Is 51 > 49? Choose your favorite child!

What was the greatest Super Bowl of all time?

  • Super Bowl LI - the Comeback, the Catch, the Revenge and the GOAT make the latest the greatest!

    Votes: 43 30.1%
  • Super Bowl XLIX: Deflate this! The Butler did it! Sherman's shock and horror...

    Votes: 30 21.0%
  • Super Bowl XXXVI: You never forget your first - laying waste to the Greatest Show on Turf

    Votes: 29 20.3%
  • 2004 ALCS: Not a Super Bowl but it's importance transcends limiting details such as that...

    Votes: 39 27.3%
  • SB XXXVIII or XXXIX: Showing it wasn't a fluke / Cementing the Dynasty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Super Bowl XLII: I refuse to believe we lost that game - greatest NFL team ever!

    Votes: 2 1.4%

  • Total voters


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
, After a great game, an historic game even, it's natural to call what you've just witnessed as the 'greatest' or 'best' or 'most incredible' thing you've ever seen. But sitting back in your easy chair by the fire with your dog at your feet and a glass of Macallan 18 swirling in your hand, it's time to ask whether SB LI was the greatest game ever or whether there were others more deserving of that accolade. Amazingly, as supporters of this franchise we have a few other choice games to pick from and compare - a difficult exercise maybe, but not an altogether unpleasant one to contemplate!

Personally, when picking the best a big component is the level of play and on Sunday night (Monday morning for me) the Pats played so poorly in the 2Q and the Falcons in the 4Q and OT that it took a bit away from the whole. Don't get me wrong - the improbability of the comeback (only the Bills - Oilers Frank Reich game seemed more far-fetched - and that was on a Wild Card weekend vice the game's biggest stage) added an incredible element to the outcome and the surprising dominance that Jarrett, Alford and the rest brought to the 1st half of the game made the turnaround that much more incredible. But as well as they played early and as quick as they were, they never could instil the fear and respect that came with the Legion of Doom two years before. That Seattle team was dominant and falling 10 pts behind them felt almost as onerous as the 25-point deficit to Atlanta (ok, not quite but at least much of that same kind of dread of being too far behind was there).

The Kearse catch that evoked all the memories of Tyree and Manningham also brought in an element of being wronged once again by the Football Gods who seemed to be in league with the idiots and haters calling us cheats. Brady had risen to his highest level and overcome a defense on par with the '00 Ravens or '02 Bucs (if not the '85 Bears) to take the lead only to have it seemingly swept away but yet another lucky bounce of the ball. To see Malcolm Butler achieve redemption so soon afterwards and so completely was the clincher that took the game to the highest echelon in my humble opinion.

So with due respect to Hightower's strip sack, Edelman's miracle catch and James White's determination to find the end zone time after time after time after time, to Tom Brady removing the last hold out doubters that he is the GOAT from the premises, to the FU given to Roger Goodell on the League's biggest stage I still think that 49 was the ultimate game. It was the game I used to get my youngest daughter hooked on the NFL (no easy feat over here in London) and on Gronk, Edelman, Wilfork and Butler in particular. It was football at its highest level against a worthy adversary that was easy to hate. The Falcons were impressive and might go on to be great - but they're just not hatable and that, too, has it's place in the pantheon of great victories.

But I'll stop my rambling rant (too much Macallan?) and let you add your thoughts. Please vote and debate and defend your choices. Lots of good reasons out there to disagree...

Eddie Jurak

Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Dec 12, 2002
Melrose, MA
To me they are equal.

Edit: I'd put both above 2003 and 2004 but behind 2001 if we are rating the Pats Super Bowl wins.


SoSH Member
Dec 16, 2002
2 weeks of 24/7 Deflategate (a test run for the "fake news" era) before 49 made it us against the fucking world. 51 was amazing but it's hard to describe the wild swings of emotion that were capped with the most famous play in SB history. The Rams game has to be up there as well, so 51 probably drops to #3, as hard to believe as that is.
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SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
I'm with you on 49 > 51.

SB51 felt like a giddy miracle to behold: fantastically enjoyable viewing experience and delightful capstone on the BB-Brady era to date. But part of why I was able to enjoy it so much was that I didn't feel I was going to hurl myself out a window if the Pats lost, which speaks volumes as to why it wasn't the greatest: as a fan, I didn't 'need' this one as much as 49 (or, the 2004 ALCS, which was the single greatest sports moment of my life, but I didn't vote for b/c I wanted to keep the discussion to SB only).

Winning SB49 carried more urgency (will the Pats ever win again? Can I bear to hear one more thing about their ability to win minus spy cameras and underinflated footballs?). Also, quality of opponent matters: I feel the 2014 Seahawks are the best team we've faced in a SB other than the '85 Bears. Finally, SB49 was truly a great game in terms of changes in momentum and fortune— two teams trading blows— whereas SB51 was largely about one team racing out to a lead and then collapsing, which is compelling as hell but depressing as well.

But, jesus christ, I can't believe I'm rating a 25 point SB comeback as second-best to anything. It really is an embarrassment of riches.


SoSH Member
Jun 8, 2009
I went 49>51 as well. In 51, once they converted the first 2 pt conversion, and they were down by 8, it felt to me like the team was already in a position to win that game. I know a lot had to happen, and thankfully these things did, but somehow there was just a confidence that the comeback would be completed.

In 49, after the Kearse catch, I was convinced the game was over and the Pats had lost. The Butler pick was so unexpected, and so outrageous, I couldn't believe it.

Lose Remerswaal

Experiencing Furry Panic
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SoSH Member
49 was great with a surprise ending but so was 51, plus it was after an historic (if you can use "an historic" so can I) comeback, plus the FU to the league makes this one bigger.

I'd even put 36 ahead of 49 for the reason you gave: You always remember your first.

And putting the 2004 ALCS there isn't fair on a Red Sox board, so I ignored that option.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
49 was great with a surprise ending but so was 51, plus it was after an historic (if you can use "an historic" so can I) comeback, plus the FU to the league makes this one bigger.

I'd even put 36 ahead of 49 for the reason you gave: You always remember your first.

And putting the 2004 ALCS there isn't fair on a Red Sox board, so I ignored that option.
I'll stand by "an historic" but embarrassingly I see I somehow typed "it's importance" and (probably for good reason) you can't edit a poll :( I'm mortified that my daughter's going to see that...

Mugsy's Jock

Eli apologist
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SoSH Member
Dec 28, 2000
And putting the 2004 ALCS there isn't fair on a Red Sox board, so I ignored that option.
If we have learned nothing else, it's that in an election you can't simply ignore choices on the ballot because you think they don't belong.

I voted 2004 ALCS because it combined a.) never happened before, b.) 86-year legacy of failure, c.) most hated and long-time rival, and d.) incredibly dramatic games, at least a couple of which appeared irrertrievably lost. Never say never, but I'm not sure what could possibly dislodge that one.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
Well, except for it not being a Super Bowl ... technically.

But I put it on as a choice because this is, after all, SOSH and so I thought I should accommodate what was obviously going to have significant demand!


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
49. I loved this one but it felt like it was on house money. The 2014 Seahawks are the best team the pats played on the playoffs except maybe the 04 colts. And more importantly, it solidifies the brady and belichick are the greatest arguments.

51 is just the cherry on top.


SoSH Member
Aug 15, 2008
51: A 2000 Pedro performance by James White
49: A 1999 Pedro play by Butler
36: The whole team was Pedro and they treated Marshall Faulk like Don Zimmer.

2004: The most Pedro performance of all.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
Really, really hard to rate them, particularly since 36 was 15 years ago and 51was Sunday night . . . but I voted 49:

-Hadn't won a title in a decade, three straight Super Bowl losses after three straight wins would have been really hard to take

-A much better played game start to finish than 51

-A better opponent, Seattle was 1 play away from winning 2 in 3 years

-Greatest single play in Super Bowl history to seal the victory. Butler's pick was the ultimate demonstration of one team being more prepared for a particular situation than the other, the essence of what makes the Pats great and BB the GOAT head coach.

-I wanted Brady's fourth ring worse than I probably wanted anything in sports setting aside 2004

I would put 36 2nd and 51 3rd. The comeback was absolutely amazing but it was necessary because of some very un-Patriot like mistakes during the first 2 1/2 quarters. 36 was . . . a belief that despite what everyone else thought the Pats could stick with the Rams, validation of that belief as they hung in there on defense and made the most of a couple of Ram mistakes to take what seemed like a commanding lead into the 4th quarter, crushing disappointment as a Boston team was again going to choke away a chance at a title, then complete and utter joy at the end. It's sort of hard to remember where we were psychologically as a fan base in 2001. We needed that one so badly. Man, as I type this I might be talking myself into 36 being #1 and 49 being #2.


New Member
Mar 25, 2015
I went with 36, for most of the reasons already listed. But also, from a personal standpoint, I had just turned 6 when the Celtics won in 86, so I hadn't really ever seen a championship. I was a senior at Umass, and things were so bad, we celebrated like our team had won a championship just when the D-backs came back and beat the Yankees (I don't want to imagine how it would have felt to have gone to school and all 4 years won by the MFY) (And I'm not even going to bring up the embarrassment of the Ray Bourque victory celebration, too). So yeah, ,finally winning that first was pretty crazy. And as a 14 point underdog after winning the Snow Bowl, and beating the Steelers, ,and all that.


SoSH Member
Jan 3, 2007
If it weren't for Deflategate, I'd go with SB 49 or SB 36. However, while SB 49 happened right in the DFG hot zone, it happened before the Wells Report was released, before the punishments were handed down, before Brady's appeal in front of independent arbitrator Roger Goodell, before Berman's decision, before Berman's decision was reversed, before Judge Chin said the evidence against Brady was compelling if not overwhelming, before Brady served his punishment and before 2 years of insults, accusations and dismissals from talking heads and rival fans. That these same Pat-haters were sharpening their knives in the 3rd quarter on Sunday makes it all the sweeter.

The only thing that can top SB 51 is the 2004 ALCS, because for how bad the Patriot-haters are, Yankee fans were worse.

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I'm with you on 49 > 51.

SB51 felt like a giddy miracle to behold: fantastically enjoyable viewing experience and delightful capstone on the BB-Brady era to date. But part of why I was able to enjoy it so much was that I didn't feel I was going to hurl myself out a window if the Pats lost, which speaks volumes as to why it wasn't the greatest: as a fan, I didn't 'need' this one as much as 49 (or, the 2004 ALCS, which was the single greatest sports moment of my life, but I didn't vote for b/c I wanted to keep the discussion to SB only).

Winning SB49 carried more urgency (will the Pats ever win again? Can I bear to hear one more thing about their ability to win minus spy cameras and underinflated footballs?). Also, quality of opponent matters: I feel the 2014 Seahawks are the best team we've faced in a SB other than the '85 Bears. Finally, SB49 was truly a great game in terms of changes in momentum and fortune— two teams trading blows— whereas SB51 was largely about one team racing out to a lead and then collapsing, which is compelling as hell but depressing as well.

But, jesus christ, I can't believe I'm rating a 25 point SB comeback as second-best to anything. It really is an embarrassment of riches.
I voted for 36 but I have 49 a close #2 (51 is basically 2B) for that exact reason. When the Kearse catch happened my brain and heart basically shut down. I remember quietly sitting down, saying "well, clearly they aren't meant to win a 4th," posted the same sentiment in the game thread here I believe, and entered a fugue state until Butler happened.


SoSH Member
Apr 10, 2009
Concord, NH
I wasn't living in agony before the first win, and I can't compare 2004 to anything, so I had to vote for 51.

The Butler play was amazing, but it was 1 play.

51 was Tom Brady outdoing Tom Brady on everything Tom Brady does, but at age 39, down by more than anyone has ever come back from, and at the maximum "fuck you Roger" timing.

Easily the best football game I have ever seen. Which, admittedly isn't nearly as big a pool as the rest of you.


SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2009
Super Bowl 49 should go down as the greatest of all time in my book. 36 is the most meaningful championship to me a team will win in my life, but 49 was only slightly less so, and it was a better played game sealed by the greatest play in Super Bowl history.

I'd take it over this one as well for two reasons: 1) everything that had happened from the 06/07 AFC championship against the Colts up through deflategate made the "need" for Brady and Bill to win greater than any other non first (or non undefeated...ugh) championship could ever be and 2) it was a better played game. Sunday night was the greatest comeback ever and perhaps the craziest sporting event I'll ever watch, but 49 felt more like 2 incredible teams playing close to their peak for 60 minutes and one emerging narrowly victorious. From a neutral perspective I think that makes it a better game than 51, in which both teams had sustained periods of ineptitude far worse than the Patriots in the 1st half against the Seahawks.


Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Mar 5, 2004
Saskatoon Canada
If it is Superbowls the Seattle game is important. You can't get to 5 without 4. Seattle played better, and had some dislikable personalities on their team. I tends to love Sherman, but his mocking of Revis was weak.

Nothing compares to 04 ALCS though. If the Sox had won in 03 04 would still be the best, but the fact it ended a historic drought against THE hated rival transcends all others.


Don't touch his dog food
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SoSH Member
Dec 10, 2003
I'm voting 51. The expectations to win were similar to the undefeated season. Once we went 3-1, all the talk was Goodell handing the Pats and Brady trophies. So to manage that distraction and focus on the job to do is pretty incredible. Take the way we won, throw in the defensive stop at the end (similar situation to our final drive against the Rams), plus the OT domination, and I'm voting 51.

The actual OT TD wasn't the same feeling I had on Adam's FG, Butler or Rodney's INT's, because I had no doubt we'd score, but overall I like this one the best. Marty, Long, Hogan seem to be really deserving and appreciative guys as well, so that aspect is pretty cool.

Of all the teams we've faced in Super Bowls, absent '86, this is the team I'd least like to face again in a week. They were much better than I expected on both sides of the ball.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
I prefer 51 over 49 merely because in many ways (because this is how sports media works nowadays), it saw a swing in Brady's legacy, which most people were salivating for, from likely being "one of the best, but is he overrated?" to "Holy shit, how could anyone have ever doubted this guy being the best?" in the span of 45 minutes. Look at the tweets that were coming out. "Patriots finally done!" "A new era!" and that sort of stuff. But no. I mean, that comeback would have been ludicrous in a game of Madden, never mind in a real football game, much less the Super Bowl. And when it was all over, it was clear that Brady was the only guy who could have done what he did.

It also reminded me a bit of this ridiculous scene in this ridiculous movie (with Van Damme playing the part of Drew Magary).



heart is two sizes two small
SoSH Member
Sep 20, 2005
I can't do the numbers. In a few years I'm going to have no idea which one 51 was. But in terms of epic-ness, wins or losses:

1. Falcons
2. Seahawks
3. Rams
4. Giants I
5. Panthers
6. Giants II
7. Eagles

The Panthers SB was pretty epic, and it's 5th. Amazing.


given himself a skunk spot
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Funny thing about modern media's impact; every decent Super Bowl is hailed as "The Best" and then it's basically forgotten 3 years later. I think this is, in part, why Brady/the Pats have had a hard time being seen as "the best" compared to Montana/49ers and their 80s/90s ilk. There was a consensus that Montana was the greatest, and there was no point writing contradictory "takes" because there was limited journalistic real estate, and who's going to waste time/space on that? Today, if you want to think Brady is overrated and not a top 5 QB, there are threads in message boards, and posts on blogs, that will give you that satisfaction. It's a microcosm of the larger "bubble" media that our country deals with. And deflategate was absolutely a canary in a coalmine for the 2016 election regarding the impact media had on popular perception, and the difficulty of communicating objectively with people with inaccurate but dug-in viewpoints.

After the Rams, Panthers, and both Giants' games (and the Seattle and now the Atlanta one), there seemed to be a loose consensus that each was The Best Super Bowl Ever! But now nobody except Giants and Pats fans remembers the various details of those two Super Bowls, maybe aside from the Pats were undefeated in one of them, and someone made a catch on their helmet. And that Panthers Super Bowl was epic; it should absolutely be a Top 5 SB ever, but it hardly gets mentioned anymore aside from a Janet Jackson reference.
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Urological Expert
SoSH Member
Nov 4, 2007
Super Bowl 49 should go down as the greatest of all time in my book. 36 is the most meaningful championship to me a team will win in my life, but 49 was only slightly less so, and it was a better played game sealed by the greatest play in Super Bowl history.

I'd take it over this one as well for two reasons: 1) everything that had happened from the 06/07 AFC championship against the Colts up through deflategate made the "need" for Brady and Bill to win greater than any other non first (or non undefeated...ugh) championship could ever be and 2) it was a better played game. Sunday night was the greatest comeback ever and perhaps the craziest sporting event I'll ever watch, but 49 felt more like 2 incredible teams playing close to their peak for 60 minutes and one emerging narrowly victorious. From a neutral perspective I think that makes it a better game than 51, in which both teams had sustained periods of ineptitude far worse than the Patriots in the 1st half against the Seahawks.
Damn. Reading that just really hit home how long a sustained streak of excellence this has been. Tom Brady won SB 36, then he won 49, then he won 51 (with some others in between). That's a lot of space between victories? Is that a record, too?

As for choice, I'd say 49, just because it was more intense start to finish and losing that game in those circumstances would've been harder to swallow. I like the Falcons and Matt Ryan, and this one was just the cherry on the whipped cream on top.


SoSH Member
Aug 2, 2009
I think it's partly the modern media, but also that starting with either the Elway Broncos or Rams/Titans the Super Bowl has been an excellent game more often than not. Pats Eagles is probably a bottom 5 or 6 SB game since 2000, which says something about how many contenders there are for best just in recent memory.

EL Jeffe

SoSH Member
Aug 30, 2006
To me, it's pretty easily 36. I wonder what the age breakdown is for the voting; if you're 40+ years old, you can appreciate what 36 meant to the franchise and just the Boston sports scene in general. All five wins were amazing and great in their own way, but 36 was...everything.


SoSH Member
Nov 19, 2008

I spent way too many hours on Deflategate and defending Tom Brady's perfection. This one was personal. And it was incredible.


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
I think it's partly the modern media, but also that starting with either the Elway Broncos or Rams/Titans the Super Bowl has been an excellent game more often than not. Pats Eagles is probably a bottom 5 or 6 SB game since 2000, which says something about how many contenders there are for best just in recent memory.
I was just looking at this. Starting in 1980 the following 20 Super Bowls had an average margin of victory of almost 18 points, and there were only three one-score games played during that time. A competitive Super Bowl was an anomaly and the game mostly sucked.

The 18 Super Bowls since then have an average margin of victory of 10 points, but there were two major blowouts (Seahawks-Broncos, Tampa-Raiders) and if we eliminate those the average margin of victory is just a bit over 7 points. During that time 9 of the 16 games were one-score games, and there have been 8 what I would call legitimately "great" games (5 of the 6 Pats Super Bowls, Steelers - Cards, Ravens - 9ers, Rams - Tennessee).

Shit, I have a copy of the Boston Globe cover framed in my office from after the Panthers game and the headline from Bob Ryan's piece is "Perhaps the Greatest Super Bowl Ever Played" and it almost gets lost in the sea of great games played since then.

Kenny F'ing Powers

posts way less than 18% useful shit
SoSH Member
Nov 17, 2010
Cant choose. The first one and the last two are tied fro me. The Eagles/Panthers SB are on the next level below.


SoSH Member
Nov 11, 2006
London, England
I was just looking at this. Starting in 1980 the following 20 Super Bowls had an average margin of victory of almost 18 points, and there were only three one-score games played during that time. A competitive Super Bowl was an anomaly and the game mostly sucked.

The 18 Super Bowls since then have an average margin of victory of 10 points, but there were two major blowouts (Seahawks-Broncos, Tampa-Raiders) and if we eliminate those the average margin of victory is just a bit over 7 points. During that time 9 of the 16 games were one-score games, and there have been 8 what I would call legitimately "great" games (5 of the 6 Pats Super Bowls, Steelers - Cards, Ravens - 9ers, Rams - Tennessee).

Shit, I have a copy of the Boston Globe cover framed in my office from after the Panthers game and the headline from Bob Ryan's piece is "Perhaps the Greatest Super Bowl Ever Played" and it almost gets lost in the sea of great games played since then.
Don't forget Super Bowl XLI... the game sucked (Colts easily dispatched the Bears when it should have been the Pats doing the honors) but the halftime show with Prince singing 'Purple Rain' in a Miami monsoon was a classic!

Jed Zeppelin

SoSH Member
Aug 23, 2008
I was just looking at this. Starting in 1980 the following 20 Super Bowls had an average margin of victory of almost 18 points, and there were only three one-score games played during that time. A competitive Super Bowl was an anomaly and the game mostly sucked.

The 18 Super Bowls since then have an average margin of victory of 10 points, but there were two major blowouts (Seahawks-Broncos, Tampa-Raiders) and if we eliminate those the average margin of victory is just a bit over 7 points. During that time 9 of the 16 games were one-score games, and there have been 8 what I would call legitimately "great" games (5 of the 6 Pats Super Bowls, Steelers - Cards, Ravens - 9ers, Rams - Tennessee).

Shit, I have a copy of the Boston Globe cover framed in my office from after the Panthers game and the headline from Bob Ryan's piece is "Perhaps the Greatest Super Bowl Ever Played" and it almost gets lost in the sea of great games played since then.
My one "regret" about the Pats being in so many Super Bowls is the inability to really enjoy them as football games in the moment. Could barely even enjoy the Edelman catch because I was already thinking about needing the 2pt conversion and how agonizing it would be to lose like that again.

As a viewing experience, I remember Steelers-Cards as my favorite. Wild back and forth in the final minutes, plus the absurd Harrison return before the half and unlike the Ravens-Niners game, it ended with great play after great play. The Niners loss is probably more remembered for heinous end-game management/playcalling and a possible missed DPI than anything else. Also, bonus points to Steelers-Cards for occurring in a year when the Patriots were wiped out early and never had a chance to be there, so there was never any of that "we would have beat this team for sure" regret that we've felt in some other AFCCG loss years.

Not that I'm looking forward to a time when I can enjoy the game itself more because the Pats aren't in it, but there's always a little sliver of me that's like "I would love to have watched that as an objective viewer."



SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2004
Both equally improbable, but 51 happened slowly over the course of an hour, 49 happened in an instant and may have been the single biggest play in sports history. It's hard to top that. I love them all, 51 was the most satisfying, 49 was the most exciting.


SoSH Member
Feb 3, 2010
Don't forget Super Bowl XLI... the game sucked (Colts easily dispatched the Bears when it should have been the Pats doing the honors) but the halftime show with Prince singing 'Purple Rain' in a Miami monsoon was a classic!
The games since Ravens-Giants have largely been competitive into the 4th quarter, with the exception of the Bucs and Seahawks routs.

Score entering the 4th quarter/Final Score:

17-3 New England
20-17 New England

34-9 Tampa
48-21 Tampa

14-10 New England
32-29 New England

14-14 TIE
24-21 New England

14-10 Pittsburgh
21-10 Pittsburgh

22-17 Indianapolis
29-17 Indianapolis

7-3 New England
17-14 New York

20-7 Pittsburgh
27-23 Pittsburgh

17-16 Indianapolis
31-17 New Orleans

21-17 Green Bay
31-25 Green Bay

17-15 New England
21-17 New York

28-23 Baltimore
34-31 Baltimore

36-8 Seattle
43-8 Seattle

24-14 Seattle
28-24 New England

16-7 Denver
24-10 Denver

28-9 Atlanta
34-28 New England (OT)


SoSH Member
Oct 1, 2015
2001 - The cherry was broken. There will never be anything like that.

2003 - Confirmed that 2001 wasn't a fluke, especially after missing the playoffs in 2002.

2004 - The dynasty was established.

2014 - Preventing the Seahawks from establishing their own dynasty, winning in the infancy of the Deflategate saga. Got that elusive fourth ring for BB/TB.

2016 - Greatest comeback ever. In the season where the Deflategate suspension occurred. Putting the Pats on the precipice of another dynasty.

It's really hard to choose between them. They are all so special each in its own way.


Well-Known Member
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SoSH Member
Jul 21, 2004
Washington, DC
Weird, that means of the 5 games where the winner came from behind in the 4th quarter, the Patriots were involved in 4 of them (2007, 2011, 2014, 2016).


SoSH Member
Jul 16, 2005
Chelmsford, MA
I'm more of a neutral than a Pats fan but since I'm surrounded by them I've followed through the years and I definitely found all the commentary about 51 being the greatest very strange. It was a pretty lousy game from a Pats fan perspective, I thought, since they played so poorly and were tap dancing on the head of a pin for so long. I thought the game versus SEA was a better game from a pure entertainment perspective and the win versus the Rams was better because of the underdog status. That really was an upset and IMO will stand the test of time as the BB/Brady game.

Hoodie Sleeves

SoSH Member
Nov 24, 2015
2014 was better for me.

Largely because (this one) I emotionally cut myself off on the pick-6 - they were way down, making bad mistakes, and just playing poorly. The Hightower strip was a big deal, but then that drive stalled and they kicked a fieldgoal, and I figured they didn't have enough time. I thought they were still going to lose until Ryan got sacked on the edge of field goal range, and then everything happened so quickly that I was left shocked, but not really mentally invested. More of just a "wow, that happened"

In Seattle, they were never really out of it, and it was up and down the whole game -it was an exciting roller coaster ride with twists and turns. This game was like Brady walked into the Atlanta postgame press conference, dropped Dan Quinn with a punch, said "Superbowl, Bitches" and dropped the mike.


SoSH Member
Apr 5, 2009
#1- 2001. So unexpected, the 1st, great ending.
#2- 2014. The ending was an emotional rollercoaster, beating Seattle, BB the science guy, regaining control of the league.
#3- 2016. Don't have to go into how great it was but gets knocked down on the list just bc emotionally I had accepted a loss and still can't believe what actually happened.
#4- 2017. Bitter sweat. Capping off another 2 outta 3 run, TB/BB retire.
#5- 2003 and 2004 tied


SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2012
Needham, MA
2014 was better for me.

Largely because (this one) I emotionally cut myself off on the pick-6 - they were way down, making bad mistakes, and just playing poorly. The Hightower strip was a big deal, but then that drive stalled and they kicked a fieldgoal, and I figured they didn't have enough time. I thought they were still going to lose until Ryan got sacked on the edge of field goal range, and then everything happened so quickly that I was left shocked, but not really mentally invested. More of just a "wow, that happened"

In Seattle, they were never really out of it, and it was up and down the whole game -it was an exciting roller coaster ride with twists and turns. This game was like Brady walked into the Atlanta postgame press conference, dropped Dan Quinn with a punch, said "Superbowl, Bitches" and dropped the mike.
You have the sequence wrong here. The drive before the Hightower strip sack stalled and Ghost kicked a FG to make it a 16 point game. Then the Hightower strip set them up for the score making it a one-score game. I had sort of checked out emotionally too, but when Hightower forced the fumble and they recovered I jumped off the couch and yelled "life!" and you knew it was on right there.

Hoodie Sleeves

SoSH Member
Nov 24, 2015
You have the sequence wrong here. The drive before the Hightower strip sack stalled and Ghost kicked a FG to make it a 16 point game. Then the Hightower strip set them up for the score making it a one-score game. I had sort of checked out emotionally too, but when Hightower forced the fumble and they recovered I jumped off the couch and yelled "life!" and you knew it was on right there.
Yeah - you're right. Good evidence of me being totally checked out at that point.

The previous drive they sliced right into the redzone, and then Brady wrapped a pair of sacks around a 2 yard screen (at roughly 9? minutes left in the game). It felt almost exactly the same way Ghost donking the extra point, or that shitshow 'drive' before the half did. Just a great big "that figures - this team can't do anything right today"


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
I had sort of checked out emotionally too, but when Hightower forced the fumble and they recovered I jumped off the couch and yelled "life!" and you knew it was on right there.
Indeed. The point where I'd furthest checked out was not actually when the Pats had the lowest win expectancy — after ATL scored to go up 28-3 — at that point, I still felt like the other shoe was waiting to drop, since nothing had gone NE's way so far. No, the point where I felt numbest was after we finally scored and THEN botched the PAT AND whiffed on the onside kick. It perfectly combined a sense of {objective sense of gloom about chances of winning} + {visceral, instinctual sense that nothing is going right}.

The Hightower strip-sack was the Dave Roberts moment in the comeback.


SoSH Member
Feb 12, 2003
where I was last at
All the games are special and unique.

I'm still undecided between 49 and 51.

But 51 was the game that never happens, and probably will never happen again, where sport intersected with magic. Maybe it was dark magic, but the 4th quarter and OT were magic, and is now legend.

and no love for "Trophys choice"

damn tough crowd.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Yeah, as exciting as the final quarter of this game was, my vote would be (1) 36, (2) 49, (3) 51. For most of the second half, I was just hoping the Patriots would make the final score respectable - I was emotionally prepared to lose and was not pacing my living room cursing a blue streak towards the gods. Had they missed one of those 2-point conversions and lost by a close score, Brady's legacy would have been unaffected. He'll still have more chances to get #5. There was less at stake for him and the franchise this time around, even though they wanted it as badly as ever (and had to want that, of course, given their personalities).

36 vs 49 is a tougher call. There was less pressure on the Pats in 36, but also more of a hill to climb, less reputation to fall back on; they did have the majority of the neutral fan rooting interest, and the September 11th storyline and all, but it was perhaps more of an impressive-seeming achievement at the time. BB was already viewed as a giant-killer, but that game set a new threshold for the label. 49, meanwhile, he was the Goliath, being chased by David but getting the better of it in the end. And given the game-winning drive, 36 loses nothing to 49 in terms of final-act drama.


queer eye for the next pats guy
SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2009
I'm with Oppo but switching #1 and #2. Oppo, I'm just going to add onto what you said because I feel the same way.

#1- 2014. The ending was an emotional rollercoaster, beating Seattle, BB the science guy, regaining control of the league. Seattle was a better opponent and the game flow was more exciting throughout. I'm a softy and cry a lot and was in tears at the end of this one. My kids were with me and thought it was funny.
#2- 2001. So unexpected, the 1st, great ending. Watching Tom's "I can't believe it" moment is STILL magical. Yep, crying again (technically the first time chronologically).
#3- 2016. Don't have to go into how great it was but gets knocked down on the list just bc emotionally I had accepted a loss and still can't believe what actually happened. 34-28 was about what I expected. I thought the Pats would win by around a TD. The game flow was bad and that's really because of the 2nd quarter. The 1st and 3rd quarter had good football. Both teams scored 1 TD total and the defenses made plays. The 2nd quarter was one sided for Atlanta which made the 3rd quarter tight football seem unimportant because they had a 28-3 lead through most of that quarter. Emotionally I felt like such shit watching it that I need to watch it again to figure out if this game is top 10, top 5 or top 3. That and my kids were vomiting all weekend and didn't stop until the middle of the 3rd quarter. I was personally exhausted by the time I sat down for the game (and I usually watch games standing the whole time). At the end I cried again and probably the hardest I have for sports. I was shaking. I don't think I have ever been as emotional after a game. The more I think about this I wonder if this one is the best. I don't think I know right now. Need more time to let this sink in. Pats won. Pats came back from 25, 25!, points to win the SB.
#4- 2017. Bittersweet. Capping off another 2 outta 3 run, TB/BB retire. Thought you could just sneak that in hmm?
#5- 2003 and 2004 tied Both were good games but 2003 was a little sloppy. Dramatic finish and exciting but sloppy. 2004 was satisfying but I love the Eagles too (Philly native) + I just thought the Eagles were the inferior opponent. TO had a great game but Andy Reid's game management made you want to vomit if you were an Eagles fan. No tears shed. Always thought the Pats would win. These are probably top half SB's and good games but not close to 1, 2, or 3.

As a Sox fan nothing compares to 2004 ALCS. But I wouldn't say the best toro sashimi is better than the best wagu dry aged ribeye because they are different types of food. Don't want to compare across sports especially too 2004 ALCS.


Skrub's sympathy case
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
Boston, NY
1. 36 - The breakthrough. The Pats had been doormats, near miss kids, patsies, etc. for my entire life. In their best three seasons, they got totally jobbed by an official, blown out of a Super Bowl only to have Coke allegations add salt to the wound the next day and had a the pre-SB build up ruined by the HC's perfidy. And that was on the heals of similar nonsense from Chuck Fairbanks years earlier. That was also the first Boston/NE championship since 1986.

2. 49 - The First Since SpyGate and the Giants Gut Punches. I NEEDED that win in the worst way given all that happened (including the beginning of the DG nonsense). And a walk off pick from the 1 was the most improbable ending I had ever seen until...51.

3. 51 - It was indeed glorious but the game was like being at an evil dentist until they won the toss at the start of the OT. Sure, they scored two TDs to tie it, and it was glorious. But having to convert two 2-point conversions, rely on some horrendous decision making by the NFC HC and be the beneficiary of a PI on the Bennett pass -- the right call but still -- was nausea inducing.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
c'mon, the Bennett DPI was on 1st-and-10 from the +15. If they don't call that, it's 2nd and 10 and they have a lot of margin to get the TD anyway. That was nowhere near as miraculous as things like the Edelman catch or the Hightower strip-sack.