Hanley Ramirez Rumors

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SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
This was on Sportshub:

“Obviously, I know absolutely nothing about sports or Hanley Ramirez’s stats, but what I do know is crime,” McPhee said on The Sports Hub. “And there has been some reports about a FaceTime phone call that was made between a man during a car stop. After that car stop, police recovered a significant amount of drugs. And during that car stop, the suspect claimed that one of the items found in the vehicle belonged to Hanley Ramirez and then FaceTimed [Ramirez] in front of police. And that car stop coordinated with the timing of his release from the Red Sox.”

McPhee reported that the suspect who was pulled over — a person who was not Ramirez — was found with “435 grams of fentanyl as well as a large amount of crack cocaine.”
So, curiously, this comes up when I Google "435 grams of fentanyl". It's dated after his Hanley's release, if it's even related to him at all.


Delcio Rodriguez, 29, was arrested on Wednesday as a result of a joint operation between the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the Massachusetts State Police Commonwealth Interstate Narcotics Reduction Enforcement Team (CINRET), and Massachusetts State troopers assigned to the AG’s Office. Authorities arrested Rodriguez after law enforcement officials found him to be in possession of 435 grams of fentanyl and seven grams of crack during a motor vehicle stop in Methuen. Investigators subsequently discovered an additional 100 grams of fentanyl and 51 grams of crack and powder cocaine while executing a search warrant at Rodriguez’s home in Lawrence.
Edit: I also just noticed that it's a joint state and federal investigation, just like the rumor suggests.....
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SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Wow, good find. Seems like too much of a coincidence to NOT be related to the case/rumors.
Right, that's what I think as well. So likely related to the rumored story but not a motivating factor in Red Sox personnel moves (unless they caught wind of Hanley's extracurriculars via some other channel).


SoSH Member
Jan 23, 2009
But it would seem to answer the question lots of people were asking about the timing of his release. Not surprising that his lack of hitting was leading to a release but it seemed to happen much sooner than everyone thought.
It happened because they needed the spot for Pedroia. If it was inevitable that he was going to get released, why is that reason for doing it when they did it not perfectly valid?

It seems like this is one of those situations where the pieces only fit because one wants them to, like every other wingnut conspiracy theory.

Hank Scorpio

SoSH Member
Apr 1, 2013
Salem, NH
This is giving me a great idea for a TV series.

Extraordinarily talented baseball player, generational talent. A genius at the plate. But he never really lives up to his potential. Diagnosed with a career killing wrist injury, which he keeps secret from his ballclub, and faced with the prospect of being forced out of the game and losing out on his $22 million option, he worries about the future of his family and turns to a life of crime.

Within days, he becomes a major drug kingpin, eventually killing dozens and destroying countless lives.

The season reaches a head when manager Alex Cora finds a poetry book in his star players locker, containing a handwritten passage with damning evidence. Lives are turned upside down, as rumors fly wildly across the internet.

Meh, never mind. It’d never catch on.


Run, Forrest, run!
SoSH Member
Jun 13, 2006
Hartford area
It happened because they needed the spot for Pedroia. If it was inevitable that he was going to get released, why is that reason for doing it when they did it not perfectly valid?

It seems like this is one of those situations where the pieces only fit because one wants them to, like every other wingnut conspiracy theory.

Time will tell....


New Member
Sep 25, 2017
Seems like it was right around the time Hanley was released when Pedroia last played, too...

Van Everyman

SoSH Member
Apr 30, 2009
I don’t know about her reporting credentials but anyone who watched that Aaron Hernandez documentary from a few months knows that Michelle McPhee appears to be a horrible person. She spends most of the documentary saying vaguely racist things about how Hernandez and his attorney “don’t fit” in Boston. Then, a day after Hernandez was acquitted for the double-homicide, McPhee went on Kirk and Callahan and outed Hernandez as gay in about the most dated and crass way possible (“Let’s just say Hernandez wasn’t just a tight end but also a wide receiver”). The documentary suggested that he killed himself 24 or 48 hours later as a direct result of being outed.

If McPhee ends up in the middle of this story (assuming there’s a story) I suspect we are in for more of the same.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Wow, good find. Seems like too much of a coincidence to NOT be related to the case/rumors.
Looks like Delcio has a drug distro rap sheet:

June 2011: 23 captured in city-wide sweep, more operations planned
Seems like it was right around the time Hanley was released when Pedroia last played, too...
And Sunil Tripathi saw him passed out at 32 flavors last night.

Guys, maybe cool it on the amateur "investigating the police investigations" internet conspiracy theorying. It's hurt lots of people before.

Hank Scorpio

SoSH Member
Apr 1, 2013
Salem, NH
And Sunil Tripathi saw him passed out at 32 flavors last night.

Guys, maybe cool it on the amateur "investigating the police investigations" internet conspiracy theorying. It's hurt lots of people before.
No one is saying Hanley is guilty of anything. Even if the FaceTime report is true. Could just be some douchebag playing the “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” card.

If indeed the FaceTime report is true, it’s almost certain the linked arrest report is tied to the alleged “Hanley investigation”. I mean, the drug types and quantities in both reports are identical...

Likeliest big reveal from all of this? Hanley is friends/acquaintances with a few shitty people.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
No one is saying Hanley is guilty of anything. Even if the FaceTime report is true. Could just be some douchebag playing the “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?” card.

If indeed the FaceTime report is true, it’s almost certain the linked arrest report is tied to the alleged “Hanley investigation”. I mean, the drug types and quantities in both reports are identical...

Likeliest big reveal from all of this? Hanley is friends/acquaintances with a few shitty people.
Off the top of my head, the way you make a good lie is to base it on truth. Like taking an existing crime report and embellishing it. Then when people look it up, they similar facts and it seems to verify the initial belief. People have literally written manuals on how to do this, which is why real verification matters.

I’m not saying this isn’t true. I’m just saying that that logic doesn’t hold up.


SoSH Member
Sep 1, 2006
Tamworth, NH
Considering this has been picked up by NBC, CBS, Sports Illustrated, etc., it suggests it may have some legs. They're all referring back to McPhee, but one would think they would have nailed it down with another source putting it out there.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Considering this has been picked up by NBC, CBS, Sports Illustrated, etc., it suggests it may have some legs. They're all referring back to McPhee, but one would think they would have nailed it down with another source putting it out there.
Really? Does the media honestly even worry about that anymore? I would think these outlets would mention that they had confirming sources in their reports if they had them.


SoSH Member
Sep 1, 2006
Tamworth, NH
Really? Does the media honestly even worry about that anymore? I would think these outlets would mention that they had confirming sources in their reports if they had them.
One would think it would take more than a tweet and a few minutes on talk radio for it to go national. However, the media nowadays is pretty irresponsible.

I suspect what is more likely is that other outlets were aware of the rumors (which have been circulating for days or weeks now), but couldn't or didn't nail it down; when someone else put their neck out to report it, they jumped on and pointed back to that source, in case a libel suit follows.


SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Whatever you think of McPhee personally she is known to be connected in law enforcement and as noted she did break the Hernandez story.
This isn't some random person on twitter.


mikey lowell of the sandbox
SoSH Member
Jun 27, 2006
Off the top of my head, the way you make a good lie is to base it on truth. Like taking an existing crime report and embellishing it. Then when people look it up, they similar facts and it seems to verify the initial belief. People have literally written manuals on how to do this, which is why real verification matters.

I’m not saying this isn’t true. I’m just saying that that logic doesn’t hold up.
When caught out, you explain that your contributions are merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.


SoSH Member
Aug 12, 2010
One would think it would take more than a tweet and a few minutes on talk radio for it to go national. However, the media nowadays is pretty irresponsible.

I suspect what is more likely is that other outlets were aware of the rumors (which have been circulating for days or weeks now), but couldn't or didn't nail it down; when someone else put their neck out to report it, they jumped on and pointed back to that source, in case a libel suit follows.
Make sure you yell at them to get off your lawn, too.


SoSH Member
Jul 20, 2005
Minneapolis, MN
When caught out, you explain that your contributions are merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative.
With this, I feel I have stumbled upon the inevitable intersection of every active thread on this site. A veritable SOSH version of the nexus of the universe.


The Ultimate One
SoSH Member
Sep 27, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA
Considering this has been picked up by NBC, CBS, Sports Illustrated, etc., it suggests it may have some legs. They're all referring back to McPhee, but one would think they would have nailed it down with another source [before] putting it out there.
One would indeed think that in any news subject other than sports, wherein your mistakes are quickly forgotten and everyone's in it for entertainment rather than enlightenment. And with apologies to Philly, nobody's sportswriters are worse than Boston's, collectively, at prizing being first over being right.


SoSH Member
Dec 8, 2005
Whatever you think of McPhee personally she is known to be connected in law enforcement and as noted she did break the Hernandez story.
This isn't some random person on twitter.
Or some random person on SoSH, I suppose.

Soxfan in Fla

SoSH Member
Jul 30, 2001
Some random guy got busted for possession and he happened to know Hanley (well enough to be able to facetime him). So because the bust happened to coincide with when Hanley was released, it must be related? Seems like a huge stretch to me.

Unless Hanley is actually the drug kingpin of Lawrence, this seems like a whole lot of nothing.
I thought Nip was the drug kingpin of Lawrence.


Well-Known Member
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jul 18, 2005
Boulder, CO
This is giving me a great idea for a TV series.

Extraordinarily talented baseball player, generational talent. A genius at the plate. But he never really lives up to his potential. Diagnosed with a career killing wrist injury, which he keeps secret from his ballclub, and faced with the prospect of being forced out of the game and losing out on his $22 million option, he worries about the future of his family and turns to a life of crime.

Within days, he becomes a major drug kingpin, eventually killing dozens and destroying countless lives.

The season reaches a head when manager Alex Cora finds a poetry book in his star players locker, containing a handwritten passage with damning evidence. Lives are turned upside down, as rumors fly wildly across the internet.

Meh, never mind. It’d never catch on.
But who would play Al Reyes?


funky and cold
SoSH Member
Jul 22, 2005
As someone on the record at the time as thinking Aaron Hernandez was a victim of circumstance, I would just like to point out that I am a moron. That's all.

Sampo Gida

SoSH Member
Aug 7, 2010
This story reminds me of Manny Alexander and the Bat Boy from Dorchester which led to the bat boy and later Mannys departure due to the investigation over the syringes found in Mannys car (Manny likely got named in Mitchell report as a result), and Remys son working with the Red Sox as a security staffer being caught up in an investigation over steroids following a car driven by another Red Sox staffer after getting stopped with steroids in Quincy and claiming he bought them from Remys son. Both Remy and the other staffer were fired and Manny Ramirez was traded soon after as MLB opened an investigation (maybe trade was a coincidence but Manny got suspended soon after for steroids after signing with Dodgers)

No idea whats really up with Hanley but it does seem to explain a few things that puzzled me. Have to wait for more details.


SoSH Member
Jul 19, 2005
I don’t know about her reporting credentials but anyone who watched that Aaron Hernandez documentary from a few months knows that Michelle McPhee appears to be a horrible person. She spends most of the documentary saying vaguely racist things about how Hernandez and his attorney “don’t fit” in Boston. Then, a day after Hernandez was acquitted for the double-homicide, McPhee went on Kirk and Callahan and outed Hernandez as gay in about the most dated and crass way possible (“Let’s just say Hernandez wasn’t just a tight end but also a wide receiver”). The documentary suggested that he killed himself 24 or 48 hours later as a direct result of being outed.

If McPhee ends up in the middle of this story (assuming there’s a story) I suspect we are in for more of the same.

I don't know, saying a murderous gang thug 'doesn't fit in Boston' is honesty, not racism


SoSH Member
Jun 6, 2009
Seems like it was right around the time Hanley was released when Pedroia last played, too...
Is Dustin part of the conspiracy?! Has he been using crack for pain management?!!???!

[sarcasm, in case its not obvious]

Cesar Crespo

SoSH Member
Dec 22, 2002
And yet no one will be punished for terrible reporting. I doubt in his case it effects his ability to get work but damn.


for king and country
Lifetime Member
SoSH Member
Jan 20, 2007
Off the top of my head, the way you make a good lie is to base it on truth. Like taking an existing crime report and embellishing it. Then when people look it up, they similar facts and it seems to verify the initial belief. People have literally written manuals on how to do this, which is why real verification matters.

I’m not saying this isn’t true. I’m just saying that that logic doesn’t hold up.

Except 'Concerned Patriot'. :)

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