Eero Mesh Not Connecting to All Sites


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
Have a weird one here. We have an Eero mesh setup with 3 Eeros. Yesterday, after working all morning, it starts sporadically not connecting to sites - SoSH being one of them. I can get to like half the internet, but the rest doesn’t connect and even some go in and out from time to time. Google works for 10 minutes and then stops for half an hour. When using cellular, I have no issues, so it’s clearly something network related. I switched DNS on the Eeros over to Cloudflare’s DNS at Eeros suggestion about an hour ago, but still having issues with a bunch of sites that aren’t working. Any thoughts on what I should be looking at? Do I need to change anything on my router as well?


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
One other piece of info - it appears that the issues are basically only happening on Apple devices. I just fired up my work computer and have no issue getting anywhere, but my phone, my wife's phone, and our iPad are incapable of getting to both SoSH and Google right now.


Huge Member
SoSH Member
Apr 3, 2001
I’d start by turning them all off and then powering just the base station on and see what happens. If the behavior is the same with just the base station (probably will be to be honest) then it’s something with the config or OS. See when the last update happened.

Saw your last update so I think maybe it’s not the Eero. One thing working right on the network puts the network to the back of the list for likely suspects.

If it’s just Apple devices maybe try to change the DNS on your Wi-Fi connection to, or whatever to see what happens. Did they all get the same update that just came out? Did one of you maybe add a family safety setting because of the kiddo that applied to all devices?


SoSH Member
Nov 21, 2005
Somerville, MA
Setting the DNS to on the iPhone seemed to do the trick there. The iPad is still not working, but I'll take the phone for now and work on the others throughout the day.


SoSH Member
Nov 28, 2003
Westwood, MA
Try turning off Advanced Security on Eero. This was blocking some sites for me last week. You may want that on, of course, but worth doing as a test to see if that's your issue.