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  1. S

    Staying Under $189M: The Impossible Dream

    Outstanding deduction, my compliments.
  2. S

    Dierdorf to retire from stating the obvious

    I have and always will appreciate the game from the lineman's perspective. I will miss Mr. Dierdorf, because he called the game as he seen the game, and obvious or not, he did see the game.
  3. S

    HR and Verducci are out at FOX, Smoltz is in.

    Harold and Matty V. have their place in this world, it is just not on the World Series broadcast.
  4. S

    HR and Verducci are out at FOX, Smoltz is in.

      Joe Buck couldn't keep MacCarver from being a Cardinal frontrunner when the Cards were ahead, sheesh, he could barely contain himself.  Scully and anybody is my vote.   Fox., may or may not get baseball, but they do get it better than all of the other networks.
  5. S

    HR and Verducci are out at FOX, Smoltz is in.

    The color analysts of the participants is the most sensible idea out there, imagine Joe  with the Remdawg.