the other talk radio. Free at your public library.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
What's amusing to me is, 80% of the callers to 'D&C' call the show to yell at the hosts. What other show has that? I heard about 10 people tell Callahan today, "the louder you talk doesn't make you right."

Just further proof that if there was a viable alternative in the morning drive, 'Dennis and Callahan's' ratings would suffer.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
What's amusing to me is, 80% of the callers to 'D&C' call the show to yell at the hosts. What other show has that? I heard about 10 people tell Callahan today, "the louder you talk doesn't make you right."

Just further proof that if there was a viable alternative in the morning drive, 'Dennis and Callahan's' ratings would suffer.
No, they wouldn't. It's been tried and it's failed, repeatedly.

His views on TV programs, movies, news headlines, and yes, sporting events are all through the lens of his frenzied compulsion to root out those who are not "us," where the "us" is not even really conservatives, but angry white men with short hair who are pissed off and unhappy about everything and who want to keep it that way.
Do you really believe this? The guy makes 7 figures a year, plays golf every day and makes a living talking about whatever he feels like, usually sports and politics. You think he's really an unhappy, angry, white man that's pissed off at the world? Or is he playing a role, just like Meter plays the heel?

This thread, and the dozens that preceded it never cease to amaze me because the gullibility on display is mind-boggling. Every time he gets under your or anyone else's skin, he's doing his job. Plain and simple. His job is not to go in there every morning and read the fucking box score. People in here are talking about how they want to hear about the game from the night before. What the fuck do you want to hear? Didn't you watch the game? What is Gerry Callahan going to tell you about the game the night before that you can't read in the newspaper or online or find in a box score? Do you really care about Gerry Callahan's opinion of Dustin Pedroia's swing or David Ortiz' plate discipline? I didn't think so, and neither does anyone else, which is why you'll never hear it. Wake up people, it's an act, a good one too.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Or is he playing a role, just like Meter plays the heel?
I do think how he comes across (As someone who focuses and dwells on the negative) is a very genuine part of his personality. Unlike Meter, his statements do not come across as contrived.

The first time I noticed it has to be over 10 years ago when he would make appearances on Dick Schapp's "Sports Reporters" (I think he was working for SI then). Around that time, a story had come out how Robert Parish would slap around his girlfriend. As he'll do now with some of their stories during "Headlines", he would consistently find a way of bringing aspects of this story up during his appearances over an extended period of time. I didn't mind since he was taking a hard stand against this and the story was pretty much swept under the rug. But there's no way his focus on that story was contrived. Something about that story stuck with him, and he wanted to make note that a beloved athlete was pretty much getting away with domestic violence.

When you lay out Callahan's life it makes perfect sense for him to walk around whistling zippity-doo-dah. But he has always struck me as someone who instinctively focuses on the negative. That is not a character trait that is dependent on qualtiy of life.


as if andy gresh and gary tanguay had a baby
SoSH Member
Jul 31, 2006
No, they wouldn't. It's been tried and it's failed, repeatedly.
Do you really believe this? The guy makes 7 figures a year, plays golf every day and makes a living talking about whatever he feels like, usually sports and politics. You think he's really an unhappy, angry, white man that's pissed off at the world? Or is he playing a role, just like Meter plays the heel?

This thread, and the dozens that preceded it never cease to amaze me because the gullibility on display is mind-boggling. Every time he gets under your or anyone else's skin, he's doing his job. Plain and simple. His job is not to go in there every morning and read the fucking box score. People in here are talking about how they want to hear about the game from the night before. What the fuck do you want to hear? Didn't you watch the game? What is Gerry Callahan going to tell you about the game the night before that you can't read in the newspaper or online or find in a box score? Do you really care about Gerry Callahan's opinion of Dustin Pedroia's swing or David Ortiz' plate discipline? I didn't think so, and neither does anyone else, which is why you'll never hear it. Wake up people, it's an act, a good one too.
Of course it's an exaggerated act. As Glenn Ordway said in Boston Magazine a few years ago, the key to talk radio is to exaggerate everything. But, are you to tell me, that Gerry Callahan coming off as uninformed in all types of banter is an act? Are you tell me that the reason why Callahan has no substance to any of his arguments is an act? How about the fact that the two morning-drive hosts of a sports talk radio station rarely talk sports, unless a Manny controversy sprouts. Is that an act too? Yes, the character of Gerry Callahan, "miserable neo-conservative talk radio host" may be exaggerated, but the details and points behind it are not.

By the way, when has there ever been a locally produced sports talk radio show, with a strong signal behind it, in the Boston market? It's the host's job to get people to listen, but listening shouldn't equate to hating. Glenn Ordway draws tremendous ratings, but do his listeners hate him? Do people call, or email the show for the sole purpose of berating him? Ordway, though he has his faults, is very good at what does, because he's able to stir the pot a little bit, draw ratings, but also doesn't cross the line of sanity to do it, unlike one Gerry Callahan.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
Today Callahan did make some strong points today calling Joe Morgan a "lazy fraud" and also stating that if ESPN hires "on merit" then Joe Morgan would be gone immediately and they would replace him with the Oral/Steve crew from last night.

Oral compared to Morgan is like comparing Lou Merloni to Jim Rice on NESN Extra Innings. Good point Gerry!!


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
I do think how he comes across (As someone who focuses and dwells on the negative) is a very genuine part of his personality. Unlike Meter, his statements do not come across as contrived.

The first time I noticed it has to be over 10 years ago when he would make appearances on Dick Schapp's "Sports Reporters" (I think he was working for SI then). Around that time, a story had come out how Robert Parish would slap around his girlfriend. As he'll do now with some of their stories during "Headlines", he would consistently find a way of bringing aspects of this story up during his appearances over an extended period of time. I didn't mind since he was taking a hard stand against this and the story was pretty much swept under the rug. But there's no way his focus on that story was contrived. Something about that story stuck with him, and he wanted to make note that a beloved athlete was pretty much getting away with domestic violence.

When you lay out Callahan's life it makes perfect sense for him to walk around whistling zippity-doo-dah. But he has always struck me as someone who instinctively focuses on the negative. That is not a character trait that is dependent on qualtiy of life.
I can buy that opinion or view of him, but I don't believe it personally.

Of course it's an exaggerated act. As Glenn Ordway said in Boston Magazine a few years ago, the key to talk radio is to exaggerate everything. But, are you to tell me, that Gerry Callahan coming off as uninformed in all types of banter is an act?
I don't believe he comes across as uninformed. I think he comes across as abrasive and dismissive, but uninformed? Not at all. The guy is (was?) a pretty damn good writer.

Are you tell me that the reason why Callahan has no substance to any of his arguments is an act?
I completely disagree that his arguments have no substance. In fact, I think he's got as much, if not more substance, than 90% of the people positing in this thread do with respect to their arguments against him. You may not like the substance, you may disagree with the substance, but that doesn't mean his arguments lack them. I happen to politically fall on the same side of most issues as he does, and tend to agree with him more than not. I don't particularly care for his personality and there are times when I roll my eyes listening to him go off on a rant, but for the most part, his arguments are based on facts.

How about the fact that the two morning-drive hosts of a sports talk radio station rarely talk sports, unless a Manny controversy sprouts.
This is the biggest load of bullshit consistently spouted around here. You're right, they've never once talked about the Patriots or Spygate or the Celtics or anything other than Manny Ramirez for the past 15 years. As a pretty long time listener and consistent one, if I had to break it down, I'd say that 60% of their shows are spent talking about sports. You may find yourself in the car at the same time every day during headlines, but they spend a significant amount of time discussing sports, interviewing athletes and coaches, etc. If they didn't talk about sports, you would never hear Meterperel's voice because he doesn't get involved in any discussions outside of sports.

They don't advertise themselves as a sports talk show, they don't pull the wool over your eyes, they don't hide what they are going to talk about, so it never ceases to amaze me when people make this argument. They are a talk show. Period. Sometimes they talk about sports, sometimes they don't, but I haven't seen any bylaws or FCC regulations that require them to talk about anything, so no, it doesn't bother me, not even remotely.

Is that an act too? Yes, the character of Gerry Callahan, "miserable neo-conservative talk radio host" may be exaggerated, but the details and points behind it are not.
What details and what points? That he's a Republican? What are you getting at? If you don't like it, change the fucking channel. It's pretty simple, really.

By the way, when has there ever been a locally produced sports talk radio show, with a strong signal behind it, in the Boston market?
There hasn't and there won't be, as long as D&C and EEI are on the air. Give it some thought and then get back to me on why that is. I mean, if you've got the formula and the balls to take down D&C, go ahead and get some funding and try to dethrone them. ESPN tried, the Zone tried, they've all tried, they've all failed. There is a reason for that.

It's the host's job to get people to listen, but listening shouldn't equate to hating.
I don't hate. In fact, the only people I know that listen that hate are the folks who post at this site, and having been around here long enough, I'm pretty comfortable in saying that SoSH isn't exactly a representative demographic.

Glenn Ordway draws tremendous ratings, but do his listeners hate him?Do people call, or email the show for the sole purpose of berating him? Ordway, though he has his faults, is very good at what does, because he's able to stir the pot a little bit, draw ratings, but also doesn't cross the line of sanity to do it, unlike one Gerry Callahan.
Bullshit, you like Ordway because he shares your opinions. The next time Ordway, the consummate fence-sitter, takes a position will be the first. At least Callahan has the balls to take a controversial stance and own it. Christ, they do entire comedy segments on how Ordway plays both sides of every issue. You don't like Callahan because you don't agree with him. It's ok to admit that.


New Member
Jul 25, 2008
I can buy that opinion or view of him, but I don't believe it personally.

I don't believe he comes across as uninformed. I think he comes across as abrasive and dismissive, but uninformed? Not at all. The guy is (was?) a pretty damn good writer.


Agreed completely. Callahan just happend to have different political beliefs then 90% of the people on this board who probably label themselves as "progressive" on most political issues.

Again I do not think Callahan should spend more then 10% of the program talking about anything other then sports BUT DONT CRITICIZE him solely on his politics.

Also why do you people feel the need to label the man "KKKallahan" or "wish throat cancer upon the man". I cannot stand the rhetoric of say Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman but I do not label them as "soldier hatters" and wish that they get a deadly disease.


SoSH Member
Jan 16, 2007
laserbeam high school
The guy is (was?) a pretty damn good writer.
That's exactly it...I think one of the most frustrating things about Callahan is he is actually capable of being a more compelling radio host than the contrary caricature he has made himself. In a four hour radio show you get those glimpses from time to time. He isn't a talentless hack like Larry Johnson or Meterparel, yet he chooses to package himself as a joke and it's profoundingly unentertaining. Sure it's an act, but it's a bad one at that.


SoSH Member
There hasn't and there won't be, as long as D&C and EEI are on the air. Give it some thought and then get back to me on why that is. I mean, if you've got the formula and the balls to take down D&C, go ahead and get some funding and try to dethrone them. ESPN tried, the Zone tried, they've all tried, they've all failed. There is a reason for that.
Several, in fact. Here they are:
  1. Two of the three stations with the most powerful signals are owned by entercom, and the third (WBZ) is NOT going to be all sports anytime soon. Leading me to:
  2. ESPN and the Zone sounded like they were coming from a dingy off of Plum Island 99% of the time.
  3. Not to mention the fact that most of ESPN's Programming was devoted to national shows, which draw dismal numbers in Boston.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
...Do you really believe this? The guy makes 7 figures a year, plays golf every day and makes a living talking about whatever he feels like, usually sports and politics. You think he's really an unhappy, angry, white man that's pissed off at the world? Or is he playing a role, just like Meter plays the heel?
In no particular order:

I know several chronically angry, bitter, and unhappy white guys who play golf all the time and make a lot of money.

I don't actually know whether Callahan's pathos is an act. I don't listen to or think about the program often enough.

If that mocking liberal voice that actually sounds like an impression of Gerry Callahan and not whomever is currently ridiculing is part of a calculated act, then I have to say that's pretty funny. Not funny enough for me to listen to the show, but impressive in terms of layers of irony on his part.

This thread, and the dozens that preceded it never cease to amaze me because the gullibility on display is mind-boggling. Every time he gets under your or anyone else's skin, he's doing his job. Plain and simple.
Uh, if his job is to turn away listeners, then he has succeeded in my case.

Wake up people, it's an act, a good one too.
Thanks, but I'd rather go back to bed, because the act isn't very good.

As I said above, it's not his politics or beliefs but his personality that sucks. I am sure that Callahan's fans will interpret this as meaning that I must be liberal or "progressive," which is merely evidence of their own like-minded paranoia.

You say that nobody wants to hear box scores or sports analysis, then why be a sports show? (I do, believe it or not, and listen to the BP podcasts instead). I have no objection to Gerry Callahan or anyone else having a talk radio show to antagonize liberals (or whatever), but I don't think he would be able to hack it as a political talk show host, because he's not smart enough.

Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
You say that nobody wants to hear box scores or sports analysis, then why be a sports show?
They're not a sports show, it's a talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items. Their target listener are men who make over 100K/year. Since their ratings in that particular demo (On top of their more general ratings) meet their goals, they show has to be considered a success. Whether or not he is smart enough to hack it as a political hack is irrelevant.

Frankly, from watching the political talk during weeknights and Sunday mornings, I'm not sure why people think Callahan couldn't hold his own there. The bar for those programs is not set that high.

Edit: D&C 2nd in latest morning ratings.. Since they are not competing with Kiss 108 for listeners, the show is exactly where it wants to be.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
They're not a sports show, it's a talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items. Their target listener are men who make over 100K/year.
Well, speaking as a man who makes over 100k/year, it's not a very good talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items.

Since their ratings in that particular demo (On top of their more general ratings) meet their goals, they show has to be considered a success. Whether or not he is smart enough to hack it as a political hack is irrelevant.

Frankly, from watching the political talk during weeknights and Sunday mornings, I'm not sure why people think Callahan couldn't hold his own there. The bar for those programs is not set that high.

Edit: D&C 2nd in latest morning ratings.. Since they are not competing with Kiss 108 for listeners, the show is exactly where it wants to be.
My point was not that the program is a commercial failure. I'll take it at face value that they are achieving all their business goals, and God knows that it does not require quality nor intelligence to attract radio listeners. But speaking as a listener of talk shows that focus on select Boston sports and news items, I don't honestly care whether the talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items is making money, but I do care whether the talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items is doing a good job of talk that focuses on select Boston sports and news items.

If the talk that focuses on select Boston sports and news items is not of a high quality, then in my estimation it's not a good show. But I do apologize for my misunderstanding that it was a sports talk show instead of a talk show that focus on select Boston sports and news items.


Vinho Tinto

SoSH Member
Dec 9, 2003
Auburn, MA
Well, speaking as a man who makes over 100k/year, it's not a very good talk show that focuses on select Boston sports and news items.
And yet you will listen at least intermittently. Not exactly sticking it to them or their advertisers.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
And yet you will listen at least intermittently. Not exactly sticking it to them or their advertisers.
I tune in occasionally to check scores, etc. The only time I ever actually hear D&C talking for any length of time is when I am riding to a jobsite in an electrician's truck. I have no objective to "stick it" to them or their advertisers. They are not my enemies, they're just stupid people that I am occasionally exposed to. I wish them all the best, I just also wish there were better talk shows that focused on select Boston sports and news items.
Apr 17, 2006
No, they wouldn't. It's been tried and it's failed, repeatedly.
There has never been a local morning sports show that provided a viable alternative. ESPNRadio has a shitty signal and a national morning show.
1510 has an even worse signal.
They've never had to compete.

If there was another local morning sports show that people could actually hear I believe they'd beat D&C badly in the ratings. For one thing, this thread is the first time I have EVER encountered anyone who genuinely likes the show.

Do you really believe this? The guy makes 7 figures a year, plays golf every day and makes a living talking about whatever he feels like, usually sports and politics. You think he's really an unhappy, angry, white man that's pissed off at the world? Or is he playing a role, just like Meter plays the heel?

This thread, and the dozens that preceded it never cease to amaze me because the gullibility on display is mind-boggling. Every time he gets under your or anyone else's skin, he's doing his job. Plain and simple. His job is not to go in there every morning and read the fucking box score. People in here are talking about how they want to hear about the game from the night before. What the fuck do you want to hear? Didn't you watch the game? What is Gerry Callahan going to tell you about the game the night before that you can't read in the newspaper or online or find in a box score? Do you really care about Gerry Callahan's opinion of Dustin Pedroia's swing or David Ortiz' plate discipline? I didn't think so, and neither does anyone else, which is why you'll never hear it. Wake up people, it's an act, a good one too.
You say all that as if it's an obvious fact that he is putting on an act. It isn't, it's your opinion. I've never seen any indication that he's anything but serious about the filth that comes out of his mouth.
I don't think he's acting. The ugliness and utter hatred in his voice is far too genuine-sounding for me to believe it's not real.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
I really don't understand why they insist on pushing their political beliefs in to the programming. If I wanted to listen to that I'd dial in to any of the dozens of other stations that are politically driven. I care more about the worst guy in the Sox rookie league team than anything politics related; it's sports talk radio, so stick to sports.


Drive Carefully
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2005
There has never been a local morning sports show that provided a viable alternative. ESPNRadio has a shitty signal and a national morning show.
1510 has an even worse signal.
They've never had to compete.
I don't understand this "signal" argument. I live very close to Burlington and never had a problem getting 1510's signal nor have I ever had a problem getting ESPN's signal. The problem with each of those stations is that the shows on them sucked huge amounts of ass. If a study could be done showing the ratings where their signals were strongest, I can guarantee you that they still got trounced by D&C.

If there was another local morning sports show that people could actually hear I believe they'd beat D&C badly in the ratings.
I'd be willing to make whatever bet you feel obliged to make if it ever happens.

For one thing, this thread is the first time I have EVER encountered anyone who genuinely likes the show.
I wouldn't say I genuinely like the show. I find it entertaining in that I get to hear a whole bunch of whiny, pitiful folks get on their high horse and try and beat Gerry Callahan in an argument, never realizing the utter futility in arguing with someone who holds the mute button. I then get to come in here and watch people misconstrue, completely lie and totally fabricate what was said on the air because they either (a) have an agenda or (b) tuned in for about 3 minutes and heard all they needed to in order to form an opinion on a show that's on the air for four hours. All you have to do is read this thread and you'll find dozens of posts from people saying "I tuned in, then tuned out," or "I don't really listen" and I'm supposed to take their opinion as somehow informed. If someone told you that they only watched about 2 Red Sox games this year, would you listen to them try and breakdown the mechanics of Jon Lester's throwing motion?

You say all that as if it's an obvious fact that he is putting on an act. It isn't, it's your opinion. I've never seen any indication that he's anything but serious about the filth that comes out of his mouth.
I don't think he's acting. The ugliness and utter hatred in his voice is far too genuine-sounding for me to believe it's not real.
You're right, it's my opinion. It's more informed than just having listened to the show for over a decade though. Spend some time around Boston. The guy lives here and isn't exactly a hermit. You'll find some more information about who he is, or better yet, read some of his writings. Let me know how much ugliness and utter hatred you find there. Don't worry, I'll wait for your examples.

John Marzano Olympic Hero

has fancy plans, and pants to match
SoSH Member
Apr 12, 2001
Death, it's not so much that Callahan is a pompous windbag, it's that he's a loud, pompous windbag with no give. Sports radio is full of pompous loud mouths, like Glenn Ordway or Mike Felger. And that's how you get on the air, you have to be steadfast in your convictions -- I completely understand this. One of the reasons why I think Bob Lobel or Larry Johnson is so terrible in this format is that they don't take a side.

But Callahan is a special kind of asshole in that in his own mind, he's never, ever, ever, ever wrong. Not even a smidgen. He doesn't want discourse on his show, he wants a pulpit to yell and scream what he thinks is the way the world should be run. He has surpassed the role of curmudgeon and is teetering on the brink of being a right-wing lunatic. Nothing makes this person happy. The day after the Celtics won the title he was bitching about Deval Patrick NOT going to the parade. Who cares? The Celts just utterly destroyed their rivals and he's worried about who is going to be at the parade.

There are two ways to do talk radio, one is to just talk and never take calls or do what D&C allege to do and that is open the airwaves up for other people's opinions. Obviously, not all opinions are created equally, and conversations that go no where need to be dumped but for Callahan to shout down or belittle anything that runs contrary to his beliefs is a waste of my time, the caller's time and Callahan's time. Furthermore, I'm not sure that he really does understand politics in the United States as you contend. And that's not because I'm not on his side of the scope. From my listening to Callahan, I've come to the conclusion that he views the world in black and white (not racial, just extremes) and is firmly entrenched in either your with me or against me sort of mentality. There's a reason that Gerry Callahan writes sports and it's not because he has an uncanny understanding of the games.

This is how children and the mentally slow argue. Greg, you seem like a pretty successful attorney and while I've seen firsthand how you hold firm on a lot of issues, you also know the art of compromise. Callahan does not know this; it's either his way or the highway. And like I said, if he was monologing, that's fine, but he's in an industry where he needs to have some sort of give-and-take with the audience. He does not do this for a vast majority of his callers. This is what's the most frustrating aspect of the Dennis and Callahan show.

Howard Stern used to do this same thing too and while I loved Howard, it was one of the worst parts of his show because he's either getting his balls licked by sycophants or he's yelling at someone who had the termasity to disagree with him.

You can say that the Dennis and Callahan formula has worked for ten years and point to the ratings, the salaries of the two hosts and the amount of money that they bring to WEEI and I agree. However, there really isn't much in ways of competition and I am certain that if a strong competitor did emerge, Dennis and Callahan would be running for cover. There's a reason why D&C didn't leave EEI last year for WBCN or another station and that's because they knew that if they ever left Brighton, they'd be fucked, plain and simple. I can guarantee that they'd have a quarter of the ratings they have now and whom ever replaced them would be kicking their collective ass up and down the dial.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2006
Red Sox Natin
...If someone told you that they only watched about 2 Red Sox games this year, would you listen to them try and breakdown the mechanics of Jon Lester's throwing motion?...
No, but if someone who watched lots of pitchers and knew about pitching mechanics generally saw a minor-leaguer pitch 15 or 20 times over a period of many years and said that the guy cannot throw strikes and has terrible mechanics, I'd probably give his opinion the benefit of the doubt.

One does not need to drink Bud Light Lime from a variety of different glass shapes at different temperatures and after allowing it to breathe for various periods of time to know that it sucks.